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The final state of Au + Au @ RHIC

The final state of Au + Au @ RHIC. indication for quark deconfinement. Tamás Csörgő (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary). Buda-Lund hydro model, fitted to spectra and HBT PHENIX and STAR run-1 data h+p @ CERN SPS Pb+Pb @ CERN SPS outlook: BRAHMS and PHOBOS data

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The final state of Au + Au @ RHIC

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  1. The final state of Au + Au @ RHIC indication for quark deconfinement Tamás Csörgő (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary) • Buda-Lund hydro model, fitted to • spectra and HBT • PHENIX and STAR run-1 data • h+p @ CERN SPS • Pb+Pb @ CERN SPS • outlook: BRAHMS and PHOBOS data • outlook: preliminary run-2 data T. Cs. & A. Ster, nucl-th/0207016 Tamás Csörgő <- Allegory of Hung. Acad. Sci: „From darkness, the light”, painting by P. Endel

  2. Buda-Lund hydro model • Separation of the Core and the Halo • Core: hydrodynamic evolution • Halo: decay products of long-lived resonances Principles for Buda-Lund hydro i) Analytic expressions for all the observables ii) Maximal flexibility compatible with i) iii) 3d expansion, local thermal equilibrium, symmetry iv) Goes back to known hydro solutions in nonrel limit (implies density inhomogeneity !) Tamás Csörgő

  3. Buda-Lund hydro model (2) Invariant single particle spectrum: Invariant Buda-Lund correlation function: oscillating prefactor! Non-invariant Bertsch-Pratt parameterization: Non-Gaussian BL form -> Gaussian BP approximation: Tamás Csörgő

  4. Invariant Buda-Lund q = k1 - k2 decomposition Invariant decomposition of relative momentum: Temporal, longitudinal and transverse, resp. Invariant Buda-Lund correlation function: Shape analysis (e.g. Edgeworth expansion) is possible, when using the invariant BL rel. Momentum components. Not only Gaussian shapes! Tamás Csörgő

  5. In Search of the QGP. Naïve expectations QGP has more degrees of freedom than pion gas, hence it has higher entrophy density Entropy should be conserved during fireball evolution Hence: Look in hadronic phase for signs of: Large spatial size, Long lifetime, Long duration of particle emission Tamás Csörgő

  6. qs qo py px Pratt-Bertsch Parameterization Decomposition of the pair relative momentum measured in the LCMS frame; (k1+ k2)z=0, (T. Cs., S. Pratt, KFKI -1991-28/A, p. 75) Tamás Csörgő

  7. HBT signature of QGP: 2 Expectations • “Naïve” picture (no space-momentum correlations): • Rout2=Rside2+(bpairDt)2 • One step further (direction?): • Hydro calculation of Rischke & Gyulassy expects Rout/Rside ~ 2->4 @ kt = 350 MeV. • Looking for a “soft spot” Story at CERN SPS almost completely repeats itself!! Buda-Lund prediction: Rout ~ Rside is possible @ large mt (cooling)! Rside Rout T. Cs, B. Lörstad, PRC 54 (1996) 1390, NPA 590 (1995) 465c Tamás Csörgő

  8. Rout/Rside Ratios at 200 GeV <- Buda-Lund prediction T. Cs. & B. Lorstad, PRC54 (1996) 1390 NPA 590 (1995) 465 reflects symmetry of the flow ! Note also: Rside /RL -> const (<=1) as mt >> T0 is another a BL prediction Tamás Csörgő

  9. BL Hydro fits to NA44 Pb+Pb data Final data Absolute normalization, Boltzmann approx.,  ~ 1, 0 = 0 approx. A. Ster, T. Cs, B. Lörstad, hep-ph/9907338 Tamás Csörgő

  10. BL Hydro fits to NA49 Pb+Pb data Final data Absolute normalization, Boltzmann approx.,  ~ 1, 0 = 0 approx. A. Ster, T. Cs, B. Lörstad, hep-ph/9907338 Tamás Csörgő

  11. Fits to preliminary STAR data (HEP2001) A. Ster, T. Cs. Hep-ph/0112064 Tamás Csörgő

  12. Fits to preliminary PHENIX data (HEP2001) A. Ster, T. Cs. Hep-ph/0112064 Tamás Csörgő

  13. Fits to year-1 final PHENIX and STAR data 8 Final data Absolute normalization, Boltzmann approx.,  ~ 1, 0 = 0 approx. Tamás Csörgő

  14. First comparision of RHIC and SPS results But what about the CL of the fit to the RHIC data? See nucl-th/0207016 for details! Tamás Csörgő

  15. Comparing RHIC Au+Au to SPS results A 4.5  effect, T0 ~ Tc = 170 MeV Indication for quarks & hard EOS Further checkings! Tamás Csörgő

  16. Summary: The analysis of the 1st year final data of single-particle momentum distributions and Bose-Einstein correlation function radii of the RHIC experiments PHENIX and STAR show: fastest transverse flow (~3d Hubble flow) short mean decoupling time ( ~ 6 fm/c) short duration of particle emission (~<1 fm/c) a hot center of the core with T>~ Tc = 170 MeV and the central temperature is 4.5  higher than in h+p and Pb + Pb reactions at CERN SPS experiments. Further testings are needed (new data from BRAHMS, PHENIX, CERES and NA49 are helpful, both p+p and A+A) Thanks to A. Ster, S. Panitkin and the HBT gang... Tamás Csörgő

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