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新视野英语教程 Section C: Writing. Writing. Basic Writing. Writing Exercises. Practical Writing. Section C Writing : Basic Writing Skills. Pronouns. Principles of Pronouns in English writing: 1. 代词必须清楚地指代某个成分,不能指代不明。如: Faulty: A Japanese man asks an American passenger
新视野英语教程Section C: Writing Writing Basic Writing Writing Exercises Practical Writing
Section C Writing : Basic Writing Skills Pronouns Principles of Pronouns in English writing: 1.代词必须清楚地指代某个成分,不能指代不明。如: Faulty: A Japanese man asks an American passenger Whether the airport has a luggage-trolley service. He wants to say that there is not only a trolley service, but That it is free! Clear: A Japanese man asks an American passenger Whether the airport has a luggage-trolley service. TheAmerican wants to say that there is not only a trolley service, but that it is free! to be continued
Section C Writing : Basic Writing Skills Pronouns 2. 代词也不能随意更改指代内容。如: Faulty:Everything from your sex, racial background, social class and communication style all influences hisbody language. Clear: Everything from your sex, racial background, social class and communication style all influences your body language. to be continued
Section C Writing : Basic Writing Skills Pronouns 3.代词应与其所替代的成分在人称和数方面保持一致, 并且应当与其所指代的成分尽量保持就近位置。但当everyone等做主语时,虽然谓语动词使用单数形式,但是其相应的代词却可以既使用单数形式也可以使用复数形式。如: Everyone, however, can improve his or her listening skills with practice. (Text B, Unit 2, Book 1) Everyone is embarrassed when they make a mistake and everyone makes mistakes.(Text A, Unit 2, Book 1)
Section C : Practical Writing– Understanding and Writing Timetables/Schedule. Sample I Sample II 时刻表和日程表的写作要求 1.火车或飞机时刻表要求能看懂即可。 2.活动日程表的目的,是让有关人员清楚了解 某一项活动的具体安排时间、地点以及主管 人员等。在日程表的开头要用醒目的字体写 明是什么活动的安排计划,然后每项中先写 明具体时间,在写活动内容、地点或负责人 等。排列时按时间顺序依次书写即可。 3.语言特点:不使用完整的句子而是用名词分 词代替以求简练。
Section C : Practical Writing– Understanding and Writing Timetales/Schedule. 航班的时刻表 Sample 1. A Flight Timetable (飞机时刻表) 飞机飞往目的地 飞机到达时间 飞机离开时间 航班代码 飞机型号 一周内的具体日子 China Southwest Airline Flight Timetable DestinationweekdaysdeparturearrivalFlightAirplane time time codetype Bangkok 4 07:00 08:00 SZ4407 757 1/3/5 07:28 08:35 SZ4407 757 Beijing 1/5 07:10 09:30 SZ4605 737 1/2/3/4/5/6 09:00 11:10 SZ4101 757 1/2/3/4/5/6 11:00 13:10 SZ4107 757
Section C : Practical Writing– Understanding and Writing Timetables/Schedule. Sample 2. A Visit Schedule(访问日程表) 写明具体活动 具体时间(按时间顺序写) 活动内容、地点或负责人 Schedule for the Visit of Mr. Smith to the Leyton Factory 9:00 amArrival 9:05-9:45 am Meeting with the Overseas Sales Manager 9:45-10:15 am Coffee with the Marketing Director 10:15-11:45 am Demonstration of the No.4 Model 11:45-12:40 am Meeting with the Managing Director 12:40-2:30 pm Lunch with the Overseas Sales Manager 2:30-3:30 pm Tour of Leyton Factory 3:30-4:00 pm Final Discussion with the Overseas Sales Manager 4:00 pm Car to Terminal 2, Heathrow Airport 6:00 pm Flight to Frankfurt, LH 1607
Section C : Practical Writing– Exercises Answer the following questions based on Sample 1. • If Mr. Wilson wants to go to Bangkok, can he • fly there on Tuesday? Why or why not? • No, he cannot. Because thee is no flight to • Bangkok that day. 2. If he flies there on Friday, please state his departure time and arrival time.how long should he spend on his flight? 2. Departure time: 7:28 am; Arrival time: 8:35 am. He’ll stay on his flight for one hour and 7 minutes.
Section C : Practical Writing– Exercises Answer the following questions based on Sample 1. 3. If Mr. Wilson wants to fly to Beijing on Monday, how Many flights can he choose?Please state the departure time and arrival time respectively for each different choice. 3. He can have three different choices: 1)departure time: 7:10 am; arrival time:9:30 am; 2) departure time: 9:00 am; arrival time:11:10 am; 3)departure time: 11:10 am; arrival time: 1:10 pm
Section C : Practical Writing– Exercises 汤姆是公司销售部经理,工作繁忙,下面是他某一周的工作安排: 周一上午写业务报告,下午和总经理讨论业务报告。 周二上午开销售会议,下午会见销售代表。 周三上午9:30会见约翰先生,下午4:40飞往重庆。 周四上午10点出席会议,下午2点会见供应厂商负责人。周五商务考察重庆市场,下午2:45飞往上海。 Write an English schedule for Tom according to the information given below in Chinese. some Parts of it have been done for you. Writing business report Having sales meeting Meeting John at 9:30 am Attending conference at 10 am Flying to Shanghai at 2:45 pm
Section C : Practical Writing– Exercises Fill in the table by using the information given below. 11:30 am Every Sunday 24 hours Every day 5:00 pm Every day 11:00 am-5:30pm 5:00 pm-10:00 pm Every day