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10-in-10. Top 10 Notes in 10 Minutes or Less American History B Unit 9, Lesson 14: A Beginning Textbook Volume D: Pages 99-100. Note 1. After the bombing of Hiroshima, the United States demands a surrender from the Japanese or else more terror would come to them

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  1. 10-in-10 Top 10 Notes in 10 Minutes or Less American History B Unit 9, Lesson 14: A Beginning Textbook Volume D: Pages 99-100

  2. Note 1 • After the bombing of Hiroshima, the United States demands a surrender from the Japanese or else more terror would come to them • The Japanese culture does not appreciate surrender • Surrender in Japanese culture was very dishonorable, so the Japanese ignored the United States’ request

  3. Note 2 • On August 8th 1945, Russia joins the war against Japan • Russian forces attack Japanese armies in Manchuria and Korea • For some Japanese leaders, Russia’s involvement in the war is more threatening than the secret weapon that the United States held

  4. Note 3 • On August 9th 1945, one day after Russia joined the war against Japan, the United States drops another atomic bomb on Nagasaki • The nightmare of fire, wind, rain, and radiation has happened again • The United States demanded a surrender and they were going to get it one way or another

  5. Note 4 • Japanese warlords and government ministers met after the second atomic bomb was dropped to discuss the fate of their people • Warriors wanted to fight while governmental figures wanted the war to end – decisions were split down the middle

  6. Note 5 • The emperor eventually decides for its people that they would accept defeat with one exception • That one exception was that Japan was to remain a totalitarian form of government and allow its emperor to remain the head of state • World War II was now over

  7. Note 6 • Upon hearing the news that was wired to him, Harry Truman calls his ambassador to the United Nations, Eleanor Roosevelt • Harry Truman tells Eleanor that he wishes that Franklin was still alive to see the end of the war and hear the peace proposal sent by Japan

  8. Note 7 • Some Japanese army officials do not want to surrender as they feel that it is cowardly • They break into the Imperial Palace, set fire to the home of the Prime Minister, and try to stop the surrender broadcast • The Japanese had a great deal of pride in the war

  9. Note 8 • The emperor had recorded the broadcast days before and it was being played elsewhere • The emperor wanted to get his wording correct so he recorded the surrender broadcast in advance • Those trying to stop the emperor from surrendering were too late

  10. Note 9 • On August 15, 1945 Emperor Hirohito made the first public speech that an emperor has ever made • The first ever speech made by a Japanese emperor was to ask the Japanese people to accept the coming of peace

  11. Note 10 • World War II was over • VE Day – or Victory in Europe Day - was May 8, 1945 • VJ Day – or Victory in Japan Day – was August 15, 1945

  12. Go try your lesson assessment! • If you don’t pass, read through your Volume D textbook pages 99-100 and highlight/take notes. Then take the assessment again. • Good Luck!

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