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UHECR source searches and magnetic fields

UHECR source searches and magnetic fields. Dmitri Semikoz APC , Paris. based on works in in collaboration with X.Derkx, K.Dolag, A.Elyiv, G.Gianciti, M.Kachelries and A.Neronov. Overview:.

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UHECR source searches and magnetic fields

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  1. UHECR source searches and magnetic fields Dmitri Semikoz APC , Paris based on works in in collaboration with X.Derkx, K.Dolag, A.Elyiv, G.Gianciti, M.Kachelries and A.Neronov

  2. Overview: • Search for signal of point-like sources distorted by galactic magnetic field • Sources located in the magnetized regions • Extragalactic fields: models and measurements • Conclusions

  3. Galactic field and searches for single source on sky

  4. UHECR propagation in Milky Way • Deflection angle ~ 1-2 degrees at 1020eV for protons • Astronomy by hadronic particles?

  5. Uncertainty of GMF models • From M.Kachelriess P.Serpico and M.Teshima, astro-ph/0510444 • Protons with energy 4*1019 eV deflection in galactic magnetic field. TT model HMR model PS model

  6. Signal of individual source on sky G.Giacinti, X.Derkx and D.S.

  7. Search for individual sources on sky

  8. Method

  9. Two events at high energy

  10. Dependence on magnetic field

  11. Reconstructed of source position

  12. Reconstructed direction of magnetic field

  13. UHECR sources in magnetized regions

  14. EGMF by G. Sigl et al.astro-ph/0401084

  15. Deflections by EGMF By K.Dolag, D.Grasso, V.Springel, and I.Tkachev

  16. Signal of individual source on sky

  17. Signal from M87 at different energies K.Dolag, M.Kachelriess and D.S., arXiv:0809.5055

  18. Signal from M87 at different energies

  19. Calculation of probability • Propagate UHECR 50000, 100000, 150000, 200000 etc. • For given angle fit to infinit number of UHECR • Take results at several angles • Extrapolation to zero angle

  20. Probability as function of energy

  21. Emission in jet: 100 EeV protons and Fe

  22. Power law spectrum 1/E^2.2 for 5-500 EeV

  23. Power law spectrum 1/E2.2 for 5-500 EeV

  24. Many identical sources

  25. Extragalactic fields: models and measurements

  26. Production of secondary TeV photons: distances A.Neronov and D.S., astro-ph/0604607

  27. Production of secondary TeV photons: angles and time delay

  28. Production of secondary TeV photons:Energy

  29. Maximal magnetic field • Maximal magnetic field can be found from the condition that highest energy photons which still can reach detector are not deflected outside of jet.

  30. Minimal magnetic field • Minimal magnetic field can be found from the condition that lowest energy photons can not be resolved from point source flux

  31. Extended emission around Mkn 180 K.Dolag, M.Kachelriess, S.Ostapchenko and R.Tomas , astro-ph/ 0903.2842

  32. Extended emission around Mkn 180 K.Dolag, M.Kachelriess, S.Ostapchenko and R.Tomas , astro-ph/ 0903.2842

  33. Gamma–ray cascade in EGMF A. Elyiv, A.Neronov and D.Semikoz, astro-ph/ 0903.3649

  34. Gamma–ray cascade in EGMF with B=1.e-15-1.e-14 G A. Elyiv, A.Neronov and D.Semikoz, astro-ph/ 0903.3649

  35. Gamma–ray cascade in EGMF A. Elyiv, A.Neronov and D.Semikoz, astro-ph/ 0903.3649

  36. Gamma–ray cascade in EGMF A. Elyiv, A.Neronov and D.Semikoz, astro-ph/ 0903.3649

  37. Conclusions • Search of individual UHECR sources can be done if regular component of galactic field dominates deflections. Turbulent field strongly reduce signal to noise ratio. • Sources in magnetized regions like M87 in Virgo can give complicated signals due to magnetic lensing. • Magnetic fields in voids of LSS can be measured by TeV telescopes

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