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AREA 774.815 km 2 POPULATION 63,510,000 Urban Population 59,01 % Rural Population 40,99 % 0-14 ages 32,7% 15-64 ages 62,8 % Over 65 4,7 %. Basic Information About Turkey. LIFE EXPECTANCY AT BIRTH (years) Male 65.40 Female 70.00 Average 67.70
AREA 774.815 km2 POPULATION 63,510,000 Urban Population 59,01 % Rural Population 40,99 % 0-14 ages 32,7% 15-64 ages 62,8 % Over 65 4,7 % Basic Information About Turkey
LIFE EXPECTANCY AT BIRTH (years) Male 65.40 Female 70.00 Average 67.70 PER CAPITA INCOME 2.500 – 2.900 USD BASIC LİTERACY RATE 82% Basic Information About Turkey
TURKEY a country of “intermediate endemicity”for HB infections: 5% HBsAg positive 25-30% Anti-HBs positiveSeroconversion in 1/3 of a 63 million population, and 3-3.5 million carriers!
HBsAg(+) rate if soldier rate (mass vaccinations, crowded living conditions; effect of vaccination?)
Higher rate of HBsAg positivity in EASTERN regions of TURKEY (crowded families, poor socioeconomic status, infrastructure, lack of access to “sufficient” health services, traditional life-styles...) Regional variations
3.7% Regional Differences in HBsAg Positivity 4.5% 4.4% 8.8% 4.6% 6.7% 4.9% 8.9% 3.5% 6.9% 7.9%
Age of infection: increased after 10 yrs, and peak btw 21-25 yrs of age
No difference btw health personnel and donors regarding HBsAg, but anti-HBs is significantly increased. Patients with chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and HCC ... Risk groups?
No known risk factors among 44.5% of AVH cases in Turkey Horizontal transmission!
A local NGO with 1,200 members Communication networks targetting health personnel all around the country Important contribution towards the implementation of universal newborn immunization in 1998. Viral Hepatitis Prevention Society
Social Marketing of Hepatitis B Immunisation Project Viral Hepatitis Prevention Society In collaboration with Ministry of Health Dept. of Primary Care, opinion leaders from medical schools and PR experts. Abaseline KAP (Knowledge, Attitute and Practice) surveywas conducted. Regional training teams established. Training materials, leaflets, brochures, posters and a reference guide book for medical doctors and nurses were prepared. Viral Hepatitis Journal, a quarterly medical bulletin was published.
3 strategies for 1997 cohort of 1.500.000 newborns: 1) no vaccination 2) screen mothers and vaccinate newborns 3) vaccinate all newborns Comparison of hepatitis B immunization strategies taking into account cost-effectiveness issues
Comparison of hepatitis B immunization strategies by cost-effectiveness
Vaccines 2 mo 3 mo 4 mo 9 mo 15 mo 18 mo BCG X DBT+polio X X X X HepB X X X Measles X X In Turkey, universal Hepatitis B immunization is part of EPI since 1998. Children are vaccinated at 3, 4 and 9 months of age for Hepatitis B. MoH EPI schedule in Turkey* *Haemophilus influenzae type B, MMR, varicella and hepatitis A vaccines are recommended by health personnel, but can be used only upon purchase from private pharmacy by parents. They are not mentioned among EPI vaccines nor covered by any form of insurance.
Annual no of newborns: 1 360 000 Children vaccinated by 3 doses:~66% Annual no of children immunized:890 000 The first year of universal immunization - MoH data
National HB Immunization 1999-2001 * First 3 months
At the beginning, for the RISK GROUPS, the vaccine required was to be purchased from private pharmacies, and then reimbursed by social security institutions. • Since 2000, as a cost-saving measure, MoH started to provide vaccine for risk groups also.
1st vaccine dose at 3rd month of life (babies of women that were not screened for HBsAg in pregnancy remain still not protected. However, starting vaccination at birth is problematic for practical reasons.) No program for adolescents Two main problems of HB immunization program in Turkey