Research the company It always amazes me that people miss out this basic step. Not just freshers, but even experienced folks walk into an interview without making an effort to read up on what the company does. In many interviews I have conducted, one of the first questions I ask is ‘You must have gone through our web-site. Why don’t you tell me what you know about us so that I can help fill the blanks?” In many cases, the candidates make excuses -I just browsed the website casually. I didn’t have time. I thought I would find out during the interview.
Talk about projects you have done As a fresher, you have no work experience that an interviewer can test you on. Almost everyone’s resume claims that they know all major languages and platforms. Most people think -I’ll write it to get the call. In the best case, they may never ask meto write code in the language I don’t know (doesn’t this stem from all the optional subjects we have in curriculum?) For an interviewer, you’re just one of many candidates. They are looking for things that will set you apart and make their job easy.
Keep your resume crisp Everyone’s fighting for time in today’s world. No one has time to go through paragraphs to understand your potential. Make your resumes short and retain only interesting stuff. As a fresher, you’ll be tempted to write long parasbecause your resume looks shorter than your friends. Highlight the skills that the job requires. If you’ve done your research, you will be able to tailor your resume for the job on offer. If you’re wondering, the answer’s yes. You should have multiple versions of your resume ready. But please. Leave the long-winded essays for your college papers. Just be crisp about your achievements.
Practice your introduction Most people have short attention spans. You’re competing for attention with so many others. Start your introduction strong so that you capture the listener’s attention. Focus on points that are your strengths -if you’re not from a leading college, it makes more sense to talk about relevant projects and why you’d like to work for the company. Do not start with statements like ‘If given a chance, I will do very well for the company’. That’s understood. And do not make generic statements like ‘I’m very passionate’.
Curate your online presence One interview is usually never enough for the interviewer to figure out you’re perfect for the job (though it’s much much easier to figure out you’re not the right fit). And there’s usually a line of candidates who will also go through the process before/after you. Once the company decides that you make the shortlist, many also search for you online to see if there’s anything else they find. Maintain a LinkedIn profile, even if you don’t have work experience. LinkedIn has a public part of the profile that shows up when someone searches your name.
References https://yourstory.com/2013/05/5-tips-to-get- you-jobs-as-a-fresher/ https://www.vacancies.ae/jobs/jobs-in-dubai https://www.vacancies.ae/jobs/jobs-in- abudhabi https://www.vacancies.ae/jobs/jobs-in- sharjah https://www.vacancies.ae/jobs/jobs-in-ajman