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Data Science is one of the hottest jobs in the 21st century. It is undoubtedly a well-paying job. According to the latest research, the scope of Data Science will grow further in the future, making it a profitable profession. However, due to lack of knowledge and information, aspiring data science professionals end up picking up a misleading career-growth option. In this article, we will talk about some data science skill development programs that can help aspiring data science professionals in their career.u00a0<br>
BestDataScienceCertificationsAnalyzed • DataScienceisoneofthehottestjobs inthe21stcentury.It isundoubtedlya well-payingjob.Accordingtothelatestresearch,thescopeofDataSciencewill growfurtherinthe future,makingitaprofitable profession.However,duetolack ofknowledgeandinformation,aspiringdatascienceprofessionalsenduppicking upamisleading career-growth option.Inthis article,wewill talkaboutsomedata scienceskill development programsthatcan help aspiring data science professionalsin theircareer. • Best DataScienceCertifications • IBMDataScienceProfessional Certificate • This is a professional certificate course focusing on Machine learning and extensive Data Science skills. By enrolling in this course, you will be able to learn Python, SQL, business learning, etc. It is a beginner-level course with aduration of6-12 months.This course is poweredby Coursera. • GoogleDataAnalytics • ThisisaprofessionalcertificatecoursethatimpartsknowledgeonData Science, MachineLearning,analytictools,spreadsheets,Data visualization,and many more.Theduration ofthecourseis6monthsand is an online beginner-level course. • UnitedStatesData Science Institute (USDSI™) • USDSI™isaleadingUS-baseddata sciencecertificationproviderand hasthreemajorcertifications.Belowarethe threecertifications: • CertifiedDataScienceProfessional(CDSP™)forundergraduates fromanystream. In this program,the candidateswill learn Data Sciencefrom scratch, andgeta head-start inbecomingasuccessful DataScienceProfessionalandgrabmanyeminentprojectswidening the horizonsof career-growthin a company.
CertifiedLeadDataScientist(CLDS™)foradvancedcertification. This Certification course enablesthecandidatetoget in-depth knowledgeofDataScience,DataAnalytics,MachineLearning,IoT, Cloud,and others. • CertifiedSeniorDataScientist(CSDS™)courseisprimarilyfor datascientistswith fiveyearsofexperienceand for thosewhoare lookingtoincreasetheir roleinthe decision-making processof the company. • 4.JohnHopkins DataScience • ThisisaDataScience Certificationcoursethatenhancesyourmachine learningskills,tools,DataScienceskills,andmanymore.Thisisanonline Certificationcoursewithadurationofapproximately 11 months.The coursealsooffers hands-onprojects forlearningData Scienceskills. • There is no denying the fact that Data Science is indeed a well-paying as well as a well-reputed job. Little do we know that Data Science is also an interesting job providing a roller-coaster experience to theprofessional.