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Adapting to the Future: Expecting and Guiding Accelerating Change for Defense Senior Leaders Navy Senior Leader Seminar Naval Postgraduate School Dec 2011 Monterey, CA John Smart, President, Acceleration Studies Foundation Slides: accelerating.org/slides.
Adapting to the Future:Expecting and Guiding Accelerating Changefor Defense Senior Leaders Navy Senior Leader Seminar Naval Postgraduate SchoolDec 2011 Monterey, CA John Smart, President, Acceleration Studies Foundation Slides: accelerating.org/slides
Acceleration Studies Foundation: What We Do ▪ We practice evolutionarydevelopmental (“evodevo”) foresight, a model which proposes the universe uses both “trees” and “funnels” to create change: 1. A large number of contingent and individually unpredictable evolutionary choices that we use to create unique, valuable, and creative paths, most of which will fail. Evolutionary “Trees”: 2. A small number of convergent and collectively predictable developmental constraints (initial conditions, laws, constancies) that direct aspectsof our long-range future. Developmental “Funnels”: ▪ Some “tree” and “funnel” trendswhich may be intrinsicto the future of complex systems on Earth include: Acceleratingdiversity, specialization, innovation, collective intelligence, and wealth in global systems Accelerating interdependence, evidence-based behaviorand intimacy of human-machine and physical-digital interface. Accelerating technological autonomy and resiliencyin our social and technological systems For more, see ASF’s international systems research community, EvoDevoUniverse.com.
Acceleration Studies:Something Curious Is Going On A ‘Developmental Spiral’ An unexplained physical phenomenon. (You won’t find this topic in our current physics or information theory textbooks…) © 2011 Accelerating.org © 2007 Accelerating.org
Accelerating Change:Consider What We’ve Seen in the Last Ten Years Envir, Tech, Economic, Political, Social: • Global carbon emissions growing 6%/yr • Solar PV price-perf. grows 7%/yr for 30 yrs(<10 yrs to outcompete coal*) • China’s GDP grows 9%/yr for 20 yrs • Online commerce grows 14%/year • China’s top cities GDP grow at 20%/year. • World’s digital info grows 36%/year (doubles 24 months). (IDC) • Facebook: 700M users, $80B val. in 7 yrs. (200%/yr). G+ even faster. Defense and Security: • 2001 NYC, 02 Bali, 03 Istanbul, 04 Madrid, 05 London, 08 MumbaiWhat vulnerabilities come next? • Drones. Al-Qaeda used in 2001. Now $45B/yr, micro, DIY dronesFAA banned urban use in 2007, ~300 exceptions (borders, law enf.) • IEDs, DIY rocketry, Cruise missiles, Iran, AVLIS, Narcoterrorism. • Smartphones, Sensors, Big Dog, Stuxnet, Data Mining, Palantir… *Smaller, Cheaper, Faster, Ramez Naam, Scientific American Blog, 3.16.11 © 2011 Accelerating.org
The Race to Inner Space:Civilization’s Hidden Strategic Objective? Nanotech/Engrg - Physical Inner Space • “There’s Plenty of Performance at the Bottom.” • Fission 1,000X more E than chem. Fusion 1,000X more E than fission • Fuel cells store 100,000X more E/mass than chemical batteries • Synthetic catalysts increase reaction speeds & yields 1,000-1,000,000X • Programmable synapses use 10^6 less E per comp. than neurons • Photonic crystal lasers 10^6 more E efficient than other microlasers • Single step efficiency jumps in macro(human)space are always far less Infotech/IT/Simulation - Virtual Inner Space: • “As Intelligence Rises, Thinking Becomes More Adaptive Than Acting” • Adult humans no longer act in novel ways, they think in novel ways. • Simulations allow “ephemeralization” (far less mass/energy per action) • Rise of scientific simulations. IPCC. NASA Solar System Simulator • Telepresence outcompetes traveling for perception • Telerobotics/haptics outcompetes traveling for action • Google maps, sensors, geoweb, parallelized GPUs: visual cortex for the web. • Machine sim data doubles every 2 years. Human sims grow far slower. The Future of Scientific Simulations: From A-Life to Artificial Cosmogenesis, C. Vidal, 2008 © 2011 Accelerating.org
Some ‘Laws’ of Technology 1. Tech learns ten million times faster than you do.(Electronic vs. biological rates of evolutionary development). 2. Humans are selective catalysts, not controllers, of technological evolutionary development.(Many regulatory choices. How transparent? equitable? safe? How much IP? What tech is slowed down, what is subsidized?) 3. The first generation of any technology is oftendehumanizing, the second is indifferent to humanity, and with luck the third becomes net humanizing. (Cities, cars, cellphones, computers, envir. impacts (water, forests), rich-poor divide, etc.* How can leaders jump this curve? Moore’s “Law”: Chips Double In Power Per Price Every 2 Yrs * See Kuznets curve, Wikipedia, and The J-Curve, Bremmer, 2006 for some good quantitative examples of this phenomenon. Some ‘Laws’ of Complex Systems, J. Smart, 2002-2011. © 2011 Accelerating.org
How Nanotech/Engineering and Infotech Accelerations Are Driving Social, Economic, and Political Change Evolutionary Trends: • Diversity • Specialization and Individuation • Innovation and Freedom • Collective Intelligence • Fair Competition • Tech-Caused Unemployment • Global Wealth Developmental Trends: • Social Democratic Capitalism • Morality and Interdependence • Evidence-Based Behavior • Tech Autonomy and Intelligence • Human-Machine Merger • Transparency and Security • Global Resilience GDP per capita in Western Europe, 1000-1999 AD. We live in exponential times. Toffler, Revolutionary Wealth, 2006. Kirton’s Innovators Kirton’s Adaptors (Sustainers) We may all end up like Sweden, more or less. Inglehart & Welzel, Worldvaluessurvey.org © 2011 Accelerating.org
Accelerating Planetary Trends are the New Disruptors:See Them, and Gain Wiser Leadership and Strategy "God [or Universe] grant me the serenity to accept [and the foresight to see] the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." - St. Francis of Assisi. © 2011 Accelerating.org
Fear and Fundamentalism are Common Organizational and Cultural Reactions to Accelerating Change Some disturbing books on accelerating change: Some counterstrategies: • Cognitive Inventories (StrengthsFinder 2.0, KAI, MBTI, etc.) • Cognitive Diversity (The Difference, Page, 2007; Strengths-Based Leadership, Rath, 2009) • Fear Diagnostics (Breaking the Fear Barrier, Rieger, 2011) • Trust and Empowerment (The Speed of Trust, Covey, 2008) • Learning and Evidence-Based Culture (The Fifth Discipline, 2006; Senior Leadership Teams, 2008; Action Learning for Developing Leaders and Orgs, 2009; Building the Learning Organization, 3rd Ed, 2011 © 2011 Accelerating.org
America Remains the Global Innovation Leader-For NowHow Do We Keep it That Way? What is It About American Values, Culture, and Practices that Historically Promotes This? • Free, Merit-Based, Immigrant Culture (need more of that again) • Cultural Optimism, Independence, Civil Rights, Fair Rules… What Countries Are Now As Innovative Per Capita? • Europe: Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany • Asia: Japan, Singapore; Mid-East: Israel • China (soon): May pass US in total patents in 2012.Very selective and aggressive high-tech innovator (solar, electric, mfg, nuclear, drones, etc.) What Hinders Further US Innovation Growth? • Politics: Lack of Innov.-Oriented Policy and Leadership • Economics: Funding for Startups, Laws to Benefit Small Co’s. • Society: Far to Little Freedom/Individ./Competition in Education How Do We Best Lead Our Military Organizations to Innovate? • Align Your Politics, Economics, and Culture with Innovation • Prophet of Innovation: Shumpeter and Creative Destruction, 2010 • US Mil Innov Since the Cold War: Creation Without Destruction, 2009. Finland’s K-12 Ed. System Has Been Massively Reformed © 2011 Accelerating.org
The Values of Progress My Personal Take. What’s Yours? “Triple bottom line” is just a crude start. Evolutionary Values Competition/Merit-Based Behavior/Judgment Innovation/Experimentation/Freedom Individuality/Specialization/Diversity AdaptabilityValues PositiveSumness/Morality/Social Democracy Resiliency/Immunity/Adaptive Ability Intelligence/Awareness/Learning Ability Developmental Values Cooperation/Interdependence/Harmony Sustainability/Security/Defense Universality/Science/Evidence-Based Behavior What are the values of your org? How do you measure and report them? Smart, John, Evo Devo Universe? In: Cosmos & Culture, Dick & Lupisella (eds.), 2008.
The Metaverse, the Conversational Interface, the Cybertwin, and the ValuecosmSome Potential Next Decade Developments
The Future of the Web (2007) The Future of Internet TV (2010) Smart et. al., 2007 (98 pp) John Smart, 2010 (48 pp) http://metaverseroadmap.org/index.html http://accelerating.org/downloads/SmartJ-2010-HowTVwillbeRevolutionized.pdf © 2011 Accelerating.org
Five Generic Steps in Web Development Metaverseroadmap.org Web Metaverse Metahumanity Web 1.0 Read Mainly - Graphical UI Web 2.0 Read/Write/Participatory - Social UI Web 3.0 3D/Video (iTV, VW, MW, AR,) - Metaverse UI Web 4.0 Semantic (Valuecosm) - Conversational UI Web 5.0 Intelligent(Planetization, Global Brain,Tech and Social ‘Singularity’) - Cognitive UI We are climbing the hierarchies of the web, via design, use, feedback. Edge platforms include search (Google, Bing, Wolfram Alpha), telephony (iPhone, Android, Google Voice), static and mobile social networking (Facebook, Foursquare), microblogging (Twitter), conferencing and collaboration environments (Skype, Wave, WebEx, Wikis), video (YouTube, Boxee, P2PTV), games and virtual worlds (XBox Live, Second Life), mirror worlds (Google Earth), avatars (Miis, MyCyberTwin), lifelogging (MyLifeBits), augmented reality (QR codes, Wikitude, Layar). Collectively, these are today more a story of intelligence amplification (IA, ‘Sociotech’) than of artificial intelligence (AI, ‘Infotech’). This is, by far, the largest and most meaningful complexity construction process society has ever engaged in. Smart, John et. al. 2007. Metaverse Roadmap (to 2025). Metaverseroadmap.org © 2011 Accelerating.org
Virtual Space is Fastspace:Mirror Worlds, Virtual Worlds, AR, Lifelogs Our free report: MetaverseRoadmap.org The Sims • Rapid, interactive, multi-user • Collaboration environments (user-created content) • Optimization environments (GIS, automation, AI) • More fun than older digital media (games & VWs outsell movies, now and forever). • Still Bandwidth- and CPU- limited (not yet “hyperreal”). Google Earth + Street View Synthetic Worlds, 2005 Second Life © 2011 Accelerating.org
Digital Transparency: From Gmail to Lifelogs Next, some of us will store everything we’ve ever said. Then everything we’ve ever seen. All this storage, processing, and bandwidth makes us all networkable in ways we never dreamed.Add NLP, collaborative filtering, and other early AI to this, and all this data begins turning into collectiveintelligence. Gmail (2004) preserves every email we’ve ever typed. Gmailers are all bloggers who don’t know it. Nokia’s Lifeblog (2004) (photos, movie clips, text messages, notes), SenseCam, What Was I Thinking, and MyLifeBits (2003) early examples of lifelogs, systems for auto-recording, archiving indexing, searching all our life experience, as it happens. © 2011 Accelerating.org
Mobile Transparency: From Cellphones to Sensecams ‘Bracelet phone’ concept (Vodafone 2006) ‘Carpal PC’ concept (Metaverse Roadmap 2007) Wearcam.org’s first-gen ‘sousveillance’ cams (2001) Flip Ultra (2007, $130) Top-selling camcorder. iPhone (Apple 2007)
Panopticon: Balanced Transparency is a Positive-SumStrategy in Modern Democracies, So Far • Surveillance (top-down tracking) • Souveillance (bottom-up tracking) • Ex: Lower Manhattan Security Initiative (2008): • - 3,000 new sec. cameras, 2/3 in private hands. • Automated license plate readers (like UK). • Ex: Cameras in Police Cruisers (2003+) • Sometimes at behest of officers (safety) • Sometimes citizen initiatives (civil rights) • Balance is a ‘Panopticon’, all-watching-all in public space. (Transparent Society, 2008) Hitachi’s mu-chip: RFID for paper currency (2003) Tracking illicit economies (a major global vulnerability) © 2011 Accelerating.org © 2007 Accelerating.org
Web 3.0 (Open Internet Television) is On the Horizon:Millions of Channels, Tens of Millions of Video Producers © 2011 Accelerating.org
Conversational Interface, Memeshows, Cybertwins, and Valuecosm Codebreaking follows a logistic curve. Collective NLP may as well. • Date Avg. Query Platform • 1.3 words Altavista • 2.6 words Google • 5.2 words GoogleHelp • 2019 10.4 words GoogleBrain Average spoken human-to-human query length is 8-11 words. Smart, J. 2003. The Conversational Interface: Our Next Great Leap Forward.
Why Will We Want to Talk to an Avatar/AgentInterface (“CyberTwin”) in 2015? In 2020? Nonverbal and verbal language in parallel is a much more efficient communication modality. Birdwhistell says 2/3 (but perhaps only 1/3) of info in face-to-face human conversation is nonverbal. “Working with Phil” in Apple’s Knowledge Navigator Ad, 1987 Ananova, 2000 © 2011 Accelerating.org
Circa 2020: The Symbiotic Age A Coevolution Between Saturating Humans and Accelerating Technology. A time when: ▪ Complex things can “speak our language.” ▪ Our technologies become very responsive to our needs and desires. ▪ Humans and machines are intimately connected, and always improving each other. ▪ We will begin to feel “naked” without our computer “clothes.” © 2011 Accelerating.org
Conversational interfaces lead to personality models. In the long run, we become seamless with our machines. To my knowledge, no other credible long-term futures have been proposed. “Technology is becoming organic. Nature is becoming technologic.” (Brian Arthur, SFI) Personality Capture and Intelligence Amplification:Increasingly Intimate Human-Machine Interaction © 2011 Accelerating.org
Your Cybertwin (Digital Self):Helping You Now, Helping Others Later Note the conflict between these two statements: “I would never upload my consciousness into a machine.” “I enjoy saving stories about my life for my children.” Prediction: ▪ When your mother dies in 2040, your digital mom will be “50% her.” ▪ When your best friend dies in 2060, your digital best friend will be “80% him.” Cybertwins, as our digital agents, will engage in successive approximation, gentle integration, subtle capturing and transition… of our selves. When we can shift our conscious perspective between our electronic and biological components, the encapsulation and transcendence of the biological should feel like only growth, not death. We wouldn’t have it any other way. Greg Panos and his Digital MomPersonaFoundation.org © 2011 Accelerating.org
The Digital Self: Better Self-Actualization, with Ongoing Social, Economic, and Political Implications Some Challenges - particularly early: • Data Security and Privacy • Predictive Marketing and Profiling • Debt Slavery and Overconsumption • New Forms of Crime and Fraud • Polarizing and Isolating Eco Chambers (collapse of community) • Parenting (How early can kids have CT’s?) • New Addictions and Dependencies (CT ‘relationships’?) Some Opportunities - particularly later: • Indiv. Intell./Performance Enhancement (Complete your sentences?) • Group Intelligence/Perform. Enhancement (Symbiont networks) • Subculture Diversity and Victimless Variety • Global Communication & Collaboration (no language barrier) • Digital and Educational Divides (greatly reduced) • Indiv./Group/Culture Rights Representation (‘lobby twins’) • Transparency and Accountability of Corps, Institutions, Govts. © 2011 Accelerating.org
Circa 2030: The ValuecosmA More Pluralistic and Positive-Sum Future Microcosm (Gilder), 1960’s Telecosm (Gilder), 1990’s Datacosm (Sterling), 2010’s Valuecosm (Smart), 2020’s - Recording & Publishing Cybertwin Prefs - Avatars that Act and Transact Better for Us - Mapping Positive-Sum Social Interactions - Much Early Abuse (Marketing, Fraud, Advise) - Next Level of Digital Democracy (Holding Powerful Plutocratic Actors Accountable) - Today’s Leading Edge: Social Network Media © 2011 Accelerating.org
Better Work and Collaboration:Symbiont Networks • When we have an early Metaverse 2.0, lifelogs, and pervasive broadband connectivity, we can expect… • 150 (Dunbar number) of our kids most cognitively diverse (Page 2008) friends permissioned into their lifestreams, 24/7. • A reputation and reciprocity collaboration system that keeps everyone contributing to the symbiont (no free riders). • Powerful new group learning and expert performance, with symbionts seriously outperforming unconnected individuals. Always having 150 “lifelines” who know you, in any situation. • New cultural protocols, symbionts must be temporarily turned off for job interviews, tests, private moments, etc.). • Serious behavioral modification (juveniles, criminals, mentally ill) and performance enhancement. • Fantastic new subcultural diversity (entrepreneurship symbionts, sports symbionts, transhumanist symbionts, etc.) Page, Scott. 2008. The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools and Societies, Princeton U. Press. © 2011 Accelerating.org © 2011 Accelerating.org
Better Learning and Edutainment:Cognitive Training and Serious Games • DriveSharp, Posit Science • 20 hours of play expands peripheral vision in 60+ year olds for two full years. • This causes a 40% reduction in auto accidents. • State Farm distributes it free to drivers over 60. • May become mandatory for DMV recertification in older drivers (PA has already considered this). © 2011 Accelerating.org
Better Health Care and Drug Policy:Monitoring, Implants, Addiction Mgmt. Dexcom glucose monitor, 2010 © 2011 Accelerating.org
Innovation, Learning, and Sustainability Challenges for Defense Senior LeadersThoughts on Adapting to Accelerating Change
ILS Triad: Three Basic Processes (Innovation, Learning, Sustaining) Drive All Complex Systems • These three functional processescan be observed in: • Physical Systems • Chemical Systems • Biological Systems • Societal Systems • Technological Systems • Universe as a System Using the ILS model, we can look at any complex system as either: 1.A Learning/“Adaptive” System (hiding evo and devo processes) 2.An Evo Devo/“Sustainable Innovation” System (hiding learning/adaptation) 3.An Innovating, Learning and Sustaining System (keeping all three explicit)
ILS in Foresight Work (Amara 1981):Possible, Preferable, and Probable Futures • Possible (what we imagine and believe may happen), Preferable (what we want to happen), and Probable (what we expect will happen, whether we want it or not) are three basic foresight domains. • Organizations address these #1 first, #2 sometimes, and #3 rarely. 1. Preferable Futures (“Planning”) (Consensus, Leadership, Policy, Planning, Roadmaps, Surveys) 3. Possible Futures (“Foresight”) (Horizon Scanning, Games, Scenarios, Visioning, Wildcards) 2. Probable Futures (“Forecasting”) (Actuarial Science, Delphi, Forecasting, Prediction Markets) Evolution Development
Foresight Specialties Classified by Amara’s 3P’s/Evo Devo Foresight Framework Roy Amara's3P's framework can be used to group methods that explore the Possible future (what could happen), the Preferable future (what we want) and the Probable future (what seems likely, even in spite of our personal plans). This is an Evo Devo framework, dividing foresight into "Evolutionary" (possible), "Developmental" (probable), and "Evo Devo" (preferable) futures. Foresight Frameworks, Foresight Ed and Research Network, J. Smart, 2007
Accelerating Change in a Nutshell:Resource Density and Efficiency Increase Four useful ways to think about accelerating change: 1. Densification/Miniaturization (Density) - The most resource-dense systems always win in competitions. Metropoli beat cities beat towns for innovation and services delivered per resource. - Miniaturization is another form of process densification (reinvent the process using less space, time, energy, or matter). 2. Efficiency/Learning Curves (Efficiency) - As humans produce, we continually learn how to make more, better, faster, with less resources (space, time, energy, matter) per product. 3. Virtualization/Simulation (Density andEfficiency) - PhysicalComputational (“Don’t Do it If You Can Think/Model It Instead”) Moving intelligent processes from physical to computational realms. 4. Substitution/Competition/Shift (Density andEfficiency) - Gravitation/NuclearSunlight/PlantsFood/Animals Energy Metabolism - ChemicalNeuronSilicon Computing Systems - HumansCheaper,Faster,or More Specialized Humans - HumansRobots/Machines © 2011 Accelerating.org
Accelerating Change For Leaders:Improving Resource Density and Efficiency What are my critical resources? Identify them. Personnel, Finances, Physical Assets, Risk Mgmt, Types of Talent (StrengthsFinder), Strategic Partners, Community… What strategies will improve resource density and efficiency? 1. Densification/Miniaturization - How do I get denser and more ubiquitous communications networks? - How do I identify and incentivize more of what really matters? - What can I learn from the biggest and densest (cities, orgs, depts) in my domain? - What resources could use more densification or miniaturization? Faster access? 2. Efficiency/Learning Curves - What are our critical learning curves? Efficiency/Innovation thresholds? - How do we get to scale in production (new applications, partnership, procurement process), and share our learning better, to ride faster down our learning curves? 3. Virtualization/Simulation- What can be automated or simulated? Where can information replace doing things? - Can I get more and better virtual meetings? Better predictive security (Palantir)? 4. Substitution/Substrate Shift - Will upgrading, offshoring, temping, or privatizing grow resource density/efficiency? - Where can computers or other people, do key jobs better, faster, smarter, cheaper? - Do my talent managers identify and substitute personnel (internally or externally) who are better at critical tasks? © 2011 Accelerating.org
Domination By Acceleration:Col. John Boyd’s OODA Loop Rise of maneuver vs. attrition warfare (fast infantry > cavalry > ground vehicles > jet fighters > netwar) Since Napoleon’s fast infantry, the best tech continually “gets inside the decision cycle” of the opponent. Latest Manifestation: “Rapid Dominance/Shock and Awe” Strategy. Gulf War I and II (beginning). -- Massive communication (land, air, space) and air power (recon, bombers, fighters, missiles). -- Target enemy command and control.A) Total command of the skies and B) overwhelming firepower are not enough. They must be C)deployableinside the enemy’s OODA loop. Israel had A&B in the 2006 Israeli-Lebanon War, but Hezbollah had better and faster ground maneuverability and concealment. Stalemate. © 2011 Accelerating.org
Superior Energy-Maneuverability and Rapid OODA: The Tactical Advantage of Small, Expert Teams Small teams can:-- Rapidly innovate and adapt -- Operate below the radar (stealth) -- Have superior urgency and purpose -- Ignore convention and pursue vision -- Get hand-picked excellence and resources -- Sustain their speed via redundancy and reserves -- Be expendable, experimental, exploratory as needed These are increasingly critical advantages in a globalized, accelerating, network-centric world. © 2011 Accelerating.org
Be an Efficiency Maven 80% of the Time… (Quality Control, Kaizen, Knowledge Mgmt, etc.) PDCA Improvement Cycle Plan: Design/revise business process for best ROI Do: Implement plan with measurement tools Check: Analyze results, report to decisionmakers Act: Decide on changes to improve process • Shewhart and Deming developed tools for Quality Management via statistical process control (understanding and eliminating variation) • Sampling techniques • ANOVA, etc. • Hypothesis testing • Finding common/systemic and special/external causes of variation • Deming: Cooperation over competition. • Appreciation for a system • Knowledge about variation • Knowledge of human psychology • A theory of knowledge (Walter) Shewhart Cycle(Bell Labs) W. Edwards DemingQuality Statistician © 2011 Accelerating.org
But Be an Innovator 20% of the Time… Compstat, Broken Windows, Transparency Tech, Performance Accountability, Community Policing... © 2011 Accelerating.org
The Leader’s Challenge: To Find and Guide Us to “Positive Sum” Futures Positive-Sum versus Zero-Sum Pluralistic versus Plutocratic Differentiated versus Homogeneous “Both/And” versus “Either/Or” Futures Social-TechANDIndividualadvance (Top-Down, Devo) (Bottom-Up, Evo) Calculator Use AND Math Skills Incr.Automation Incr. AND Work/Prod. Skills Metaverse Use AND Study/Reading Skills Automated Cars AND Driving SkillsDigital Twins AND Self-Empowerment Security AND Freedom (to & from) © 2011 Accelerating.org
What Are Navy Senior Leadership’s Best Innovation, Learning, and Sustainability Strategies? Across the STEEPS Categories: Science & TechR&D, IT, Infrastructure, ERP, TOC/Lifecycle Mgmt • Innovation: • Learning: • Sustainability: EconomicsWages, Benefits, Incentives, Performance Reviews • Innovation: • Learning: • Sustainability: Politics & EnvironmentManagement, Unions, Leadership, Policy, Sustainability • Innovation: • Learning: • Sustainability: Society/Org Culture Human Resources, Hiring, Training, Culture, Community Relations • Innovation: • Learning: • Sustainability: © 2011 Accelerating.org