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On the implications for the Ly a line of an inhomogeneous, dusty medium – also: modelling Ly a emission from a damped Ly a system. With: Florent Duval, OKC; Göran Östlin, OKC, & Daniel Schaerer, Genève/Toulouse. Peter Laursen, Corsica, 2011.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. On the implications for the Lya line of an inhomogeneous, dusty medium – also: modelling Lya emission from a damped Lya system With: Florent Duval, OKC; Göran Östlin, OKC, & Daniel Schaerer, Genève/Toulouse Peter Laursen, Corsica, 2011 Oskar Klein Centre | Inst. för Astronomi | Stockholms Universitet www.dark-cosmology.dk/~pela

  2. Lyman aradiative transfer HI

  3. Gas density and temperature Dust density and cross-section Ly escape Analytical attempt (Neufeld 1990) T = 104, NHI = 1019, E(B–V) = 0.1

  4. Ly escape – Why does Ly escape after all? Outflow? Kunth et al. (1999); Verhamme et al. (2006); Östlin et al. (2008)

  5. Ly escape – Why does Ly escape after all? Ionized cones + viewing angle? Tenori-Tagle et al. (1999); Mas-Hesse et al. (2003)

  6. Multiphase medium? Neufeld (1991); Hansen & Oh (2006) Ly escape – Why does Ly escape after all?

  7. Equivalent width Definition: EW boost: EWobserved / EWintrinsic

  8. Citation rate

  9. Numerical approch MOCALATA

  10. From ideal to semi-realistic • ICM density • Outflow velocity • Dust contents • Emission site • Cloud velocity dispersion

  11. From ideal to semi-realistic

  12. From ideal to semi-realistic • Density contrast threshold: nHI,ICM / nHI,cl ~ 10–4

  13. From ideal to semi-realistic • Density contrast threshold: nHI,ICM / nHI,cl ~ 10–4 • Cloud velocity dispersion threshold: sV,cl ~ 50 km s–1

  14. From ideal to semi-realistic • Density contrast threshold: nHI,ICM / nHI,cl ~ 10–4 • Cloud velocity dispersion threshold: sV,cl ~ 50 km s–1 • Expansion velocity threshold: Vexp ~ 50 km s–1

  15. Modeling a damped Lyman a emitter With: P. Noterdaeme, P. Petitjean, M.-J. Maureira, S. D. Vergani, C. Ledoux, J. P. U. Fynbo, S. López and R. Srianand

  16. Modeling a damped Lyman a emitter • NHI = 1022.1 cm–2

  17. Modeling a damped Lyman a emitter • NHI = 1022.1 cm–2 • E(B–V) = 0.04

  18. Modeling a damped Lyman a emitter • NHI = 1022.1 cm–2 • E(B–V) = 0.04 • Impact parameter ~ 1 kpc

  19. Modeling a damped Lyman a emitter • NHI = 1022.1 cm–2 • E(B–V) = 0.04 • Impact parameter ~ 1 kpc • SFR ~ 20–25 M yr–1 • FLya = 14.3 × 10–17 erg s–1 cm–2 • fesc, Lya = 0.2

  20. Modeling a damped Lyman a emitter • NHI = 1022.1 cm–2 • E(B–V) = 0.04 • Impact parameter ~ 1 kpc • SFR ~ 20–25 M yr–1 • FLya = 14.3 × 10–17 erg s–1 cm–2 • fesc, Lya = 0.2 • Red and blue part of the spectrum spatially detached

  21. Semi-realistic modelling • NHI = 1022.1 cm–2 • E(B–V) = 0.04 • Impact parameter ~ 1 kpc • SFR ~ 20–25 M yr–1 • FLya = 14.3 × 10–17 erg s–1 cm–2 • fesc, Lya = 0.2 • Red and blue part of the spectrum spatially detached • Metallicity: [Zn/H] = -1.1 • Depletion patterns: [Zn/Fe] = 0.72, [Zn/Cr] = 0.49, [Zn/Mn] = 0.79, [Zn/Ni] = 0.61

  22. Semi-realistic modelling

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