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"It's Easy to Update Your Joomla Website to Latest Joomla 3.5 Version. Let Our Experts Update Your Joomla Website - Get More Stable & Improved Security!<br>Tags: Update Joomla, joomla 1.5 to 3.5, joomla 2.5 to 3.5, joomla migration services, upgrade joomla to latest version, joomla migartion checklist, joomla checklist, checklist"<br>
Version 1.0 JOOMLA MIGRATION ESSENTIALS FREE DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT FROM USJF THIS DOCUMENT WILL HELP YOU TO MANAGE YOUR JOOMLA MIGRATION, WE CREATED THIS DOCUMENT BASED OUR JOOMLA MIGRATION PRACTICE Things to do before Joomla Migration Before migrating to new Joomla version make sure that you have the backup of your website. Never let the version number proximity e.g. Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.6, confuse you – In Fact Joomla 1.6 was launched after three years of development and has undergone many vital changes. Joomla backend codes differ entirely from every version released. User data structure is the major key player for proper website alignment and template alignment; it differs for each Joomla versions. Before moving from your current Joomla version to New Joomla version While upgrading to new Joomla, few extensions which would have worked in old Joomla will be disabled or removed due to compatibility issues, make sure to search in Google and install the alternate extensions. Custom made Templates may not be compatible , without knowing template compatibility it is not advisable to start migration. Check Joomla admin dashboard for visible errors, which may exists due to corrupted extensions, make sure to fix them. Verify any customization you have done to your current Joomla version, as architectural level varies between your current Joomla version and new Joomla version, these changes may not work appropriately and requires rework. Importance of auto emailing to your contact list: Make sure to turn email setting off in Joomla Global Configuration; otherwise system will send unwanted migration notification email to users. Important Note: Any website malwares should be removed before migration. Let’s get started! We at US Joomla Force Uses this process and check list document to all our clients Call USJF for any or all Joomla Migration support at 1-855-566 -6652 or visit us at www.USJoomlaForce.com 1 |P a g e
Version 1.0 CURRENT WEBSITE INFORMATION Website URL ____________________________ Current Joomla Version __________________ New Joomla Version __________________ VERIFY SOFTWARE AND RECOMMENDED CONFIGURATION Software For JOOMLA 2.5 Recommended Minimum More information PHP MySQL 5.3 + 5.0.4 + 5.2.4 + 5.0.4 + http://www.php.net http://www.mysql.com Supported Web Servers: Apache Nginx 2.x + 1.1 7 2.x + 1 7 http://www.apache.org http://wiki.nginx.org/ http://www.iis.net Microsoft IIS For JOOMLA 3.0 PHP 5.3.1 + MySQL 5.1 + MSSQL PostgreSQL Supported Web Servers: Apache Nginx Microsoft IIS 5.3.1 + 5.1 + 10.50.1600.1+ 8.3.18 + http://www.php.net http://www.mysql.com http://www.microsoft.com/sql http://www.postgresql.org/ 10.50.1600.1+ 8.3.18 + 2.x + 1.1 7 2.x + 1 7 http://www.apache.org http://wiki.nginx.org/ http://www.iis.net FOR YOUR WEBSITE LIST OF FEATURES EXPECTED FROM NEW JOOMLA VERSION 1) ________________ Is it available in New Version Y/N 2) ________________ Is it available in New Version Y/N 3) ________________ Is it available in New Version Y/N 4) ________________ Is it available in New Version Y/N 5) ________________ Is it available in New Version Y/N 6) ________________ Is it available in New Version Y/N 7) ________________ Is it available in New Version Y/N We at US Joomla Force Uses this process and check list document to all our clients Call USJF for any or all Joomla Migration support at 1-855-566 -6652 or visit us at www.USJoomlaForce.com 2 |P a g e
Version 1.0 CURRENT JOOMLA WEBSITE MANAGEMENT : To be filled by Website Owner or Manager List of website management tasks you do in your current website 1)_______________________________________ is it dependable on any components Y/N _____ 2)_______________________________________ is it dependable on any components Y/N _____ 3)_______________________________________ is it dependable on any components Y/N _____ 4)_______________________________________ is it dependable on any components Y/N _____ 5)_______________________________________ is it dependable on any components Y/N _____ 6)_______________________________________ is it dependable on any components Y/N _____ 7)_______________________________________ is it dependable on any components Y/N _____ Current website Template/Component Template (Select one from the below list) _____ Custom Template = compatible with new Joomla version Y / N _____ Bought from websites = compatible with new Joomla version Y / N _____ Free Download = compatible with new Joomla version Y / N Mark the list of components you have in your current Joomla website (Apply Check Marks to each item) _____ Banners _____ Categories _____ Contacts _____ Articles _____ Menu _____ Modules _____ Images _____ Newsfeeds ____ Web links Cont…. We at US Joomla Force Uses this process and check list document to all our clients Call USJF for any or all Joomla Migration support at 1-855-566 -6652 or visit us at www.USJoomlaForce.com 3 |P a g e
Version 1.0 _____ Others 1 if any, _________ Version ______ compatible with new Joomla version Y / N _____ Extension 1, ______________ Version ____ compatible with new Joomla version ____ if no, name of the alternate extension ________ _____ Extension 2, ______________ Version ____ compatible with new Joomla version ____ if no, name of the alternate extension ________ _____ Extension 3, ______________ Version ____ compatible with new Joomla version ____ if no, name of the alternate extension ________ _____ Extension 4, ______________ Version ____ compatible with new Joomla version ____ if no, name of the alternate extension ________ _____ Extension 5, ______________ Version ____ compatible with new Joomla version ____ if no, name of the alternate extension ________ _____ Extension 6, ______________ Version ____ compatible with new Joomla version ____ if no, name of the alternate extension ________ _____ Extension 7, ______________ Version ____ compatible with new Joomla version ____ if no, name of the alternate extension ________ _____ Extension 8, ______________ Version ____ compatible with new Joomla version ____ if no, name of the alternate extension ________ _____ Extension 9, ______________ Version ____ compatible with new Joomla version ____ if no, name of the alternate extension ________ ____ Extension 10, ______________ Version ____ compatible with new Joomla version ____ if no, name of the alternate extension ________ NOTE: If you have answered No to any above, then you need to make sure that component or template is compatible with your new Joomla version before you move forward. IMPORTANT: Migrating custom developed extension would cause malfunction and highly not recommended without consulting a Joomla developer. We at US Joomla Force Uses this process and check list document to all our clients Call USJF for any or all Joomla Migration support at 1-855-566 -6652 or visit us at www.USJoomlaForce.com 4 |P a g e
Version 1.0 Migration Requirements: Mirror Server Environment to host locally (Apache) Mirror Site running locally (Your current website, make sure you mirror as close to live website, more closer it is, you can avoid any unexpected issues during live migration) Have Back up or Copy of Most Recent Backup Migration Plan: Using your traffic analytics find a suitable time to do the migration (Plan for minimum one hour, it may go up to 1 full day based on your components and version) Live Migration Date ______________ Time from _________ To ____________ Test Migration: Using Mirror Server and Website, migrate your current website from your backup. Website Migration Issues 1)_________________________________________________________________________ Solved Y/N ___ 2)_________________________________________________________________________ Solved Y/N ___ 3)_________________________________________________________________________ Solved Y/N ___ 4)_________________________________________________________________________ Solved Y/N ___ 5)_________________________________________________________________________ Solved Y/N ___ List of Points Noted/Learned during this migration 1)_____________Error in homepage due to incorrect template configuration, CSS modification was done to old website which was not done in migrated website________ 2)_________________________________________________________________________ 3)_________________________________________________________________________ 4)_________________________________________________________________________ 5)_________________________________________________________________________ We at US Joomla Force Uses this process and check list document to all our clients Call USJF for any or all Joomla Migration support at 1-855-566 -6652 or visit us at www.USJoomlaForce.com 5 |P a g e
Version 1.0 Compare and Verify Website Migration Using Mirror Setup and Website, migrate your website data. Website Data Migration Issues 1)_________________________________________________________________________ Solved Y/N ___ 2)_________________________________________________________________________ Solved Y/N ___ 3)_________________________________________________________________________ Solved Y/N ___ 4)_________________________________________________________________________ Solved Y/N ___ 5)_________________________________________________________________________ Solved Y/N ___ Compare and Verify Website Data Migration List of Points Noted/Learned during this data migration 1)_________________________________________________________________________ 2)_________________________________________________________________________ 3)_________________________________________________________________________ 4)_________________________________________________________________________ 5)_________________________________________________________________________ Website Management Test by the website owner By using the list of day to day management task you create in the beginning, make sure you able to do your day to day website management in your test server. Fold your shirt and play with it and make sure you got good hold on your new Joomla version. Final approval on website and data migration Live Migration Conform Live Migration Date ______________ Time From ________ To _________ On need eMail existing users about website maintenance time and indicate the duration of the maintenance. Most Recent Data Backup is done Maintenance Message Displayed while migration We at US Joomla Force Uses this process and check list document to all our clients Call USJF for any or all Joomla Migration support at 1-855-566 -6652 or visit us at www.USJoomlaForce.com 6 |P a g e
Version 1.0 Move New website from Test Server to Live Server Migrate your current website from mirror server to Live Server Website Migration Issues 1)_________________________________________________________________________ Solved Y/N ___ 2)_________________________________________________________________________ Solved Y/N ___ 3)_________________________________________________________________________ Solved Y/N ___ List of Points Noted/Learned during this migration 1)_________________________________________________________________________ 2)_________________________________________________________________________ Compare and Verify Website Migration Final approval on live website and data migration Website Management Test By using the list of day to day management task you create in the beginning, make sure you able to do your day to day website management in your live server. Fold your shirt and play with it and make sure you got good hold on your new Joomla version. Congratulation! You Made It. Save this document for your further reference. We at US Joomla Force Uses this process and check list document to all our clients Call USJF for any or all Joomla Migration support at 1-855-566 -6652 or visit us at www.USJoomlaForce.com 7 |P a g e
Version 1.0 We at US Joomla Force Uses this process and check list document to all our clients Call USJF for any or all Joomla Migration support at 1-855-566 -6652 or visit us at www.USJoomlaForce.com 1 |P a g e
Version 1.0 CURRENT WEBSITE INFORMATION Website URL www.yourwebsite.com___ Current Joomla Version Joomla 1.63__ New Joomla Version Joomla 2.5__ VERIFY SOFTWARE AND RECOMMENDED CONFIGURATION Software For JOOMLA 2.5 Recommended Minimum More information PHP MySQL 5.3 + 5.0.4 + 5.2.4 + 5.0.4 + http://www.php.net http://www.mysql.com Supported Web Servers: Apache Nginx 2.x + 1.1 7 2.x + 1 7 http://www.apache.org http://wiki.nginx.org/ http://www.iis.net Microsoft IIS For JOOMLA 3.0 PHP 5.3.1 + MySQL 5.1 + MSSQL PostgreSQL Supported Web Servers: Apache Nginx Microsoft IIS 5.3.1 + 5.1 + 10.50.1600.1+ 8.3.18 + http://www.php.net http://www.mysql.com http://www.microsoft.com/sql http://www.postgresql.org/ 10.50.1600.1+ 8.3.18 + 2.x + 1.1 7 2.x + 1 7 http://www.apache.org http://wiki.nginx.org/ http://www.iis.net We at US Joomla Force Uses this process and check list document to all our clients Call USJF for any or all Joomla Migration support at 1-855-566 -6652 or visit us at www.USJoomlaForce.com 2 |P a g e
Version 1.0 FOR YOUR WEBSITE LIST OF FEATURES EXPECTED FROM NEW JOOMLA VERSION 1)Inbuilt Captcha _ Is it available in New Version Y/N Y 2)Inbuilt Update and security patch Is it available in New Version Y/N Y 3)Supports the latest version of VM Is it available in New Version Y/N Y 4)Inbuilt one click Joomla update ___Is it available in New Version Y/N Y 5)Website mobile support_____________________ Is it available in New Version Y/N Y 6)New user registration notification to adminIs it available in New Version Y/N Y 7)User notes__________________________ Is it available in New Version Y/N Y 8)Article category _____________________________Is it available in New Version Y/N Y 9)___________________________________________ Is it available in New Version Y/N __ 10)___________________________________________ Is it available in New Version Y/N ___ CURRENT JOOMLA WEBSITE MANAGEMENT : To be filled by Website Owner or Manager List of website management tasks you do in your current website 1)Backup website_____________________ is it dependable on any components Y/N AKeeba backup_ 2)Update Blog________________________is it dependable on any components Y/N Easy blog_______ 3)Update Banner image_______________ is it dependable on any components Y/N No______________ 4)Upload magazine to website_______is it dependable on any components Y/N OSE File______ __ 5)Update daily events_________________is it dependable on any components Y/N Jcomments_____ 6)Add and edit articles________________ is it dependable on any components Y/N Jce editor ____ 7)Manage Ecommerce ____is it dependable on any components Y/N VirtuMart _______ 8)_____________________________________ is it dependable on any components Y/N _____ 9)_____________________________________is it dependable on any components Y/N _____ 10)_____________________________________ is it dependable on any components Y/N _____ We at US Joomla Force Uses this process and check list document to all our clients Call USJF for any or all Joomla Migration support at 1-855-566 -6652 or visit us at www.USJoomlaForce.com 3 |P a g e
Version 1.0 Current website Template/Component Template (Select one from the below list) __X___ Custom Template = compatible with new Joomla version Y / N __✓__ Bought from websites = compatible with new Joomla version Y / N __X___ Free Download = compatible with new Joomla version Y / N Mark the list of components you have in your current Joomla website (Apply Check Marks to each item) __✓__ Banners __X___ Categories __✓__ Contacts __✓__ Articles __✓__ Menu __✓__ Modules __✓__ Images __X___ Newsfeeds __✓__ Web links ______ Others 1 if any, _________ Version ______ compatible with new Joomla version Y / N _✓ Extension 1, RS FORMS______ Version 1.0.7_ compatible with new Joomla versionNO_ If no name of the alternate extensionMad4Joomla_ _✓ Extension 2, Adodis Blog Version NA___compatible with new Joomla version Y / N YES _✓ Extension 3, CBJUICE ___ Version 2_ __compatible with new Joomla version Y / N YES _✓ Extension 4, Jom BACKUP____ Version 2.5___compatible with new Joomla versionNO If no name of the alternate extensionAKEEBA BACKUP _✓ Extension 5, _EASY BLOG Version 1.2___compatible with new Joomla version Y / N YES _✓ Extension 6, _JCE EDITIOR Version 3.0___compatible with new Joomla version Y / N YES _✓ Extension 7, _JCOMMENTS_ Version _NA__compatible with new Joomla version Y / N YES We at US Joomla Force Uses this process and check list document to all our clients Call USJF for any or all Joomla Migration support at 1-855-566 -6652 or visit us at www.USJoomlaForce.com 4 |P a g e
Version 1.0 _✓ Extension 8, JEVENTS____ Version NA___compatible with new Joomla version Y / N YES _✓ Extension 9, OSE FILE MAN Version 2.5___compatible with new Joomla version Y / N YES _✓ Extension 10 Mosets tree___ Version 2.2.6_compatible with new Joomla version Y / N YES _✓ Extension 11 Community builder__Version 1.7_compatible with new Joomla version Y / N YES _✓ Extension 12_Admin tools_________ Version 2.5.8compatible with new Joomla version Y / N YES NOTE: If you have answered No to any above, then you need to make sure that component or template is compatible with your new Joomla version before you move forward. IMPORTANT: Migrating custom developed extension would cause malfunction and highly not recommended without consulting a Joomla developer. Migration Requirements: Mirror Server Environment to host locally (Apache) Mirror Site running locally (Your current website, make sure you mirror as close to live website, more closer it is, you can avoid any unexpected issues during live migration) Have Back up or Copy of Most Recent Backup Migration Plan: Using your traffic analytics find a suitable time to do the migration (Plan for minimum one hour, it may go up to 1 full day based on your components and version) Live Migration Date _November 21 2012_ Time From ___23.00___ To __00.00____ Test Migration: Using Mirror Server and Website, migrate your current website from your backup. Website Migration Issues 1)Error in home page___________________________________________________ Solved Y/N ___Y_ 2)BLOG needs manual migration_______________________________________ Solved Y/N __Y__ 3)Error in VirtuMart_____________________________________________________ Solved Y/N __Y_ 4)________________________________________________________________________ Solved Y/N ___ We at US Joomla Force Uses this process and check list document to all our clients Call USJF for any or all Joomla Migration support at 1-855-566 -6652 or visit us at www.USJoomlaForce.com 5 |P a g e
Version 1.0 List of Points Noted/Learned during this migration 1)Error in homepage due to incorrect template configuration, CSS modification was done to old website which was not done in migrated website________ 2)_________________________________________________________________________ 3)_________________________________________________________________________ Compare and Verify Website Migration Using Mirror Setup and Website, migrate your website data. Website Data Migration Issues 1)Partial articles not migrated ____________________________________________ Solved Y/N Y 2)Most of the ecommerce products are missing__________________________ Solved Y/N Y 3)Jcomments lost for all articles, unable to find any comments___________ Solved Y/N Y 4)Event calendar missing all previous events______________________________ Solved Y/N Y 5)Products are missing price tag, _________________________________________ Solved Y/N Y 6)Website template is layout is not matching live website________________ Solved Y/N Y 7)Menu not working, all links shows 404 error ____________________________ Solved Y/N Y 8)When navigated to administrator login, it says page not found_________ Solved Y/N Y 9)All the website links are broken__________________________________________ Solved Y/N Y 10)Front page slider missing________________________________________________ Solved Y/N Y Compare and Verify Website Data Migration List of Points Noted/Learned during this data migration 1)Change config file after migration____________________________________ 2)Since database was migrated as well, its structure is different and at times it is better to reset password through user table in case of 500 login error in admin page.____________ 3)_________________________________________________________________________ Website Management Test by the website owner By using the list of day to day management task you create in the beginning, make sure you able to do your day to day website management in your test server. Fold your shirt and play with it and make sure you got good hold on your new Joomla version. We at US Joomla Force Uses this process and check list document to all our clients Call USJF for any or all Joomla Migration support at 1-855-566 -6652 or visit us at www.USJoomlaForce.com 6 |P a g e
Version 1.0 Final approval on website and data migration Live Migration Conform Live Migration Date November 21 2012_ Time From ___23.00___ To __00.00____ On need eMail existing users about website maintenance time and indicate the duration of the maintenance. Most Recent Data Backup is done Maintenance Message Displayed while migration Move New website from Test Server to Live Server Migrate your current website from mirror server to Live Server Website Migration Issues 1)Menu links not working______________________________________________ Solved Y/N Y 2)Several errors displayed in Home page footer_______________________ Solved Y/N Y 3)SEO friendly URLS are lost____________________________________________ Solved Y/N Y List of Points Noted/Learned during this migration 1).htaccess needs few customization for www redirection and 301 redirection___________ 2)_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Compare and Verify Website Migration Final approval on live website and data migration Website Management Test By using the list of day to day management task you create in the beginning, make sure you able to do your day to day website management in your live server. Fold your shirt and play with it and make sure you got good hold on your new Joomla version. Congratulation! You Made It. Save this document for your further reference. We at US Joomla Force Uses this process and check list document to all our clients Call USJF for any or all Joomla Migration support at 1-855-566 -6652 or visit us at www.USJoomlaForce.com 7 |P a g e