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DAVE ROBERTSProgramme Head non-acute care at the NHS Information CentreGPES Project Director. Overview. Why?business requirementscurrent situation and provisionWhat?scope of the servicebusiness case options and conclusions How?progress to datenext steps. Background. ~8,500 GP practic
1. General Practice Extraction Service (GPES)
Programme Head non-acute care at the NHS Information Centre
GPES Project Director
3. Overview Why?
business requirements
current situation and provision
scope of the service
business case options and conclusions
progress to date
next steps
4. Background ~8,500 GP practices in England and ~30,000 GPs
Each GP practice has a clinical system that holds patient records
Conditions, prescribing, tests and procedures all coded ( 3 different coding systems )
~12 types of clinical systems supplied by 4 main commercial system suppliers
5. Why? Business requirements DH
Primary Care Contracting
GPES intended to replace the extraction facility for QOF data
patient survey work
QOF assessor toolkit (currently part of BT contract with NHS CFH)
QOF development work
Workload toolkit (pilot looking for roll out)
6. Why? Business requirements Resource Allocation team at DH
Review of resource allocation process has identified a need for ‘patient level’ data to support allocations for:
practice based commissioning
PCT unified allocation
formulae required to facilitate addressing health inequalities
global sum calculations
7. Why? Business requirements Public Health
Health Improvement Directorate (DH)
public health indicator work around risk management, including issues such as alcohol abuse, obesity, smoking, CHD risk
surveillance data required on vaccines, flu pandemic preparation etc (extraction required on a daily basis)
Health Protection Agency
surveillance data in particular on STIs
8. Why? Business requirements Research and development
Research Capability Programme
Pharma companies’ statutory requirements for drug licensing
adverse drug reaction reporting
post marketing surveillance
other research programmes
9. Why? Business requirements NICE
Developing guidelines
Monitoring the impact of guidelines
10. Why? Business requirements New commissioner of clinical audits
clinical audits with primary care focus
national diabetes audit
other audits (e.g. cancer, renal)
11. Why? Phase 2 requirements PRIMIS+
request for new extraction service to replace MIQUEST from CfH clinical leads to help policy objectives such as the IM&T DES process to allow data from GP systems to enter the spine
SHAs/PCTS/Practice based commissioners
requirements for commissioning
several PCTs and SHAs currently implementing and considering procurement of extraction facilities
12. Why? Business requirements Other considerations
individual studies, particularly those that require linkage to other data sets across health and social care
a mixture of aggregate and ‘patient level’ data
required on a routine and ad hoc basis
census requirement rather than sample
13. Why? Current situation Current situation
GPs extract information from their own systems through proprietary systems developed by the relevant system supplier or through the nationally implemented MIQUEST software
The QMAS system has been developed as part of a payments system for the Quality and Outcomes Framework; however these data are restricted to the indicators negotiated as part of the GMS contract (which are subject to change each year) and the data collected are complete only at financial year end given that they are collected primarily for payment purposes. The NHS Information Centre publishes complete practice-level data
14. Why? Current situation cont. commercial companies have the expertise and software capable of extracting data from GP systems if they have the cooperation of the system suppliers
there are several research databases which contain anonymised patient records from samples of GP systems. National estimates can be made from these databases
15. Why? Current provision The current provision of data:
those that require data to be extracted from the majority or all practices are restricted in the data they collect, are not coordinated and are expensive to run.
other data collections that collect comprehensive data from practices are only available for samples of practices.
considerable duplication of effort and cost currently exists collecting overlapping sets of data
existing processes are not aligned to the current architecture of the National Programme for Information Technology
16. What? Total scope of service(Authority and Contractor) GPES scope