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Videos from sea floor . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmMlspNoZMs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFHtVRKoaUM. Do Now. Use your textbook to look up and write down the definitions to the following terms Heat capacity Latent heat of melting Latent heat of evaporation.
Videos from sea floor • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmMlspNoZMs • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFHtVRKoaUM
Do Now • Use your textbook to look up and write down the definitions to the following terms • Heat capacity • Latent heat of melting • Latent heat of evaporation
Chemical and Physical Features of Seawater and the World Ocean Chapter 3
Surface Tension • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2suY9h7xnKg
Hydrogen Bonds • Attractions between water molecules • Weak • Temperature reflects average speed of the molecules • D=m/v • As sea water gets colder, it gets more dense.
Melting Ice • Takes a lot of heat. • Hydrogen bonds have to be broken. • The amount of heat required to melt a substance is called the latent heat of melting • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpDJmRydR04
Heat capacity • The amount of heat it takes to raise a substances temperature by a given amount. • Water has a high heat capacity
Latent heat of evaporation • Water absorbs a great deal of heat when it evaporates.
Universal Solvent • Water is very good at dissolving salts • Charged atoms or groups of atoms are known as ions • Salts have much stronger electric charges than the opposite end of the water molecule. • Bonds between ions are stronger than hydrogen bonds
Seawater • Characteristics of seawater are due to the nature of pure water and solutes • Weathering • Volcanoes • Hydrothermal vents.
Salt composition • Seawater contains a little of almost everything, most of the solutes are made up of a small group of ions • 6 ions compose over 99% of the solids dissolved in seawater • Sodium chloride accounts for 85%
Salinity • The total amount of salt dissolved in seawater • How is it expressed? • Parts per thousand • Because of the electrical charges ions are good conductors of electricity • Electric conductivity of seawater therefore reflects salt concentration • Practical salinity units (psu)
Salinity on organisms • Organisms are affected by total amount of salt and the type of salt • Examine salts left after evaporation
Rule of constant proportions • William Dittmar – chemist analyzed samples from the Challenger expedition. • Found that percentage of the various ions in seawater remained constant even though the total amount of salt varied from place to place • Oceans are chemically well mixed • Varies by addition or subtraction of pure water
Average Salinity • 35 0/00 • Open ocean varies little between 33 0/00 and 37 0/00 • The variation mostly depends on evaporation and precipitation
Red Sea • The Red Sea is very salty • About 40 0/00 • Salinity affects the density of water like temperature • Salty water is more dense than freshwater • Discovery Ed Red Sea clip
Salt water • Freezes at a lower temperature that freshwater • Oceans are less prone to freezing than lakes and rivers are • Temperature varies more in the ocean than salinity • Open ocean range is about -2 degrees C and 30 degrees C
Measuring temp. and salinity • Specially designed bottles and thermometers on a wire to the desired depth • A weight known as a messenger is released to slide down the wire. • Temperature profile
CTDs • Conductivity, temperature and depth in the water column • Used along with other instruments. • Bathythermographs – measure temp but not salinity
Complications w/ samples • What are some complications that scientists may face when collecting samples? • Hmm.. • Trying to get samples from multiple sites • Weather and climate variability
Solutions • What are some solutions to these problems? • Hmm… • Instruments could drift with the currents