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The ISO 9001 quality management standard and requirements is applicable to all organizations, regardless of size and industry.
ISO9001 Q U A L I T YM A N A G E M E N T S Y S T E M Someoftheadvantagesof havingISO9001certification BENEFIT 01 S O C I E T A LB E N E F I T S ProductsconformingtoISO 9001standardsimplyreliability andgoodquality. ISOstandards onroadsafety, children’stoys, medicalpackagingetc., aresome examplesthatdenotehow internationalstandardsmakethe worldabetterandsaferplaceto livein. BENEFIT 02 E A S YT OU S E Documentedproceduresand stepshelpsidentifyingprocedures thatareeitherinefficientor becomeobsolete. Also, documentationofprocedures makesitaloteasierforemployees tofollow. BENEFIT 03 C U S T O M E RS E R V I C E Noticeablyhappycustomers, as wellas, customerretentionand loyaltyforredundantvisits, are signsofoptimumcustomer service. BENEFIT 04 S A V I N G SO NC O S T Withaninternationalstandard applicable, organizationscan incurcostsavingsbyoptimizing operationsandallocating resourceseffectively. BENEFIT 0 5 P R O M P TP R O B L E M S O L V I N G Errorscanbecaughtinearlier stagesoftheprocessandrectified withminimalcosts. Thepossibility offuturedefectsisalsominimized andeveniftheydocropup, fixing themwouldbemuchfaster.