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What are the current challenges on Earth?

African Youth Leadership, Sustainability and Ethics Course Session #2 – The Earth Charter and Sustainable Development Course Facilitator: Nora Mahmoud, International Youth Coordinator. What are the current challenges on Earth?. Challenges to Life on Earth include . Diminished natural resources

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What are the current challenges on Earth?

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  1. African Youth Leadership, Sustainability and Ethics CourseSession #2 – The Earth Charter and Sustainable DevelopmentCourse Facilitator: Nora Mahmoud, International Youth Coordinator

  2. What arethe current challengeson Earth?

  3. Challenges to Life on Earth include ... Diminished natural resources Rapid loss of biodiversity Climate change Population growth and rapid urbanization Unsustainable livelihoods and poverty Unsustainable consumption Poor governance Lack of universal primary education Lack of health education, potable water, and sanitation Social inequity and war

  4. What are some commonalities amongst these challenges? • Have been produced mostly by un-precautious human activity • Can no longer be solved by scientific and technological means only or resolved in an isolated manner • Under the impact of industrialization, modern technology, the information revolution, and economic globalization, the world we live in is ever more tightly interconnected • No society or nation can effectively address the environmental, economic, and social problems it faces and ensure the security of its people by acting alone

  5. Often what happens locally has a significant global impact ecologically, economically, politically, or socially, and global trends and events influence local communities throughout the world • This has led to recognition that the problems facing people locally and globally can only be addressed with holistic thinking and integrated problem solving as well as worldwide cooperation • Humans as individuals and communities should recognize their responsibilities to solve such problems and this may be possible only on the basis of a fundamental shift in their outlook and value attitudes

  6. What is“Our Common Future”? If these trends continue,what will the Earth look like in 50 years? If we want to alter these trends, what should we do? What is the “buzz word” for these types of activities?

  7. It is →Sustainable Development • Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Brundtland Commission, 1987) • Improving the quality of life within the carrying capacity of supporting ecosystems (UNEP, WWF, IUCN, 1991) • …a process which enables all people to realize their potential and to improve their quality of life in ways which protect and enhance the Earth's life support systems (Forum for the Future, UK) • Enough for everyone, forever(Billboard, Johannesburg, South Africa in 2002 during World Summit on Sustainable Development)

  8. SOCIAL SD ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT SD = Sustainable Development

  9. The United Nations Division for Sustainable Development lists the following areas as coming within the scope of sustainable development: Agriculture, Atmosphere, Biodiversity, Biotechnology, Capacity-building, Climate Change, Consumption, and Production Patterns, Demographics, Desertification and Drought, Disaster Reduction and Management, Education and Awareness, Ecology, Ecosystem, Energy, Systems ecology, Finance, Forests, Fresh Water, Health, Human Settlements, Indicators, Industry, Information for Decision Making and Participation, Integrated Decision Making, International Law, International Cooperation for Enabling Environment, Institutional Arrangements, Land management, Major Groups, Mountains, National Sustainable Development Strategies, Natural resource management, Oceans and Seas, Poverty, Sanitation, Science, Social equity, Sustainable architecture, Sustainable tourism, Technology, Toxic Chemicals, Trade and Environment, Transport, Waste (Hazardous), Waste (Radioactive), Waste (Solid), Water → Sustainable development is an eclectic concept, as a wide array of views

  10. What are the values associated with conventional development? What are the values associated with sustainable development? Sustainable development is not a technical term, but an ethical pursuit So an ethical framework is needed Conventional Development vs. Sustainable Development

  11. What do we need? • Partnership, cooperation, and collaboration have become essential to survival and human development • Mutual understanding and agreement on common goals and shared values • This will create the trust and sense of shared purpose that makes partnership and collaborative actions possible and effective • We need an ethical foundation formed of values and principles that are widely shared among the world's diverse cultures • Community at any level depends upon the existence of shared values global ethics

  12. Humanity has reached a stage in its development technologically and economically where a world community is both possible and necessary • Inner globalization must occur to build global cooperation and community and reverse negative trends that threaten the future • Sense of ethical responsibility flows from an attitude of respect • Humanity must undergo a radical change in its attitudes, values and behavior • Caring for people and caring for Earth are two interrelated dimensions of one great task

  13. Ethics? • Origin in the Greek word “ethos”, which means the behavior of a group • It is formed by a set of principles that directs the attitudes of this group / society towards the communal property of this community system • Principles are generated by values • They offer norms and guidelines for conduct and relate to reasoning and decisions • Values are related to the importance of something. They are subjective and are the first point that motivates an individual to make decisions

  14. what is right and wrong • Ethical issues have to do with the actions that everyone, or at least most reasonable people, agree to be moral • A person’s ethical values reflect what kind of a person he or she chooses to be and what quality of community life she or he chooses to support and sustain • People inherit ethical values from their family and culture • Describes the characteristic of a community • A set of principles that are acceptable for the common good of a community system

  15. What is good and bad for us?How are we to live together? How do we choose what to do? • These are the main questions for ethics – discipline concerned in what is right and wrong. • Our propensity as humans to do good and bad actions makes important to have ethics

  16. What could be an unethical choice, decision or behaviour?

  17. Global dilemmas, Global ethics • In the midst of globalization, the generalized call for a just, sustainable and peaceful world requires common shared values - global ethics. • Attempts for building global ethics: • UN Charter • Universal Declaration of Human Rights • The Earth Charter • UN MDGs

  18. Ethics and sustainability • How ought we to live with/in the Earth? • We are facing ethical dilemmas regarding the damages we are causing to the environment and the current inequities. • Approaches to sustainability ethics call for a global responsibility – toward the natural world and to attain global justice.

  19. Motivational Ethics • Human behavior is deeply rooted in the human, cultural, spiritual, social and ethical values which are the fundamental sources of motivation of the behavior of people and nations • Ethic can motivate people to act in new ways • even against conventional assumptions, including the determination not just to do what is right but also to promote what is right • Motivational ethics need to be both emotionally and intellectually engaging

  20. Global ethics • A global ethic is an ethic which is about universal values and norms and which includes a principle of global responsibility • In this interconnected world / global society (communications, transportation, and economic systems) global ethical consciousness is urgently needed to build a just, sustainable, and peaceful world community and to protect the integrity of Earth’s ecological systems • We need something that combines concerns for human well-being with concerns for the environment • So an ethic needs both to contain realizable requirements here and now, and, combined with these, ideals towards which we can strive

  21. Universal Responsibility • Fundamental importance in meeting the critical challenges • should not be delegated to any organization or group alone • People and countries have a responsibility for what happens elsewhere in the world – such as extreme poverty, violation of human rights, wars etc • each and every person is equally responsible to the whole Earth community • Civil society has a critical role to play in the transition to sustainable development: • The new global civil society has become a third force along with government and business on the world stage • It can use its soft power together with its political power and its purchasing power in the market place to move the world toward constructive change • However, this will not happen without a unifying ethical vision and a new commitment to education for sustainable development

  22. IntroducingThe Earth Charter Values and Principles for a Just, Sustainable, and Peaceful Global Society in the 21st Century There is nothing else in global civil society with the demonstrated power of the Earth Charter to unite people from across divisions of culture, religion, and politics ... background, sector, and profession ... and inspire them to work together for a world that is more just, more sustainable, and more peaceful.

  23. Key Themes of the Earth Charter Respect Universal Responsbility EquitableEconomic Development Participation Interdependency Human Rights Environmental Protection Respect for Nature Sustainable Living Peace and Non-Violence Community of Life Common but Differentiated Responsability Common Good Democracy Transnational Responsibility Gender Equality Eradication of poverty

  24. The Earth Charter • The Earth Charter is a declaration of fundamental values and principlesfor building a just, sustainable and peaceful global society in the 21st century • centrally concerned with the transition to sustainable ways of living and sustainable human development. • It seeks to inspire in all people a new sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility for the well-being of the whole human family, the greater community of life, and future generations. • It is a vision of hope and a call to action.

  25. Earth Charter as global ethics • Earth Charter is consensus on integrated vision on shared moral values, basic ethical principles and practical guidelines • Expresses common core of attitudesthat can unite people in the midst of all their diversity • Recognizing that our environmental, economic, social, political, and spiritual challenges are interdependent • The Earth Charter provides a new integrated framework for thinking about and addressing these issues • The result is a fresh broad conception of what constitutes a sustainable society and sustainable development

  26. It challenges people to think about ethical values and to expand their ethical consciousness • A moral ideal – of how people could ideally live with one another and in relation to the natural world • EC provides a framework, a tool for testing our moral thinking • It is important to recognize that the Earth Charter contains general ethical principles as distinct from rules • Rules tell one exactly what to do in a specific situation • General principles tell us what to think about when we are deciding what to do • We also live in a complex world and there will be at times conflict between different ethical principles • There is frequently a tension between individual freedom and securing justice for all • There can be tension between the needs of present generations and the needs of future generations • Also between the short-term interests of people and the long-term health of ecosystems

  27. The Earth Charter should not be read as a final moral truth but as a tool for promoting international cooperation and solidarity for changes which need to be made in the way we collectively behave • Endorsing it or treating it as one's global ethic is not signing up to everything in it nor should it be treated by others as so doing • It’s an ethical perspective from which one is prepared to think, deliberate and engage in dialogue • Many of the key principles are capable of different interpretations • it should not be seen as the final unambiguous set of moral truths but a best approximation which humans can use and co-operate in using to forge common understandings and develop common goals

  28. The Earth Charter • A product of a decade-long, worldwide, cross cultural dialogueon common goals and shared values • Began as a United Nations initiative, but it was carried forward and completed by a global civil society initiative • Was launched as a people’s charter in 2000 • The drafting of the Earth Charter involved the most inclusive and participatory process ever associated with the creation of an international declaration • Over 5000 organizations and governments endorses and uses the Earth Charter

  29. Why Earth Charter? It is global in that it is actually accepted by large number of people from all over the globe a public document available for endorsement by individuals who do so in the knowledge that they endorse something endorsed by hundreds of thousands of others The values of the Earth Charter are not merely shared in the sense that they are the same for different people; they are shared in the stronger sense of people belonging to a community of shared values It is global in that it was formed as a result of a wide process of global consultation

  30. Why do we need the Earth Charter? • To examine our values and choose a better way • To realize our common ground although we are diverse • To unify us in our work for change • Earth Charter provides a valuable educational instrument in education for sustainable development

  31. What Earth Charter can offer A global citizen who is in search of reasonable global ethic can find it in the Earth Charter a concrete expression of a global ethic which otherwise might seem too abstract and undefined Through the Earth Charter can be also found a genuine and real community of like-minded people across the world united in its inspirational power It is not just an idea in the mind of the global citizen but actually shared by agents from all over the world The Earth Charter provides one approach for educating and motivating people and governments to act with the necessary sense of universal responsibility stresses both the inner motivational resources of individuals and the external social structures and institutions

  32. The UNESCO General Conference of member states endorsed the Earth Charter in 2003 as “an important ethical framework for sustainable development” and as “an educational tool.” UNESCO has chosen to emphasize the importance of teaching and learning about the values and life styles that communities must embrace, if they are to make the transition to sustainable development. In this regard, UNESCO is recommending the Earth Charter as a valuable ethical guide and teaching tool. The Earth Charter is already being used widely in schools, colleges, and universities

  33. “The Earth Charter Initiative” is an extraordinarily diverse, global network of people, organizations, and institutions that participate in promoting and implementing the values and principles of the Earth Charter. The Initiative is a broad-based, voluntary, civil society effort. Participants include leading international institutions, national governments and their agencies, university associations, non-government organizations and community-based groups, city governments, faith groups, schools and businesses – as well as thousands of individuals. Youth Action & Empowerment Education for Sustainable Development Global Governance Business Engagement in Global Ethics Religion & Sustainability The Media

  34. “We stand at a critical moment in Earth's history, a time when humanity must choose its future. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent and fragile, the future at once holds great peril and great promise. To move forward we must recognize that in the midst of a magnificent diversity of cultures and life forms we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny. We must join together to bring forth a sustainable global society founded onrespect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace. Towards this end, it is imperative that we, the peoples of Earth, declare our responsibility to one another, to the greater community of life, and to future generations.” — Preamble The Earth Charter 2000

  35. Charter International Join the Earth Charter Initiative Contact Earth www.EarthCharter.org Earth Charter International Secretariat and Earth Charter Center for Education for Sustainable Development at UN mandated University for Peace, Costa Rica Contact the Youth Facilitator: youthcoordinator [@] earthcharter.org www.EarthCharter.org/youth

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