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LOCATION OF ORISSA The state of Orissa is located on the eastern coast of India at 17.49 ’north – 22.0 34’ north latitude and 81.29’ east- 87.29’ east longitude. It is located on eastern coast of India. It is bordered by Madhya Pradesh in the west, Andra Pradesh in the south, west Bengal in north-east, bay of Bengal in the east and Bihar in the west. The state extends to an area 1,55,707 sq.km.
SEASONS OF ORISSA. There are 3 major seasons- 1. Summer (march/ June) 2. Rainy season(July/ september) 3. Winter (October/ February)
CLIMATE OF ORISSA • 1.Orissa has a tropical climate. • 2. It is warm almost throughout the year with maximum temperature between 40-46 degree celcius and in winter 3-4 degree celcius. • 3, The average rainfall is 150 cm, as a result of south-west monsoon during July/ September. • 4. The month of July is the wettest and the major rivers may get flooded. • The state also gains small rainfall from the retreating monsoon in the months of October-November.
GEOGRAPHY AND LAND USE . The state is divided into 4 physiographic zones. Coastal plains Central table land Northern plateau Eastern ghats.
SOIL TYPES . The state has different soil types. • Fertile alluvial deltaic soil in the coastal plains. • Mixed red & black soil in the central table land. • Red & yellow soil with low fertility in the northern plateau • Red, black & brown forest soil in eastern ghats region. • About 4 lakh hectares are exposed to saline inundation, 3,45 lakh hectares to flooding and 0.75 hectares for water logging.
the zones are further divided into 10 agroclimatic zones. • North western plateau • North central plateau • North eastern coastal plain • East and south eastern coast plain • North eastern Ghat • Eastern Ghat high land • South eastern Ghat • Western undulating zone • Western central table land. • Mid central table land.
AGRICULTURE AND CROPS GROWN. Agriculture provides 26% of the net state domestic product. The Indian cropping season is classified into 2 main seasons. 1. Kharif cropping season : from July-October during the south west monsoon. 2. rabi cropping season : from October-march {winter}
KHARIF CROPPING SEASON. RABI CROPPING SEASON. • Kharif is the main cropping season and rice is the principal crop during kharif season. • It grows almost one tenth of the total rice production of the country. • The kharif crop includes rice , maize, sorghum, pearl millet , bajra, Ragi , pulses, mustard, etc. • The rabi crop includes wheat, barley , cereals, pulses , etc.
AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT OF ORISSA. • The agricultural department of Orissa government and its 3 wings. • Directorate of horticulture. • Directorate of agriculture. • Directorate of soil conservation
SOME IRRIGATION FACILITIES. • Dams: • Hirakud dam is built across Mahanadi river • The Jalaput Dam is a hydroelectric dam built on the Machkund River, a tributary of the Godavari River • Mandira dam is built across sankh river. The water from the dam is used Rourkela steel plant. • Rengali dam is constructed across brahamin river in rengali village.
CANALS. • Hirakund project canals- 4,801.2 meter long has been constructed across mahanandi. • Mahanandi delta canals- canals of the mahanandi delta scheme.