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Unraveling the End. Week #13 (final session) Resurrection of the Dead Ones (plural) Synthesis Solution to Four Competing Views. Resurrection of the Dead Ones. One Qualification or Delimitation Only address the bodily resurrection of deceased believers.
Unraveling the End Week #13 (final session) Resurrection of the Dead Ones (plural) Synthesis Solution to Four Competing Views
Resurrection of the Dead Ones One Qualification or Delimitation • Only address the bodily resurrection of deceased believers. • Not the resurrection or destiny of unbelievers. • Nor spiritual resurrection of alive believers.
Resurrection of the Dead Ones Two Prerequisite Events • Jesus has finished preparing Heaven, and come again to receive his disciples to where He is (John 14:1-3). • The dead have been raised (1 Thess. 4:15b). Remember: “No one” (John 3:13; 13:33, 36).
Resurrection of the Dead Ones • Where did they go? • Hades, Abraham’s bosom, Sheol (Luke 16:19-31; Matt. 12:40; 16:18; 1 Pet. 3:18-20; 4:6; Eph. 4:9; Rev. 1:18; 6:8; 20:13-14; Ezek. 26:20; 31:14, 16; 32:18-30; Job 3:13-19; Isa. 53:8-9; 24:21-22; 25:8; 28:18; Hos. 13:14; Psa. 49:15).
Resurrection of the Dead Ones • One of the centraltruths of Christianity. • One of the four “chief moments.” • Based upon Jesus’ bodily resurrection. • But the how and whenan individual believer participates . . . • Distorted, confused, and misunderstood concepts. • No more!
Resurrection of the Dead Ones Two Topical Areas: • Order and Time of Fulfillment. • Nature of Bodily Resurrection Reality.
Resurrection of the Dead Ones Order and Time of Fulfillment • Daniel 12:2, 13 . . . 4, 7. • Ezekiel 37 – Valley of dry bones. • John 5:28-29. • 1 Thess. 4:13-18. • Matt. 24: 31, 34. • 1 Cor. 15:20-23 – an order. • 1 Cor. 15:51-58.
Resurrection of the Dead Ones Order of Fulfillment But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. BUT EACH [every man] IN HIS OWN TURN [order]: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes [at his coming], those who belong to him. 1 Corinthians 15:20-23 (Caps added).
Resurrection of the Dead Ones Order and Time of Fulfillment Four Stages: “The historically defensible interpretation has greatest authority. That is, interpreters can have maximum confidence in their understanding of a text when they base that understanding on historically defensible arguments.” Klein, Blomberg & Hubbard, Jr., Introduction to Biblical Interpretation, 149.
Resurrection of the Dead Ones Order and Time of Fulfillment Four Stages: • Stage 1. Jesus’ Resurrection—the first physical evidence. • Stage 2. Resurrection of Many [not all] Old Testament Saints from Their Graves— the second physical evidence. • Stage 3. The Harvest—Resurrection Day for the Rest of the Dead—a third physical evidence. • Stage 4. The Ongoing Reality.
Resurrection of the Dead Ones STAGE 1. Jesus’ Resurrection—the first physical evidence. • Marked the beginning. • Not an isolated event. • “Firstborn from the dead” or “the first to rise from the dead” (Col. 1:18; Rev. 1:5; Acts 26:23). • “better resurrection” (Heb. 11:35). • to die no more (Rom. 6:9).
Resurrection of the Dead Ones STAGE 1. Jesus’ Resurrection—the first physical evidence. • “Firstfruits” or first portion (1 Cor. 15:20, 23). • From Leviticus 23. • Exod. 23:16, 19; 34:26. • “First of the firstfruits” (Exod. 23:19; 34:26; Ezek. 44:30 KJV).
Resurrection of the Dead Ones STAGE 2. Resurrection of Many [not all] Old Testament Saints from Their Graves—the second physical evidence. • Matthew 27:51-53. • John 5:28, 29. • “Resurrection is past already” (2 Tim. 2:18; 2 Thess. 1-2)?
Resurrection of the Dead Ones STAGE 2. Resurrection of Many [not all] Old Testament Saints from Their Graves—the second physical evidence. • “Why should any of you consider it incredible that God raises the dead?” (Acts 26:8). • “Dead” is actually in the plural. • “Dead ones” or “dead persons.” • Also used in Acts 17:32; 23:6; 24:21; 1 Cor. 15:12, 13, 15, 16). • “through Jesus the resurrection from the dead” (Acts 4:2).
Resurrection of the Dead Ones STAGE 2. Resurrection of Many [not all] Old Testament Saints from Their Graves—the second physical evidence. “…I believe everything that agrees with the Law and that is written in the Prophets, and I have the same hope in God as these men, that there WILL BE [to be about to be] a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked.” Acts 24:15 (caps added).
Resurrection of the Dead Ones STAGE 2. Two Major Objections: • A.D. 58 –“I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better” (Phil. 1:23). • A.D. 56—“absent from the body [i.e. a human body], present with the Lord” (2 Cor. 5:8). • Teach that Heaven was open back then. • Paul contradicting Jesus?
Resurrection of the Dead Ones STAGE 2. • “When he ascended up on high, he led captives in his train…” (Eph. 4:8; Psa. 68:18). • [in KJV “… he led captivity captive…”] • Rev. 6:9-11; Rev. 7. • Lit. Greek: “He led captive captivity.”
Resurrection of the Dead Ones STAGE 3. The Harvest—Resurrection Day for the Rest of the Dead—a third physical evidence. • When would or were the rest of the dead raised? • “the end of the age” (Matt. 13:39-40). • On “last day” (John 6:39, 40, 44, 54). • John 11:24-25.
Resurrection of the Dead Ones STAGE 3. ”In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days He has spoken to us by his Son….” (Heb.1:1-2a) • “at the end of the days you will rise…” (Dan. 12:13). • Some time in A.D. 70-73.
Resurrection of the Dead Ones STAGE 3. • At the sounding of the lasttrumpet! • “Listen, I tell you a mystery. Wewill not all sleep, but we will allbe changed– in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the lasttrumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.” (1 Cor. 15:51-52).
Resurrection of the Dead Ones STAGE 3. • The dead were not located on theEarth. • But in the Hadean realm. • Jesus descended into and preached to the spirits of the dead held captive there (1 Pet. 3:18-20; 4:6; Eph. 4:9) • Post-mortem evangelism!
Resurrection of the Dead Ones STAGE 3. • Informed them that He would return for them on the “last day” of the “last days.” • “the keys of death and Hades” (Rev. 1:18). • Took a “firstfruits” group out, into Jerusalem, and onto Heaven. • Ephesians 4:8 group?
Resurrection of the Dead Ones STAGE 3. • Forty (or so) years later. • Trumpet sounds in the Hadean realm. • Jesus unlocks the gates. • Literal “shout” and “voice of the archangel” (1 Thess. 4:16). • It comes—they’re gone. • Emptied out and locked up.
Resurrection of the Dead Ones STAGE 3. • OT history and symbolism of trumpets. • Message. • (See Exod. 19:10-20; Lev. 25:8; Num. 10:1-10; Josh. 6; Judg. 7; Psa. 81:3-5; Isa. 27:13; 58:1; Jer. 4:19-21; Ezek. 33:3-6; Joel 2:1,15; Zeph. 1:14-16; Zech. 9:14; Amos 3:6). • “like a trumpet, which said...” (Rev. 1:10).
Resurrection of the Dead Ones STAGE 3. • Paul’s “last trumpet” is a message. • Twofold message. • One for the dead, one for the alive. • Same trumpet Jesus said would sound before his “this generation” passed away (Matt. 24:31, 34). • More than one trumpet.
Resurrection of the Dead Ones STAGE 3. • Most likely, Revelation’s seventh trumpet (Rev. 11:15-18). • “must shortly come to pass” (Rev 1:1; 22:6). • “no further [more] delay! For in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets” (Rev 10:6b-7).
Resurrection of the Dead Ones STAGE 4. The Ongoing Reality • “How were the alive changed? • After the “last day” in A.D. 70-73 (range). • We havethe fullness of salvation-resurrection reality. • No longer is it a future hope. • It’s now our heritage.
Resurrection of the Dead Ones STAGE 4. The Ongoing Reality • No longer go to Hades. • Straight to Heaven from that time on! • Last great remaining obstacle to eternal life with God was eliminated. • The “last enemy” (1Cor. 15:26). • And final power of Satan over God’s people (Heb. 2:14-15) • Was destroyed.
Resurrection of the Dead Ones STAGE 4. The Ongoing Reality • “death has been swallowed up in victory” (1 Cor. 15:54; Isa. 25:8), • And “we shall not all sleep” (1 Cor 15:51; also 1 Thess. 4:14). • No more would the gates of Hades prevail against Christ’s Church (Matt. 16:18).
Resurrection of the Dead Ones STAGE 4. The Ongoing Reality • physical DEATH was NOT eliminated. • Hebrews 9:27 does not change. • Good news is: “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on” (Rev 14:13). • Back then—on that “last day” in the 1st century.
Resurrection of the Dead Ones STAGE 4. The Ongoing Reality • “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 15:57). • And He has. It’s a “done deal!” • “Therefore encourage each other with these words” (1 Thess. 4:18).
Resurrection of the Dead Ones Order and Time of Fulfillment Four Stages: • Stage 1. Jesus’ Resurrection—the first physical evidence. • Stage 2. Resurrection of Many [not all] Old Testament Saints from Their Graves— the second physical evidence. • Stage 3. The Harvest—Resurrection Day for the Rest of the Dead—a third physical evidence. • Stage 4. The Ongoing Reality.
Resurrection of the Dead Ones Order and Time of Fulfillment • What kind of body do we get and when?
Resurrection of the Dead Ones The Nature of Bodily Resurrection Reality • Three viable options: 1. As disembodied, or bodiless, spirits /souls. 2. In temporary bodies of some type, awaiting the traditionally posited physical resurrection. 3. In eternal resurrection bodies.
Resurrection of the Dead Ones The Nature of Bodily Resurrection Reality “This is not a problem, because God is able to bring about the miracle of resurrection regardless of our former state.” “My Answer” column by Billy Graham, Indianapolis Star, October 7, 1992.
Resurrection of the Dead Ones The Nature of Bodily Resurrection Reality • Three viable options: 1. As disembodied, or bodiless, spirits /souls. 2. In temporary bodies of some type, awaiting the traditionally posited physical resurrection. 3. In eternal resurrection bodies.
Resurrection of the Dead Ones The Nature of Bodily Resurrection Reality • Bible never uses the terms: • “resurrected body,” “resurrection of the body,” “resurrection of the flesh,” or “physical resurrection.” • Bible uses two inspired phrases . . . • “the resurrection of the dead” (Matt. 22:31; Acts 17:32; 23:6; 24:15, 21; 1 Cor. 15:12, 13, 21, 42; Heb. 6:2). • “resurrection from the dead” (Luke 20:35; Acts 4:2; Rom. 1:4; Phil. 3:11).
Resurrection of the Dead Ones The Nature of Bodily Resurrection Reality Three Descriptions • A “Spiritual Body” (1 Cor. 15:35-49). Also see 2 Cor. 5:1-5. • LikeJesus’ resurrected body (Phil. 3:20-21. • Paul’s seed analogy (1 Cor. 15:35-44).
Resurrection of the Dead Ones The Nature of Bodily Resurrection Reality Paul’s Seed Analogy • The new comes from inside the old. • Not all the old ends up in the new. • Different in appearance.
Resurrection of the Dead Ones The Nature of Bodily Resurrection Reality “Bones-are-still-in-the-graves” Objection: • Bizarre scene—earthly graves opening up and old physically decayed corpses coming out. • Evidence to the contrary that the resurrection of the dead has already occurred.
Resurrection of the Dead Ones The Nature of Bodily Resurrection Reality “Bones-are-still-in-the-graves” Objection: Three counterpoints: • Jesus’ body was the only one promised not to see decay (Acts 2:25, 27, also 31; 13:35; from Psa. 16:10; 49:9). “for dust you are and to dust you will return” (Gen. 2:7; 3:19; 1 Ki. 2:2; Psa. 90:3).
Resurrection of the Dead Ones The Nature of Bodily Resurrection Reality “Bones-are-still-in-the-graves” Objection: Three counterpoints: 2. The re-gathering problem.
Resurrection of the Dead Ones The Nature of Bodily Resurrection Reality Four ways to make a human body: 1)Without the agency of either a man or woman. 2) From only a man. 3) Through the union of a man and a woman. 4) Through just a woman.
Resurrection of the Dead Ones The Nature of Bodily Resurrection Reality “Bones-are-still-in-the-graves” Objection: Three counterpoints: 2. The re-gathering problem. 3. Loosening our attachment to the body sown.
Resurrection of the Dead Ones Conclusion • No scriptural reason why departed (physically dead) Christians. • Are not in Heaven today. • And in their new resurrection spiritual bodies. • Part of the beauty of divineperfection! • “Each [every man] in his own turn/order” (1 Cor. 15:23)! • Count on it. I am! • Jude 3 faith – “once for all delivered” !!!