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Sample ways to include AT into a Goal . General IEP Goal Johnny will increase his written output in language arts assignments at the grade 3 curriculum level. IEP Objective with AT Strategy Integrated
Sample ways to include AT into a Goal • General IEP Goal • Johnny will increase his written output in language arts assignments at the grade 3 curriculum level. • IEP Objective with AT Strategy Integrated • Using the computer and pre-programmed word banks in a picture based word processor, Johnny will complete 3 paragraphs of writing over 10 consecutive English periods by (specify date) • General IEP Goal • Mary will develop independence in communicating requests. • IEP Objective with AT Strategy Integrated • Using pre-programmed choices on her VOCA, Mary will request an activity in 4 out of 5 observed opportunities at center time.
Sample ways to include AT into a Goal Writing: • Goal: Jeremy will increase written output in daily journal activity. • Objective: Jeremy will point to flash cards containing single words to construct 5 sentences composed of 3 words each during daily journal activity. • AT strategy for Writing Objective: Computer with pre-programmed Writing with Symbols grids which Jeremy will access by scanning through the words and making choices with a switch. • IEP Objective with AT Strategy Integrated: Using a computer with pre-programmed writing grids with up to 20 symbols per grid, Jeremy will scan through the words and select words with his switch to compose 5 sentences containing a minimum of 3 words each during daily journal activity.
Sample ways to include AT into a Goal Communication: • Goal: Jenny will participate in class discussions with her Grade 2 peers during daily circle time. • Objective: During daily Circle Time, Jenny will voluntarily respond to 3 questions per day 80% of the time as measured over a 2 week period. • Jenny is unable to meet the above goals and objectives without the assistance of technology. • AT strategy for Communication Objective: MT4 dynamic screen voice output device with pre-programmed pages containing content related to circle time topics. • Jenny will access by scanning through the choices and making selections with her switch. • IEP Objective with AT Strategy Integrated; Using pre-programmed pages relating to circle time discussion topics, Jenny will participate in class discussions with her Grade 2 peers during daily circle time by scanning through choices and using her switch to respond to 3 questions per day 80% of the time as measured over a 2 week period.
Possible Tools for Developing an AT Implementation Plan • AT Implementation (University of Kentucky Assistive Technology (UKAT) Project http://serc.gws.uky.edu/www/ukatii/ • Assistive Technology Implementation Plan (Gayl Bowser) Oregon Technology Access Program OTAP http://www.otap-oregon.org/ • SET-BC Collaborative Action Plan (www.setbc.org)
Example 1: Completing Writing Assignments with consideration for typical tasks, typical accommodations, and typical accommodations using AT Typical Tasks • Writing a story about a theme or topic • Writing a journal entry • Taking notes from whole group instruction or discussion • Answering questions based on textual materials Typical Accommodations • Provide student with additional time to complete the writing task • Reduce the amount of writing expected • Provide student with template for writing • Photocopy peer notes • Provide student with reader and / or scribe • Provide student with alternate activity or task Typical Accommodations Using Assistive Technology • Provide student with standard word processor with spell and grammar checker with necessary access method (e.g. enlarged keyboard) • Provide student with software applications that use graphics to support written output (e.g. Writing with Symbols 2000) • Provide student with talking word processor software (e.g. Write:OutLoud) • Provide student with word prediction software to support sentence construction (e.g. Co:Writer) • Provide student with dedicated word processor to support note taking (e.g. AlphaSmart Neo) • Provide student with software applications that provide structured writing environments (e.g. Pix Writer) • Provide Braille translation software and a Braille embosser
Example 2: Tasks Requiring Reading Books orReference Materials with consideration for typical tasks, typical accommodations, and typical accommodations using AT Typical Tasks • Read textbooks related to instructional topic • Read novels • Read picture books Typical Accommodations • Provide peer or teacher assistance in identifying unfamiliar vocabulary • Provide peer or adult to read materials to student • Provide the student with additional time to read the materials • Provide large print or audio materials • Decrease the length of the reading assignment • Reduce the complexity of the text Typical Accommodations with Assistive Technology • Provide student with alternate electronic formats of textual materials o Import e-text file of textbook into talking word processor (e.g. Write:OutLoud) o Scan novel into text reading software (e.g. Kurzweil 3000) • Provide student with picture symbol version of book (e.g. using Boardmaker) • Provide the student with a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system for reading book • Provide student with electronic text reader for translation and production (embossing) of Braille copies .
Example 3: Small Group Discussions on Instructional Topics with consideration for typical tasks, typical accommodations, and typical assistive technology solutions Typical tasks • Respond to teacher and peer questions • Ask questions related to instructional topic • Make comments during group discussion • Give an oral report Typical Accommodations • Provide preferential seating to enhance and encourage interaction • Encourage student signals when ready to respond • Prepare student by practicing contributions or pre-teaching necessary vocabulary • Provide student with enough time to compose and respond • Use as many visual cues as possible to support communication Typical Assistive Technology Solutions • Use picture communication symbols to support interactions (e.g. communication boards created with Boardmaker) • Use augmentative communication software to develop and practice communication skills (e.g. Boardmaker) • Provide student with augmentative communication device to meet daily communication needs (e.g. Vantage)
Tools for Lesson Planning with AT • TEKS (Region IV Education Service Center) • (http://www.texasat.net/docs/deboer.lesson.plan.diamond.pdf) • This graphic organizer quickly outlines a lesson with adaptations for Gifted, Advanced, Accommodated and Modified students. The organizer also has sections for assistive technology tools. • Integrated Technology Lesson Plans (Internet for Classrooms) • (http://www.internet4classrooms.com/integ_tech_lessons.htm) • This website is an extensive collection of links to sites featuring lesson plans that integrate technology.