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Partnerships for Impact: A Solution-Focused Approach to Improving Access to Academic Research with the Third Sector.
Partnerships for Impact: A Solution-Focused Approach to Improving Access to Academic Research with the Third Sector This workshop aims to bring together academics, publishers and Third Sector professionals from across the North East and beyond to discuss:The value of collaborative research between academics and Third Sector professionals and the challenges associated with this;Effective mechanisms to support the engagement of the Third Sector with academic work; andIdentify possible areas for a collaborative research agenda.
Welcome, Introductionand Contextfor the DayKeith Nicholson, NETSRG
Open Access Ellen Cole Scholarly Publications Librarian
“A process of investigation leading to new insights, effectively shared.”
1927 – wave nature of particles* 1932 – possible existence of a neutron* 1939 – nuclear fission 1953 – structure of DNA* 1958 – first molecular protein structure* 1966 – plate tectonics 1968 – pulsars* 1985 – hole in the ozone layer 1997 – first cloning of a mammal 2001 – the human genome
No institution can give access to all relevant research • Particularly in small to medium income countries • Researchers cannot read or use the most recent research • Students aren’t taught the most recent research • Charities, hospitals, businesses, patients, teachers, social workers etc. can’t access research • The public pay twice (to produce and to subscribe) for research they cannot access
Routes to OA Green Gold Publisher makes the version of record available online, without cost to the end user. Free, fully OA journal A fully OA journal with a fee A ‘hybrid’ OA/subscription journal Author deposits their accepted manuscript online, without cost to the end user. • Institutional repository • Subject repository • Funder repository • Europe PubMed Central • Personal webpage
Reading and re-use Licences such as Creative Commons clearly state the extent to which both humans and machines to read and re-use research. Think of OA as a spectrum.
Institutional repositories Submit to any journal. Archive the accepted manuscript. Restrict access if necessary.
Hybrid OA American 19th Century History (Taylor & Francis) A traditional subscription journal with the option of OA. Some content free, some behind a paywall. £1788 to publish OA.
OA journals without a fee Theology in Scotland (St Andrews University) Free to read, free to publish. Introducing small press journals to a wider audience.
OA journals with a fee All articles free to read. $1350 to publish (lower fees available for Middle & Low Income countries). No publication schedule.
OA innovation • Megajournals • Publish any article that meets the definition of rigour • Post-publication peer-review • American Geophysical Union’s Earth’s Future • Payment on submission, not acceptance
Just another part of deciding where to submit an article for publication. Information is (usually) available on the journal homepage. Know where to get help – OA, repository or publications teams at Universities, tools like Sherpa/Romeo.
More openness • More choice about how to share your research (effectively). • A greater ability to read and reuse research. • Changes to the whole model of publication, not just the sharing mechanism.
Links Creative Commons - http://creativecommons.org/ OA Button https://www.openaccessbutton.org/ Sherpa/Romeo (publisher policies) http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/ Sherpa/Juliet (funder policies) http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/juliet/index.php Who needs access? http://whoneedsaccess.org/
References American 19th C entury History - http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fanc20/current#.U7PgHZRdWzs (Images) Chan, J. (2012) What is Open Access? Ft. N. Shockley and J. Eisen. Available at: http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive.php?comicid=1533 or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5rVH1KGBCY. Licensed under CC-BY. Creative Commons - http://creativecommons.org/ (Images) Journal des sçavans from Wikimedia Commons (Public domain) Monroe, R. (2013) ‘The Rise of Open Access’, Science, 342 (6154), pp. 58-59. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.342.6154.58 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society from Wikimedia Commons (Public domain) PLOS One - http://www.plosone.org/ (Images) Theology in Scotland - http://ojs.st-andrews.ac.uk/index.php/TIS (Images) Towel Day Innsbruck by BenySclevichfrom Wikimedia Commons. Licenced under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Dr Tina Cook: Northumbria University Why do research?
Why don’t we just use common sense ? • there are conflicting theories about what is best or what works in a particular situation • what usually works does not mean it’s the best way – no taking into account what could do better • does not tell us why it works – what might be transferable • what works in one situation might be ineffective or even dangerous in another, or when combined with other things tina.cook@northumbria.ac.uk
To build on solid ground • ‘I might not know who holds the answer - but I do know you can’t ask just anyone, and you certainly can’t ask everyone.’ • O'Leary, Z. (2005) RESEARCHING REAL-WORLD PROBLEMS: A Guide to Methods of Inquiry: London: Sage. Chapter 5. tina.cook@northumbria.ac.uk
Recognising the drivers tina.cook@northumbria.ac.uk
Choosing right approach for enquiry • Participatory • Qualitative • Quantitative • Method • Traditional • Innovative tina.cook@northumbria.ac.uk
Its not just doing it, its knowing what’s been done. • Mitzi Waltz (2012) Images and narratives of autism within charity discourses, Disability & Society, 27:2, 219-233, DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2012.631796 • Example: • http://www.esrc.ac.uk/my-esrc/grants/RES-595-28-0001/read/outputs/Date/25/2 tina.cook@northumbria.ac.uk
Taylor and Francis • http://journalauthors.tandf.co.uk/benefits/publishingInitiatives.asp tina.cook@northumbria.ac.uk
Community Campus • http://www.communitycampus.org.uk tina.cook@northumbria.ac.uk
Why does Northumbria University want its research to have ‘impact’? And the implications of key drivers 03/07/14
Drivers to Impact ‘Impact’ – A contested term, but broadly research that has influence outside academia • Researchers’ professional and personal commitments to make a difference to people’s lives • History of Northumbria as a polytechnic, then a university with a regional focus, including professional training and contract research – and now increasing emphasis on larger scale research and national and international role • Research users as research funders • Research Excellence Framework 2014 03/07/14
Research Funding Sources Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency www.hesa.ac.uk 03/07/14
The impact of the REF “any effect on, change or benefit to the economy, society, culture, public policy or services, health, the environment or quality of life, beyond academia.” • Assessed via case studies • Stringent requirements for evidence • Assessment panels including research users • Expectations placed on all academic researchers to demonstrate impact in the future • Public investments in impact, e.g. HEIF • Next REF expected 2020 03/07/14
Northumbria’s Impact Strategy • Central commitment to “sustainable, mutually beneficial relationships with external partners” • Recognition of “diverse and creative routes to impact” • Strategic targeting of resources to areas of identified strength • Aim to sustain existing regional relationships while also extending involvement nationally and internationally • Systems to record evidence of impact on an ongoing basis 03/07/14
Why research is important to the Third SectorKeith Nicholson, NETSRG
Size of the sector in Newcastle• Newcastle is home to around 950 registered charities, Community Interest Companies (CICs) and Industrial and Provident societies• Using Northern Rock Foundation’s Future Trends Survey calculation of three under the radar voluntary and community (VCOs) for every registered VCO, Newcastle has, at least, 3,000 small community based organisations
What does it do?Addressing poverty and inequality and particularly the impact of welfare reformsResponding to changes in commissioning patterns and the shift to larger public sector tender packagesHighlighting the economy and jobs – the sector being used as a stimulus Improved communications, and maintaining an infrastructure Expressing the added value of the voluntary sector, which includes its social and unique value
The Third Sector • What sort of research is the sector interested in? • Evaluation • Academic Research • Participative Research • Supporting evidence - bids, causes, Comms • Providing evidence for lobbying
Funders View • Theories of change - NPC, Garfield Weston, Esmee Fairburn etc. • Providing a triangulation to help score bids, but not the whole story
Report Outcomes • More than a third of homeless people say they spend their days alone. • A third of all prisoners leave jail with nowhere to go. • Between 30% and 50% of rough sleepers have mental health problems.
Report Outcomes • reducing youth homelessness by sending formerly homeless young people into schools to talk about the realities of not having a home. • helping homeless people find jobs, or get into education or training. • supporting groups that have a high risk of becoming homeless, like offenders leaving prison.