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Nazi Germany

Nazi Germany. Key Terms/People/Vocabulary. National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP). “Nazi”. Sturmabteilung (SA). Brownshirts / Stormtroopers. Ernst Roehm. SA Leader. Beer Hall Putsch. Failed Nazi overthrow of the German government that began in Munich (1923). Mein Kampf.

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Nazi Germany

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Nazi Germany Key Terms/People/Vocabulary

  2. National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) “Nazi”

  3. Sturmabteilung (SA) Brownshirts / Stormtroopers

  4. Ernst Roehm SA Leader

  5. Beer Hall Putsch Failed Nazi overthrow of the German government that began in Munich (1923)

  6. Mein Kampf Autobiography; racial philosophy; anti-Semitism; nationalism; plan for Germany

  7. Lebensraum Living space (eastern European territories)

  8. Schutzstaffel (SS) Hitler’s personal bodyguard established in 1925

  9. Heinrich Himmler Appointed head of the SS by Hitler in 1929

  10. President Hindenburg Appointed Hitler Chancellor (prime minister) of Germany, January 30, 1933

  11. Reichstag Fire: Feb. 27, 1933 Resulted in Hitler receiving emergency powers

  12. Enabling Act Gave Hitler dictatorial power on March 23, 1933

  13. Public Works Programs Projects like the autobahn and the increase in arms production helped solve Germany’s unemployment problem

  14. Night of the Long Knives Hitler purged out “disloyal” Nazis and rolled the SA into the army, June 29, 1934

  15. Gestapo (originally Dept 1A of the Prussian State Police) Nazi secret police organization headed by Reinhard Heydrich

  16. Totenkopfverbande (Death’s Head Units) Established by Himmler to run the concentration camps in 1936

  17. Waffen SS Established by Himmler in 1940 for combat in the field; often committed war crimes in occupied territories

  18. Einsatzgruppen Mobile killing units that operated in German-occupied Europe, especially in Poland and the USSR

  19. Nuremburg Laws Stripped Jews of German citizenship, codified racial discrimination and regulated marriage in 1935

  20. Hitlerjugend (Hitler Youth) The female counterpart organization was called the League of German Girls

  21. Kristallnacht (1938) The entire event was organized to look like a spontaneous uprising against Jews after the assassination of Ernst von Rath by a young Jewish man named Herschel Grynszpan

  22. Joseph Goebbels Appointed by Hitler as Reich Propaganda Leader of the NSDAPin 1929

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