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GENI Alpha Demonstration Nowcasting : UMass/CASA Weather Radar Demonstration David Irwin

GENI Alpha Demonstration Nowcasting : UMass/CASA Weather Radar Demonstration David Irwin. November 3, 2010 http://geni.cs.umass.edu/vise http://geni.cs.umass.edu/dicloud http://www.geni.net. Problem. CASA (an NSF ERC) is studying experimental networks of small controllable weather radars

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GENI Alpha Demonstration Nowcasting : UMass/CASA Weather Radar Demonstration David Irwin

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  1. GENI Alpha DemonstrationNowcasting: UMass/CASA Weather Radar DemonstrationDavid Irwin November 3, 2010 http://geni.cs.umass.edu/vise http://geni.cs.umass.edu/dicloud http://www.geni.net

  2. Problem • CASA (an NSF ERC) is studying experimental networks of small controllable weather radars • Better data is the foundation of better hazardous weather detection and earlier warnings • Complex modeling to detect inclement weather requires many resources: sensors, bandwidth, storage, and computation • Costly to dedicate resources for rare events • How do we generate accurate, short-term “nowcasts” using these new distributed radar systems?

  3. Solution • Today: only a few large NEXRAD radars (100s) • Tomorrow: many (1000s) smaller, less expensive radars produce data close to the ground where weather happens • Requires a flexible infrastructure for coordinated provisioning of shared sensing, networking, storage, and computing resources on-demand

  4. Example: Puerto Rico Testbed • UPRM Student Testbed • Led by Jorge Trabal, Prof. Sandra Cruz-Pol, and Prof. Jose Colom • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TR64BhwMlI

  5. Demo Background • Dynamic end-to-end Nowcasting on GENI • Use GENI/Orca Control Framework (RENCI/Duke) • https://geni-orca.renci.org/trac/ • http://geni-ben.renci.org:11080/orca/ • Reserve heterogeneous slice of resources • Sensing Slice: UMass ViSE radars • Networking Slice: NLR, BEN-RENCI • Computation Slice: Amazon EC2 + UMass and RENCI VMs • Storage Slice: Amazon S3

  6. Demo Data Flow • Dynamic end-to-end Nowcasting • Mapping Nowcast Workflows onto GENI archived netcdf data aggregated multi-radar data Nowcast images for display “raw” live data Radar Nodes Archival Storage Upstream LDM feed Nowcast Processing Post to Web

  7. Generate “raw” live data ViSE/CASA radar nodes http://stb.ece.uprm.edu/current.jsp Ingest mulit-radar data feeds Merge and grid multi-radar data Generate 1min, 5min, and 10min Nowcasts Send results over NLR to Umass Repeat Use proxy to track usage-based spending on Amazon and enforce quotas and limits http://geni.cs.umass.edu/vise/dicloud.php ViSE views steerable radars as shared, virtualized resources http://geni.cs.umass.edu/vise “raw” live data Nowcast images for display DiCloud Archival Service (S3) LDM Data Feed (EC2) Multi-radar NetCDF Data Nowcast Processing

  8. GENI Technologies and Credits • UMass-Amherst • ViSE and DiCloud projects • University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez • Jorge Trabal, Prof. Cruz-Pol, and Prof. Colom • OTG Radars • Colorado State University • Prof. V. Chandrasekar • Nowcasting Software • RENCI/Duke • Orca Control Framework • BEN network • Starlight

  9. Conclusion • GENI is critical for next-generation applications • Enable nowcasting in experimental radar systems • GENI capabilities: “sliceability”/virtualization, federation, network programmability • Provide domain scientists a new platform • Experiment with tightly integrated systems combining sensing, storage, networking, computing • Engage domain scientists in CASA and elsewhere • Extend GENI network to Puerto Rico

  10. Wrap-up

  11. Demo Data Flow • Dynamic end-to-end Nowcasting on GENI archived netcdf data aggregated multi-radar data Nowcast images for display “raw” live data Radar Nodes Archival Storage Upstream LDM feed Nowcast Processing Post to Web ViSE views steerable radars as shared, virtualized resources http://geni.cs.umass.edu/vise Use proxy to track usage-based spending on Amazon and enforce quotas and limits http://geni.cs.umass.edu/vise/dicloud.php http://vise-testbed.cs.umass.edu/nowcast/nowcast.html DiCloud Archival Service on Amazon S3 1. Ingest data feeds from multiple radars 2. Merge multi-radar data Generate 1min, 5min, and 10min Nowcasts Repeat Generate Nowcasts Data publicly available to downstream nodes Generate “raw” data ViSE/CASA radar nodes http://stb.ece.uprm.edu/current.jsp

  12. Thank you UPRM: • Gianni Pablos • José Ortiz • WilsonCastellanos • MelissaAcosta • José Cordero • BenjamínDe Jesús • Sandra Cruz-Pol • José Colom UMass: Emmanuel Cecchet PrashantShenoy Jim Kurose Eric Lyons CSU: V. Chandrasekar Evan Ruzanski Yanting Wang RENCI: IliaBaldine Jeff Chase Anirban Mandel

  13. Demo Overview • Dynamic end-to-end Nowcasting on GENI • Slice of sensing, networking, computing, and storage archived netcdf data aggregated multi-radar data Nowcast images for display “raw” live data Radar Nodes Archival Storage Upstream LDM feed Nowcast Processing Post to Web Generate Nowcasts Archive radar data Amazon S3 Archived data available to downstream nodes Generate “raw” data ViSE/CASA radars

  14. Demo Resource Listing in Orca/GENI

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