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Agenda. 11.23.10. Drill – do you think we all truly have equal rights? Has anyone heard of the French Revolution?. The French Revolution and Napoleon, 1789 - 1815. The French Revolution Begins Chapter 11.1. Background to the Revolution France’s 3 Estates Still using feudal system in 1700s

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Agenda 11.23.10

  2. Drill – do you think we all truly have equal rights? • Has anyone heard of the French Revolution?

  3. The French Revolution and Napoleon, 1789 - 1815 The French Revolution Begins Chapter 11.1

  4. Background to the Revolution • France’s 3 Estates • Still using feudal system in 1700s • 3 social classes or estates: • 1st estate = clergy. Few people owned 10% of land. Paid no taxes. • 2nd estate = nobles. Owned 25-30% of land and paid no taxes. • 3rd estate = everyone else (98% of population). Paid taxes. • Divided by jobs, education and wealth • Included peasants and middle class merchants • Also included bourgeoisie (upper middle class people who wanted to be nobles)

  5. Problems in the 3rd Estate: • Bourgeoisie: merchants, lawyers, bankers, doctors, writers etc. Well-educated – liked Enlightenment ideas. Wanted to be treated like nobles. • Workers – cooks, shopkeepers, craftspeople – weren’t paid well and often went hungry when bread prices rose • Peasants = 80% of France’s population! Had little or no land, and had to work for the nobles.

  6. Peasants paid half of their income to nobles, the church and the government Peasants = very resentful of the clergy, the government and the nobility

  7. The King and Queen of France • Marie Antoinette • Louis XVI

  8. Causes of the Revolution • Bourgeoisie liked Enlightenment ideas – equality, liberty and democracy, hated Louis XVI and absolute monarchy • “The Third Estate is the People and the People is the foundation of the State. It is in fact the State itself…” • Economic crises = bad crops, higher prices, war debt etc.

  9. From Estates-General to National Assembly • Louis XVI called a meeting of the Estates-General to deal with France’s bankruptcy. • Third Estate demanded more power • Third Estate declared itself the National Assembly • Wanted representative government • Third Estate broke into a tennis court and vowed to draft a constitution – known as the Tennis Court Oath

  10. Storming the Bastille • Louis XVI wanted to use force against the National Assembly • The 3rd Estate found out, panicked and stormed the Bastille (a Paris prison). • Chopped off the prison warden’s head, freed the prisoners and demolished the building

  11. Rebellion leads to Great Fear • Great Fear = Peasants, women and people in the Third Estate just went nuts and killed a lot of nobles • The mob of rioters eventually drove the king and queen out of Paris

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