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The IPDP/Portfolio. It’s all about the Goal and The Reflection. I ndividual P rofessional D evelopment P lan Improves Teaching and Learning :. Is self-directed and standards based Includes targeted learning and reflective practice Includes self-assessment
The IPDP/Portfolio • It’s all about the Goal • and • The Reflection
Individual Professional Development Plan Improves Teaching and Learning: • Is self-directed and standards based • Includes targeted learning and reflective practice • Includes self-assessment • Analysis of practice • Uses the knowledge and performance standards of the endorsement • The Five Standards for Vermont Educators • Analysis of classroom data
SMART Goals that dovetail with annual district assessment goal setting. • Specific – what will happen • Measurable – clear indicators of success • Attainable – can be accomplished with available resources • Relevant – something needed that will improve student outcomes • Time-bound - when the goal will be met
MMUHS ACTION PLAN SCHOOL: MMU DEPARTMENTS: English, Social Studies, Foreign Language, Science, • SCHOOL YEAR: 2008‐2009 • DISTRICT GOAL: • We will increase student achievement and close the achievement gap in reading and writing in our school. • We will increase student achievement and close the achievement gap in math our school. • Examples: GOAL: Improve proficiency in writing in grades 10‐12 particularly those of low SES. • GOAL: Improve writing proficiency of all incoming freshmen, particularly those of low SES. • GOAL: Improve proficiency of all students in reading, particularly those of low SES. • GOAL: Ensure correct placement in Grade 9 so that students can build skills to move ahead in a Math program
How to Find Your Endorsement Area From Your Website type in the address area Education.vermont.gov Educator Licensing Regulations and Endorsements Scroll to Licensing and Endorsement Areas Teacher Endorsements Find Your Specific Area
5440-05 English Competencies • The holder is authorized to teach English language arts in grades 7-12. • In order to qualify for this endorsement, the candidate shall demonstrate the following: Knowledge Standards: • Demonstrates knowledge of research-based principles and processes underlying literacy development, and the components of effective literacy instruction, as delineated in current national professional standards and reflected in Vermont’s Framework of Standards and Learning • Opportunities. Specifically, the educator understands and/or knows: • Development of Oral Language and Literacy – Processes, principles, and dimensions of oral language acquisition; the relationship between oral language development and literacy development; the impact of physical, emotional, and cultural factors on language development and acquisition of reading and writing; role of metacognition in reading, writing, listening, speaking, and representing visually; the elements of effective verbal and non-verbal communication • Literature and Media – A wide variety of quality, age-appropriate literature and non-print media (i.e., film, video) across genres, eras, cultures, and subcultures; literary elements and devices; critical theories and approaches to analysis and interpretation of literature and non-print media (e.g., historical, deconstructionist, New Criticism) • Language and Word Study – The purposes of language and approaches to analyzing language; etymology of the English language; the pronunciation of English phonemes and their graphemes; vocabulary development and its relationship to literacy acquisition • (When writing your goals include the competency number then use the part of the competency that relates to the goal you want.) Reading Comprehension and Fluency – Reading as the process of constructing meaning from text; the components of fluency; factors that influence comprehension and fluency; typical elements and features of narrative and expository texts, and how readers' awareness of these features supports comprehension; cognitive strategies and instructional approaches for supporting comprehension and fluency • Written Expression – The composing processes that writers use, and planning strategies most appropriate for particular kinds of writing; • dimensions of quality writing and types of writing; the conventions of written English; uses of writing portfolios and benchmarks and standards for various age/grade levels Assessment and Adaptation of Literacy Instruction – The importance of individualizing the literacy program to address the needs and strengths of learners; a variety of valid and efficient language arts assessments appropriate for different purposes; the observable characteristics of a variety of reading and writing difficulties; strategies for modifying literacy instruction to support the needs of individual learners, including English Language Learners Performance Standards: • Implements a language arts curriculum that fosters interest and growth in all aspects of oral and written literacy in order to provide students with the communication skills necessary to understand and influence their own lives and to learn about the world, including exploring personal identity and social relationships, making ethical judgments, and critically evaluating ideas. Specifically, the educator: • Literacy Development through Literature and Media –
The Learning Standard for Vermont Educators – Link the Domain 1. LEARNING (Expertise in the Endorsement Area) Each Vermont educator is knowledgeable about the standards for his/her professional endorsement(s). Each educator continues to acquire new learning in the content of his/her endorsement(s) and reflects this new learning in professional practice. Principle #1The educator has knowledge and skills in the content of his or her endorsement(s) at a level that… Demonstrates knowledge of research-based principles and processes underlying literacy development, and the components of effective literacy instruction, as delineated in current national professional standards and reflected in Vermont’s Framework of Standards and Learning Example LEARNING In each of my goals above, I am going to increase my knowledge and skills in my endorsement through courses, workshops, research and self‐reflection.
Professional KnowledgeStandard for Vermont Educators 2. PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE (Methodology and Pedagogy) Each Vermont educator continues to acquire knowledge in best practices in teaching and the learning process, so as to improve Learning Opportunities for all students. Principle #2 The educator understands how individuals learn and grow and provides learning opportunities that support intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Example The adoption of a solidified differentiated learning approach in my classroom will definitely help me to understand the developmental nature and needs of each student and create opportunities for my students to demonstrate their knowledge.
COLLEAGUESHIP 3. COLLEAGUESHIP Each Vermont educator works collaboratively with colleagues at local, state, and/or national levels to improve student learning through implementation of national professional standards, Vermont’s Framework of Standards and Learning Opportunities, district goals, and school goals and/or action plans. Principle #4-E The educator works as a team member and establishes collaborative relationships with school colleagues, parents, agencies and others in the broader community to support students’ learning and well-being, and to implement the school’s goals and articulated curriculum. COLLEAGUESHIP Through the process of embracing diffentiated instruction and soliciting my administration’s support, feedback and guidance, I shall be exhibiting colleagueship. While I am involved in technology workshops and courses, I am sure to share and bond with many of my colleagues while acquiring new skills that I may share with my students.
ADVOCACY 4. ADVOCACY Each Vermont educator works to improve the educational health of Vermont learners, and promotes fairness and equity for all students and members of the educational community. The educator engages the family and the community in partnerships to promote student learning. Principle #12 The educator recognizes the multiple influences on students inside and outside the school and accesses appropriate systems of support for student Advocacy Example I will openly share with parents and the community my differentiated units, and I will continue to be sensitive to my student’s unique situations. I intend to continue to advocate for my students and their needs.
ACCOUNTABILITY 5. ACCOUNTABILITY Each Vermont educator carries out professional responsibilities ethically. Each educator demonstrates professional growth over time in each of the Five Standards for Vermont Educators and in the competencies for his/her endorsement(s). This growth is documented through a professional portfolio that includes evidence of rigorous professional development, reflective practice, and adaptation of practice to improve student learning. In addition, a portion of each educator’s IPDP and professional portfolio is connected to his/her school’s initiatives for improving student learning. • ACCOUNTABILITY The goals that I have set forth contain within them the perimeters of my Principle #13 The educator understands laws related to student and educator rights and responsibilities, and applies current state and federal laws and regulations as they pertain to all children, including those who are at risk and those with disabilities, and treats students and colleagues fairly and equitably. Accountability. Example I will remain dedicated to and conscious of the documentation of class work, assessment, and student feedback. I will continue to take to my courses very seriously and receive the highest grades that I am capable of obtaining. I will remain respectful of my administration and their analysis of my instruction. I will remain a member of local and national organizations that will contribute to my professional growth, especially in the areas of technological comprehension and advancement.
Individual Professional Development Plan Jane Doe ANY SCHOOL Endorsement Area and Number January 9, 2006 2006-2013 INTRODUCTION: As I reflect back upon my last seven years of teaching, I need to improve upon 21st century student outcomes and as our school goes through our re‐accreditation process. I will continue to pursue professional development in the use of technology in the classroom. I am committed to being a life‐long learner who will use these goals to further my professional development and improve student learning. GOAL 1 Introduction I have observed through the years that offering students’ choice seems to give them ownership to the activity. By investigating different activity options for students in my classroom and giving them these new choices I will see an increase in awareness by the students concerning their own Learning in …..
Specific: I will increase and update my knowledge in my subject areas by attending conferences and or courses offered in the area of … for the purpose of offering students a more varied choice of activities that will lead to a greater awareness and ownership of their overall learning. Measurable: I will observe through the classroom test results, progress reports and VCAT, how the students’ activity choices have affected their overall learning. Attainable: Through testing students on a regular basis and improvements in the curriculum I will improve my ability to attain the data required for analysis. The VCAT tests will sort the data by age and level indicating what percentage of the students have reached or exceeded the standards established by New England norms.
Relevant: I am in total agreement with the Partnership for 21st century Skills that we need to blend core subjects and 21st century themes. I am most interested in the themes of ‘Learning and Information, Media and Technology Skills. I need to search out the means to include these skills in the classroom in our every day lives in order to develop our students full potential. Timely: I feel like this goal is very difficult to put a time line on because I know that new computer programs and new approaches will be on the horizon. My goal will be to continue to engage in courses, workshops, and technological exploration until 20... I will try to space these out over the course of the next seven years so that my goal will be steadily and continually fulfilled.
Reflection on IPDP goals The impact of the professional development upon practice and student outcomes Includes improvement of student data from learning. Your Portfolio should meet each of the following criteria. Be specific and include student data. This is the actual check list from the LSB. 1.LEARNING: Expertise in the endorsement area 2.PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE: Methodology and pedagogy 3. COLLEAGUESHIP: Collaboratively works with colleagues at local, state, and/or national levels 4. ADVOCACY: Promotes health, fairness and equity for all members of the educational community 5. ACCOUNTABILITY: Demonstrates professional ethics and growth over time in each of the five standards 6. REFLECTIVE NARRATIVE: Narrative addresses each IPDP goal, describes the activity, and connects it to the action plan, student learning or achievement. If your Portfolio addresses the above criteria your ready to submit.
Professional Portfolio GOAL 1: Write your first previous goal WHAT: I have completed the following courses: DESCRIPTION: The knowledge you gained from the course EXAMPLE: How you have used the knowledge this course provided EVALUATION: How this course has improved the student learning in your classroom Do the rest of your goals the same way Explain collectively how these Activities Relate to the Five Standards: STANDARD ONE: LEARNING STANDARD TWO: PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE STANDARD THREE: COLLEAGUESHIP STANDARD FOUR: ADVOCACY STANDARD FIVE ACCOUNTABILITY Name School Teaching Field Licenses Licensure dates Reflection on Seven Years of Professional Growth (2004 – 2011) The courses I have taken over the last seven years have provided me with a better understanding of a variety of effective classroom management strategies and assessment practices centering on Your Field. I have used Your Learning with my students which has improved student learning in ___ areas. I also learned to use Your Knowledge and have implemented ___in my classroom which has improved my instruction. EVALUATION: All of these experiences were very helpful overall in my current role as…. Because…