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Bishop’s District Retreat. Spring 2011. Civility. We are all in this together because Christ has called us to be together. “We belong to one another only through and in Jesus Christ. What does this mean? It means:. 1) That a Christian needs others because of Jesus Christ.
Bishop’s District Retreat Spring 2011
Civility We are all in this together because Christ has called us to be together.
“We belong to one another only through and in Jesus Christ. What does this mean? It means: 1) That a Christian needs others because of Jesus Christ. 2) That a Christian comes to others only through Jesus Christ 3) That in Jesus Christ we have been chosen from eternity, accepted in time, and united for eternity. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Life Together “Therefore, the Christian needs another Christian who speaks God’s Word to him. He needs him again and again when he becomes uncertain and discouraged, for by himself he cannot help himself , . . . He needs his brother solely because of Jesus Christ.” - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The “Drivers” for our Life Together • “’You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 22:37-38 (NRSV) • “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 (NRSV)
Filling the 21st Century Gap Civil behavior driven by a Commandment and a Commission. Politeness on Railroads Civility
The Gifts of Civility It calls on us to sacrifice for others as we travel through life. It makes the ride tolerable - Stephen L. Carter
The Deterioration of Civility Our comfort is more important than the comfort of others. Caring less and less about our fellow citizens. Seeing others as obstacles or competitors Saying anything we want, any time we want, in any way we want.
Civility “Civility is the set of sacrifices we make for the sake of our common journey with others, and out of love and respect for the very idea that there ARE others.” - Stephen L. Carter
Civility “When we are civil, we are not pretending to like those we actually despise; we are not pretending to hold any attitude toward them, except that we accept and value them as every bit our equals before God.” - Stephen L. Carter
Civility “We need to learn anew a simple inequality: the question of how we SHOULD treat our fellow citizens is independent of the question of how we FEEL LIKE treating them.” -Stephen L. Carter
Civility “Our duty to be civil toward others does not depend on whether we like them or not.” - Stephen L. Carter
Civility “Civility requires that we sacrifice for others, not just for people we happen to know.” - Stephen L. Carter
Civility “Civility has two parts: generosity, even when it is costly, and trust, even when there is risk.”
Civility “Civility creates not merely a negative duty not to do harm, but an affirmative duty to do good.”
Table Discussion How do you respond to these quotes? What are the SMART GOALS (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Bound) that you and your congregation can set in order to “set the pace” for a new civility in your community?
Civility “Every encounter with another human being should inspire in us a powerful sense of AWE. Why? Because that other human being, . . . is also a part of God’s creation.” -Stephen L. Carter
Civility “We should also encounter others with a sense of GRATITUDE; for here is a fresh and different corner of God’s creation.”
Civility “Civility requires a sense of HUMILITY about our place. We are no better than anyone else. We are a part of one another rather than a part from one another.”
Civility “Civility requires a sense of NURTURE for the sake of community.”
Personal Reflection Time Have you entered into this day and this retreat with a sense of AWE, GRATITUDE, HUMILITY, & NURTURE? How can this understanding of Civility inform your preaching? Your approach to ministry? Your leadership? Your role?