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Activation of cAMP-Dependent PKA

Ucn. Ucn2. IP3R. RyR. ATP. G c g R. A D R. C R H R. GP C R. AC. N. C. N. C. N. N. C. C. RTK. Gcg. -. HCO. D C C. 3. -. -. Cl. Cl. PDE. ACII, IV, VII. G a -S. G a -I. G a -S. +. +. Na. Na. +. +. ACI, V, VI. Caln. K. K. G a -Q, G a -S. ACI. CamKs.

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Activation of cAMP-Dependent PKA

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  1. Ucn Ucn2 IP3R RyR ATP Gcg R AD R CRHR GP C R AC N C N C N N C C RTK Gcg - HCO DCC 3 - - Cl Cl PDE ACII, IV, VII Ga-S Ga-I Ga-S + + Na Na + + ACI, V, VI Caln K K Ga-Q,Ga-S ACI CamKs CamK4 Calm Raf1 PKC ERK PHK ACIX PKAC PKAR Netrin1 GRB2 AKAP sAC PKAC PKAR PKA eNOS VASP CREB PTP P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P MEK1,2 Glucose-1- GRK1/7 BRaf DARPP32 RhoA RhoKinase Rap1 PO 4 GSK3 GTP GTP GTP KDELR Adducin PPtase1 TnnI MyosinII/RLC 2009 ProteinLounge.com GYS PYG ATF1 BAD SOS 14-3-3 14-3-3 CREM APC Ras GrowthFactors Elk1 Ga Ga Gb Gb Gg Gg CRP Pln SHC Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ GDP GDP NF-kB NFAT CBP HSL PLC Neurotransmitters, Hormones, Stress, Inflammatory Stimuli Epinephrine, Norepinephrine Activation of cAMP-Dependent PKA SCn, KCn, ClCn, CaCn CNG cAMP AMP MetabolicEnergy Reduction inRhodopsin Phosphorylation Desensitization Cell Survival PIP2 DAG IP3 Lipolysis eNOSSignaling Actin Polymerization Glycogen Protein Retention Glycolysis MyocardialContraction Regulation of Cytoskeleton Endothelial Cell Regulation Oncogenesis GlycogenSynthesis APC Regulation GeneExpression C Cell Survival

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