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Cryptanalysis-tolerant CPA crypt. Suppose E, E’ are two encryption schemes which on of them is CPA - secure E.g., a standard and a proprietary, a new and old Cascade [EG85]: E*=E◦E’ E* is CPA - secure if either E or E’ is CPA – secure We say that cascade is cryptanalysis tolerant. E.
Cryptanalysis-tolerant CPA crypt. • Suppose E, E’ are two encryption schemes which on of them is CPA - secure • E.g., a standard and a proprietary, a new and old • Cascade [EG85]: E*=E◦E’ • E* is CPA - secure if eitherE orE’ is CPA – secure We say that cascade is cryptanalysis tolerant E E’
Cascading CPA - question • Given two encryption schemes which one of them is candidate CPA secure, E and E’, define: E*k,k'(x) = Ek(E’k'(x)) • Question: assume either E or E’ is a CPA secure. Is then E* a CPA secure crypto system? • Answer:
Cascading CPA-Secure system • Claim: if either E or E’ is a CPA-Secure, then E* is a CPA-Secure. • Proof: Suppose to contrary there exists adv A* That PrX=EX(Є,ADV)[X.win ^ X.t≤ t|X=EX(E(E',A*,k)]>½+ ε*(k,t,q)i.e. Can distiniguishE* from some random permutation. • Let adv A(for E), A'(for E') use A* (As sub routine) to distinguish. • Prove for A (A and A' are similar).
Cont' • A tries to win test for E while using A* on E*. A uses E as a black box. • Key generation - A generates keys for E'. • Select – A needs to respond to encryption and decryption requests to E* (requests sent from A*). • When A* asks to encrypt m, A asks for encryption by c=E(m) and calculates E'(c) (has keys). • Encrypt – When A* outputs <select,m0,m1>, A outputs same for E and calculates on E' (returns result to A). • When A* outputs guess, b' then A outputs the same. Wins if A* wins since performs only one more computation.
A selects messages to encrypt, e.g. select A controls E’, e.g. Encrypt
Cryptographic ConstructionsDemonstrating insecurity • Usual method: • Let g’ be an arbitrary function for goal G. • Design g which also satisfies G: • Security of g follows (easily?) from security of g’ • But g is not good for the construction… • Namely: the function f whichis constructed using g does not satisfy goal F.
An example of patterns ECB leaves in cipher text When encrypting pixels (pixel by pixel encryption) Encrypted ECB Encrypted Non ECB Plaintext
CBC - OFB • CBC • requires padding of message to block size. • Decryption can be parallelized • 1 bit change of plaintext affects all cipher texts • OFB • Does not require message padding • Decryption can't be done in parallel • Bit flips can be detected in many embedded ECC • Both • “Randomization” properties – can't detect same block.
Problem • CBC and OFB are great for creating VIL cipher from FIL blocks, however they have some drawbacks. • Transmission errors. • Parallel computation. • Please describe the drawbacks in detail. • Please suggest a scheme for creating VIL cipher from FIL blocks which has CBC/OFB properties and eliminates the limitations described above.
Solution • Drawbacks • Block dependency causes encryption/decryption to be synchronous (CBC decryption can be parallel) • Decryption (CBC) - In case a block is damaged, its dependent block can't be deciphered as well. • CBC Block damage can be from a single bit. OFB can correct errors with embedded ECC (single bits).
Solution • Instead of chaining to disguise cipher, use counter.(Counter must be kept secret)
Indistinguishability Test • Prove that the following encryption scheme does not pass Ind. Test. • Discrete log – base for several public key crypto systems • Assumption: for known prime p, generator g of Z_p and y it's hard to find x such thatgx mod p = y • For public prime p and generator g (for Z_p), where m< p:Ek(m) = { x = g^m mod p; y = g^(kx) mod p; return x||(y xor m)}
Solution • Adv can calculate x , thus distinguish the message from a random message.
Indistinguishability Test is Strong • Two encryptions of the same message should be indistinguishable • Otherwise adversary can ask for another encryption of known message and identify it • Encryption must be randomized and/or state variable • With state variable, encryption depends on history • In practice: usually encryption is randomized • No assumption about the plaintext • May be just two messages, ‘0’ and ‘1’ • May be biased (90% is ‘0’)
CPA-IND Secure Cryptosystem from KPA-Secure • Let Ckbe a KPA – Secure crypto system • Then encrypt each message m using Ek(m)=r||Ck(mr), where r is random • Observation: this is simply CBC-mode of Ck with a single block! • Proof extends to multiple-block CBC • Theorem [GM89]: Ek(m) is CPA-IND secure.
Question • Let E be a KPA secure crypto system. Consider the following function on {0,1}2n (for any n):E’k(x)= Ek(x[1..n)]) || Ek(Ek(x[1..n)])x[(n+1)..2n]). • Is E'k(x) KPA secure? • Is E'k(x) CPA secure?
Solution • Not CPA Secure - • Choose 2 different input texts, for example 1010||1100, 1010||1001 • Output of MSB is same for both “different” outputs. • This is the case because of Ek(x[1..n)]) • KPA Secure - • Never choose messages with same MSB.
Error Detection • We would like to transmit ciphertext over the wire. Alice suggests to use parity check as error-detection code. • Do we have privacy ? • Do we have integrity ?
Error Detection • Assume OTP encryption, interceptive adversary. • Adversary doesn’t know k, sees c on the wire. • c = m xor k || parity(m) [bit] • Adversary removes c, replace with c’ where any even number of bits can be flipped (notice, that in this example, adversary doesn’t even need to know m). • Ok, no integrity, but maybe privacy ? • What about known domain of messages (money transfer)