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Social ignorance. Presented

Social ignorance. Presented.

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Social ignorance. Presented

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  1. Social ignorance. Presented Social ignorance is first presented when the gun store owner presumes Farhad to be a terrorist. Dirk makes continual links to middle eastern Terrorist gangs to Farhad, ignorantly assuming her is from Iraq , Sudan or Afghanistan because of his ethnicity when in fact Farhad is Persian. Technique -Haggis makes the tension of this scene increase when Dirk pulls the gun on the counter closer to himself making the audience assume Farhad is hostile and dangerous. Dirk, Gun store owner “Yo, Osama! Plan a jihad on your own time. ...... And I'm flying 747’s into your mud huts and incinerating your friends?

  2. Social ignorance. Developed. In this scene jean presents the theme of social ignorance when she automatically assumes Daniel to be a gang member because he has tattoos and a shaved head. Techniques -Daniel is shot from a high angle making him look inferior and insignificant. -however his white shirt say contrary as it is a symbol of purity and innocence. Jean: “I would like the locks changed again in the morning. And you might mention that we'd appreciate it if next time they didn't send a gang member.” “A gang member? You mean that kid in there? ” “Yes, yes. Yes. The guy with the shaved head, the pants around his ass, the prison tattoo.”

  3. Social ignorance. Developed. Graham assumes that because Ria is from south America she is Mexican. “I would've said you were Mexican, but I don't think it would've pissed her off as much.” ......... “I'll give you a lesson. How 'bout a geography lesson? My father's from Puerto Rico. My mother's from El Salvador. Neither one of those is Mexico.” Graham- Ria-

  4. Social ignorance. Developed Anthony finds a van full of people who are of Asian ethnicity. He instantly assumes they are Chinese and will eat Chop Seuy, a Chinese dish. These people are however Cambodian or Thai refugees. “Buy everybody chop suey. You understand? Dopey fucking Chinaman. “ Anthony-

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