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New Nurse Graduate Hiring Experiences 2007

New Nurse Graduate Hiring Experiences 2007. A Statewide Study of Nursing Workforce Issues Sandra K. Davis, RN, PhD Andrea Tucker, RN, MA. Sample. Total Recipients 8361  8277 Responses- 1609 1678 (20%) Sample surveys- 500 Start Survey/Completed survey (91%). Demographics.

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New Nurse Graduate Hiring Experiences 2007

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  1. New Nurse Graduate Hiring Experiences 2007 A Statewide Study of Nursing Workforce Issues Sandra K. Davis, RN, PhD Andrea Tucker, RN, MA

  2. Sample • Total Recipients 8361  8277 • Responses- 16091678 (20%) • Sample surveys- 500 • Start Survey/Completed survey (91%)

  3. Demographics • Average age = 33 • Youngest RN Graduate 21 • Oldest New Nurse Graduate 68

  4. Gender

  5. Ethnicity

  6. Salary

  7. Are you currently employed as an RN?

  8. How long have you been licensed as a RN?

  9. As a California RN, how many jobs have you had?

  10. Type of RN Preparation:

  11. Did you graduate from a RN program outside the United States?

  12. Did you work for pay in healthcare while you were in your RN educational program?

  13. While you were a student, what clinical focus appealed to you?

  14. During your RN education, did any potential employers speak with you about a RN job during any of your clinical rotations?

  15. Did representatives from potential employers come to your college/university to recruit for their open RN positions?

  16. Do you now work for the organization where you did your senior preceptor ship?

  17. Upon graduation, did you need to move in order to obtain the RN position of your choice?

  18. Are you working in the community where you graduated from your RN program?

  19. How far away from your home do you work?

  20. How did you learn about potential jobs?

  21. Select the factors you considered when APPLYING for your first job as a California RN. (Choose as many as apply.)

  22. Select the factors you considered when ACCEPTING your first job as a California RN.

  23. On a scale of 1-10 how difficult was it for you to find a job? 1 being not difficult

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