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QuietSound acoustical underlayment is the premium choice to abate noise in multi-story buildings. This recycled rubber product will remain permanently resilient to moisture and has the independent laboratory acoustical testing to confirm its extraordinary sound control.
“We supplied the QuietSound acoustic underlayment for a number of very large downtown Los Angeles condo projects, and our clients couldn’t be happier. It’s also great that the product is made locally, which means more LEEDpoints.” - MotyKormandel Carpet USA, Culver CityCA QuietSound™ Acoustical Underlayment Optimal SoundReduction QuietSound™ Rolled Underlayment is the premium solution to the problem of noise transmission in multi-story buildings. QuietSound’s sustainable, recycled rubber underlayment provides optimal sound reduction while remaining impervious to the elements. Unlike natural cork, recycled rubber remains permanently resilient and will not become brittle with exposure to air. Not only does QuietSound™ prevent the annoying sound transmission of foot traffic to the floors below, it also effectively deadens the transmission of interior noise, such as from stereosand voices.
Specifications &Benefits Available in 3mm, 5mm, 6mm, 9mm, and 12mm thicknesses, and custom thicknesses from 3mm to17mm Applications Use with laminate, hardwood, engineered wood floor systems, carpet, and most ceramic and stone tile installations to reduce noise transmissionin: • Delivers years of reliable soundcontrol • Simple, fast and cost-efficientinstallation • Resists compression while offering superior underfootcomfort • Acts as a crack suppressionmembrane • Fully recyclable at end oflife • Made from recycledmaterials • LEEDpoint-eligible • Insulates ceramic and laminate floors without the “springy” feeling of cork orfoam • High-Rises • Condominiums • Schools • Multi-FamilyHomes • Hospitals • ApartmentBuildings • Theaters Green andHealthy Used in schools, hospitals, hotels and condominiums, QuietSound™ has very low VOCs and helps the environment while making buildings quieter and more attractive tousers. • Qualifies for LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) points under U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)certifications • California Department of Public Health (CDPH) certified and passes CA 01350 Specification Criteria • Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS)certified • Compliant with CALGreen’s acoustical control standards • Helps conserveenergy • Made from recycledtires • Fully recyclable at end oflife • Very low Volatile Organic Compounds(VOCs) OurProcess At U.S. Rubber, we have developed the single best system for the manufacture of re-bonded crumb rubber from recycledtires. Our patented processes ensureoptimal durability and precise qualitycontrol.
ApprovedThinset/ Mortar/Grout Approved Adhesive QuietSound™ AcousticalUnderlayament QuietGrip™ Adhesive QuietSound™ AcousticalUnderlayament WoodFlooring Tile QuietGrip™ Adhesive WoodSubfloor WoodSubfloor BattInsulation BattInsulation QuietSound™Applications GypsumBoard GypsumBoard Parallel ChordTruss Parallel ChordTruss ResilientChannel (optional) ResilientChannel (optional) Cross-section of installation undertile with woodsubfloor Cross-section of installationunder wood with woodsubfloor QuietGrip™ Adhesive or ApprovedAdhesive QuietSound™ AcousticalUnderlayament Approved Adhesive QuietSound™ AcousticalUnderlayament Carpet LVT/LVP QuietGrip™ Adhesive QuietGrip™ Adhesive WoodSubfloor WoodSubfloor BattInsulation BattInsulation GypsumBoard GypsumBoard Parallel ChordTruss Parallel ChordTruss ResilientChannel (optional) ResilientChannel (optional) Cross-section of installation underLVP/ LVT with woodsubfloor Cross-section of installationunder carpet with woodsubfloor
QuietSound™ AcousticalUnderlayament Approved Adhesive ApprovedThinset/ Mortar/Grout TileFlooring QuietSound™ AcousticalUnderlayament WoodFlooring QuietGrip™ Adhesive QuietGrip™ Adhesive 6-8”Lightweight ConcreteSlab 6-8”Lightweight ConcreteSlab Cross-section of installation undertile with concretesubfloor Cross-section of installationunder wood with concretesubfloor QuietSound™ AcousticalUnderlayament QuietGrip™ Adhesive or ApprovedAdhesive LVT/LVP Approved Adhesive QuietSound™ AcousticalUnderlayament Carpet QuietGrip™ Adhesive QuietGrip™ Adhesive 6-8”Lightweight ConcreteSlab 6-8”Lightweight ConcreteSlab Cross-section of installation underLVP/ LVT with concretesubfloor Cross-section of installationunder carpet with concretesubfloor
QuietGrip™Adhesive Premium Green Pressure-Sensitive Resilient FlooringAdhesive QuietGrip™ is a premium grade, “green” rubber underlayment and resilient flooring adhesive. It is a high moisture resistant adhesive that provides maximum bond strength for a wide array of flooring types. QuietGrip™ is specially formulated to help minimize vinyl plank shrinkage when installing over our QuietSound™ Underlay- ment. QuietGrip™ offers the highest caliber tack and peel strength inthe industry. QuietGrip™ is easy to spread and clean up with very low odor. This “green” adhesive helps contribute to LEED credits and has been independently tested and certified by the Carpet and Rug Institute’s (CRI) Green Label Plus Program for Indoor Air Quality(IAQ)! Features Applications • Max Bond & ShearStrength • High Moisture Resistance - Up to 8lbs/90%RH • Zero VOCs & ZeroSolvents • Releasable or Permanent Bond • Helps Control PlankShrinkage • Roller or Trowel Applied • SpreadsEasily • Easy Clean-Up WhenWet • Very LowOdor • CRI GreenLabel +Plus® Tested &Certified • QuietSound™ AcousticalUnderlayment • Luxury VinylTile/Plank • RubberFlooring
PersonalService Call us today at 1-888-473-8453 for personalized service. We’ll help you through the entire ordering process.We have a LEED A.P. on staff to help architects, builders and planners get the information they need, when they needit. About U.S.Rubber U.S. Rubber Recycling, Inc. manu-factures and distributes high quality flooring and underlayment products made primarily from recycled rubber and other environmentally friendlycompounds. Our California-made products provide durable flooring solutions for all types of retail, government and commer-cial settings. Our product lines help reduce waste from discarded tires. Member of “We always recommend the use of QuietSound underlayment when the project requires a high-performance acousticsolution.” - Herb Nadel, FAIA, Nadel,Inc.
ManufacturedBy 1231 South Lincoln Street Colton, CA92324 www.usrubber.com info@usrubber.com 888-473-8453