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Exploring an Environment with Bounded Visibility

Exploring an Environment with Bounded Visibility . کاوش محیط توسط ربوت با محدودیت در دید. Master of Science Proposal in field of Computer science. Hossein Moarefi . Supervisors : Mansoor Davoodi Monfared Bahram Sadeghi Bigham. October 2013. Overview .

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Exploring an Environment with Bounded Visibility

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  1. Exploring an Environment with Bounded Visibility کاوش محیط توسط ربوت با محدودیت در دید Master of Science Proposal in field of Computer science Hossein Moarefi Supervisors : MansoorDavoodiMonfared BahramSadeghiBigham October 2013

  2. Overview • Definition of Preliminary Problem • Application in Real World • Practical Aspect in Robotic • Optimality and Competitiveness in Online Algorithms • Literature Review & Thesis Bibliography • Problem Definition

  3. Definition of Preliminary Problem : Exploration: The robot ability to make an Optimal Tour (or map) by starting from S , and observing every point of environment. Searching : The robot ability to make a Optimal Path to reach a target point t , from its starting point s. Note : Optimization Criteria proposed in Online Fashion

  4. Background : Dependence to the Length of Input Analysis base on WORST_CASE - Complexity of Time - Complexity of Memory • Information arrives during a period of Time • Analysis base on competitiveness • Complexity of Memory • -Fault Tolerance Behavior • -Independent to the Input String Offline Algorithm : Online Algorithm :

  5. Application In Real World . Human-Rescuer Robots

  6. Application In Real World . Generating Topological Map of Environment . Path Planning for Autonomous Driving and …

  7. Real World Computable World Objectives : • ROBOT • Shape of Body • (point , Circle , Polygon , … ) • Sensors • ( touch , vision ) • Motion Restriction • Computational Abilities • Environment • Bounded Region Vs. Unbounded Region • Rectangular , Orthogonal , Polygonal and etc. • Graph , Cellular , Grid and etc. • Obstacle-Free vs. In presence of Obstacles • COST • Minimum Number of View Points • Minimum number of Turns or links • Path Length Metric • ( Euclidian metric , … ) • Dimension of Space

  8. Practical aspect in ROBOTIC : Constraints on Robot models Visibility Constraints : -Bounded visibility -Continuous Visibility -Discrete visibility

  9. Optimality and Competitiveness of Algorithms : Competitive ratio : efficiency of online algorithms for searching and exploration algorithms is generally measured using their competitive ratios. Cost of Online Algorithms Competitive ratio = Cost of optimal Offline Algorithm Search Ratio : For specific case of geometric searches in an unknown environment for a target of unknown position this ratio introduced. In this case , the optimal offline algorithm although knows the Environment map , but it fails to know the location of target.

  10. Definition of Problem : • Exploring an Environment Q • Point Robot ( P ) with Bounded Visibility with range ( R ) • Known Starting Point : S Creating the Shortest Tour inside Q which all points of Q could be seen by P.

  11. Previous Related Works : • Robbie Shade , PhD Thesis , Oxford University 2011 – Choosing Where To Go: Mobile Robot Exploration • J. Chalopin, Sh. Das, Y. Disser, M. Mihalak, and P. Widmayer. • Telling convex from reflex allows to map a polygon. In Proceedings of the 28th STACS , 2011 • S. k. Ghosha , R. Klein [ Survey ] -Online algorithms for searching and exploration in the plane - Computer Science Review 4 – (2010) • Tom Kamphans , PhD Thesis , university of Bonn,Germany 2006 – • Models and Algorithms for Online Exploration and Search • Ch. Icking , R. Klein , E. Langetepe , S. Schuierer , I. Semrau – • An Optimal Strategy for Walking In Streets- SIAM journal of Computing 33 , 2004 • Frank Hoffmann, Christian Icking, Rolf Klein, and Klaus Kriegel. • The polygon exploration problem. SIAM Journal on Computing, 31:577–600, 2002

  12. Thanks for your attention ! … I Kept Looking for sweet Home

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