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Top-Data Science-Skills

Ever since the role of big data was recognized in the success of businesses, there has been a continuous upsurge in demand for professionals proficient in data science. With the increase in demand for data science professionals, there has been an upsurge in jobs openings as well. <br>

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Top-Data Science-Skills

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  1. Topdatascienceskills of2021 Keywords:Datascienceskills,datasciencecertifications,datasciencecareer,data sciencejobs • Ever since the role of big data was recognized in the success of businesses, there has been a continuous upsurge in demandforprofessionalsproficientindata science. With the increase in demand for data science professionals, there has been an upsurgeinjobsopeningsaswell. • Yet…thepositions govacant.Reason:Lack ofdatascienceskills inthe professionals. • Sowhatarethedatascienceskillsthatyouneedtomastertosucceedasdatascience professionalin2021. • Without wasting more time, let’s have a look at some of the top data science skills employers seek in professionals when they open the data science jobs in their organizations. • ProgramminglanguageslikePython,R,andSQLarestillthetopthreelanguages that are required for a successful data science career. Most of the successful data scientistswillswearbyPython.Reason:Itisquiteadvancedwhenitcomestoopen- sourcecontributionsanditiseasytolearnaswell.SQLisanotherlanguagetolearn for professionals seeking work in any data science related field including data analyst, businessanalyst, or evendataanalyst. • In addition to programming languages, it is important to know the various upcoming Python libraries. For deep learning TensorFlow is the top in demand Python learning and its popularity is increasing at steady pace. Another strong contender is PyTorch. For machine learning scikit-learn is the popular choice, as it helps in building machine learning models. Numpy and Pandas help in the initial stages of data science process that includes cleaning and manipulating the data for insights. • Whentheindustryexpertscomparedtheskillsfrom2019to2021,therehavebeen a fast rise and decline in certain skills for data science jobs. Here is the list of both quickrisinganddecliningdatascienceskillsforprofessionals. • TherehasbeenanupwardsurgeindemandforskillslikeAWS,cloud,and Google CloudPlatform(GCP)

  2. Therehasalsobeenanupsurgeinskillsrelatedtodeeplearningso proficiencyinTensorFlow andPyTorchisimportant • WhileRremainsstagnantintermsofpopularity,PythonandSQLkept growinginimportance over theyears • There has been a steady decline in once popular Apache products like Spark, Hadoop,andHive • Technical skills like Statistics and probability; Calculus and Linear Algebra, along with data visualization, data wrangling, and database management are still consideredimportantfor a successfuldatasciencecareer. • Business acumen is another important skill for data scientist. In other words, domain knowledge is a must before you venture out as a data scientist. You may like to consult industry experts in the initial stages before you develop a business sense yourself. • Soft skills like storytelling, facilitation, strong communication skills are still in demandandwillcontinuetodoso. • You can both acquire and hone your data science skills through various bootcamps, Kaggle, and of course going for data science certifications from reputed institutes that offer programs that prepare you to work in any professional settings. Data Science certifications will give a seal of approval on all the skills and knowledge youhaveacquiredfromvarioussourcesandbuildconfidenceinthehiringmanager.

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