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Smart Net Total Care

Smart Net Total Care. The Power of SNTC to the Cisco Partner Scott Schell – Smart Service Business Development Manager Tom Carroll – Smart Services Market Manager. Agenda. Smart Net Total Care – What if? Customer Value Partner Value How to Sell (Opportunity Identification)

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Smart Net Total Care

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  1. Smart Net Total Care

    The Power of SNTC to the Cisco Partner Scott Schell– Smart Service Business Development Manager Tom Carroll – Smart Services Market Manager
  2. Agenda Smart Net Total Care – What if? Customer Value Partner Value How to Sell (Opportunity Identification) Setting Expectations Questions
  3. Smart Net Total CarePartner Value

  4. Smart Net Total Care What If…. ….with each customer you could reveal their uncovered Cisco products?  Grow SMARTnet revenue ….you gave each customer an accurate view of their end-of-support Cisco products?  Sell new Cisco products ….you gave the customer on-going up-to-date installed base and contract information?  Faster and more efficient SMARTnet renewals ….you could inform your customer about a published Cisco alert that could preempt network disruption?  PRICELESS!
  5. Smart Net Total CareCustomer Value

  6. Entitlement issues take too long to resolve Are my Cisco products covered with the right service level? Tracking serial numbers and contracts manually is costly and error prone With so many alerts - it’s hard to find the ones that apply So many products and contracts – it’s hard to manage them all Life cycle planning data is too hard to find and use Smart Net Total Care Installed Base Management – What’s the Problem?
  7. Smart Net Total Care Installed Base and Contract Management Detailed inventory reports and analysis via intuitive web portal! Identify products without service coverage, with support about to expire, or past LDoS Validate your Cisco installed base
  8. Smart Net Total Care Installed Base and Contract Management Know what changed in your network! Easily drill down to see details of added device See changes between July 1 and November 1 Deleted devices 86 devices added Card Added
  9. Smart Net Total Care Proactive Alert Management Alerts are correlated against your Cisco installed base! Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) Software alerts Hardware alerts Field notice alerts A complete view of product alerts specific to installed base
  10. Smart Net Total Care Proactive Alert Management Alerts are correlated against your Cisco installed base! Shows all devices affected by specific alert Easily drill down to find all details of an alert
  11. Smart Net Total Care: End-to-End Security Customer Network Cisco Smart Net Total Care Portal Cisco Collector CiscoData Center Secure Transport SECURE Cisco Data Center: - Only accepts connections from registered systems - Secure Cisco IT lock-and-key facility Collector on Customer Network: - Hardened - No root access - Password policy enforcement 100101111111001101 1001110101111111110 100101111111001101 1001011110111011011111001101 10011100101010001101111111110 1001011110111011011111001101 Transport to Cisco Data Center: AES 128-bit data encryption, and HTTPS or SSL connection - Sensitive credentials removed before transport Smart Net Total Care Portal: - Cisco.com credentials - User can see only their data
  12. Smart Net Total Care Customer Needs  SNTC Value Smart Net Total Care identifies the customers Cisco inventory and securely communicates this to Cisco’s data center, where it is analyzed against Cisco manufacturing, security, shipping, and contract data. Resulting in a comprehensive view of their installed base, service contracts, and product alerts. Accurate view of IB and Contracts Actionable Reports “I want to identify my serial numbers and map to contracts.” “Doing this manually is costing me time and money.” “I want my records to be accurate and up to date.” “I want to simplify my service renewal process.” Contract Consolidation Entitlement Confidence Contract Renewal Ease Timely RMA Assurance Device Life Cycle Data Device Specific Alert Notification
  13. Top 10 International Bank Customer Challenge What are the gaps and overlaps in service coverage? Are any network devices near or at EOL? Identified 20% of network devices were at or near retirement Determined more than 2/3 of chassis were uncovered by service contract Gained tighter control of its cost structure and improved SLA Cisco Solution Cisco Smart Net Total Care Service to provide insights and proactive network support on a continuous basis Impact on Customer
  14. Smart Net Total CarePartner Value

  15. Smart Net Total Care What If…. ….with each customer you could reveal their uncovered Cisco products?  Grow SMARTnet revenue ….you gave each customer an accurate view of their end-of-support Cisco products?  Sell new Cisco products ….you gave the customer on-going up-to-date installed base and contract information?  Faster and more efficient SMARTnet renewals ….you could inform your customer about a published Cisco alert that would preempt network disruption?  PRICELESS!
  16. Smart Net Total Care Transactional to Consultative….“Stickiness Factor” Use SNTC data to build a consultative practice enabling strategic conversations with your customers Show your customer all changes to their network on a periodic basis, ensure they know what is happening in their environment  Inventory Delta Report Assure all RMAs and other MACDs are confirmed and contract adjustments are made  Inventory Delta Report, Contracts Report Preempt network disruptions by proactively identifying and notifying users of installed devices impacted by Cisco published security alerts and advisories  Alert Delta Report Develop a migration plan with the customer for EoS/EoL devices, removing the risk of network disruption and allowing timely replacement and accurate budgeting of cost for the customer  Aggregated Report QBR Support – show your customer the changes in their network, illustrate the risk avoidance from device coverage, alerts, EoL/EoSInventory Report, Inventory Delta Report, Alert Delta Report, Aggregated Report, Contracts Report
  17. Smart Net Total Care (SNTC) is a Cisco Brand Smart Service SNTC is delivered by Cisco to the end customer. Partner Access is available through customer authorization Partner visibility is reduced on devices covered by other partners Partner Brand with Smarts Services Partner Support Service (PSS) is a Smart Service that is available to eligible Partners PSS can be bundled into their Partner Branded service offers. PSS deliverables are similar to SNTC for medium to large customers that prefer partner delivered services. Smart Care is a Smart Service that is available to eligiblePartners Smart Care can be bundled into their Partner Branded service offers Smart Care is a Smart Service targeted at small to medium sized customers that prefer partner delivered services.
  18. Smart Net Total CareOpportunity Identification

  19. Smart Net Total Care Identifying an SNTC Opportunity Target Customer – Has large and diverse base of Cisco products Customers that experience one or more of the challenges identified earlier in the presentation: Contract insight, Entitlement challenges, Complex renewals End of Sale data and network relevant Alerts, Improved RMA support. Customer’s IT Staff that can support collector deployment. Customer has the desire to improve their current contract management processes. Compelling Events – Rapid network growth or recent acquisition Network redesign and consolidation as the result of a corporate merger New technology purchase plans and need for correct installed base inventory Recent participation in a KTN or network assessment Approaching SMARTnet contract renewal
  20. Smart Net Total Care The Customer Conversation – The Defense How to Handle Customer Objections We already have Asset Management tools (Prime LMS – Solar Winds) Those are great tools that are complimented by SNTC, SNTC provides ease of access to Contract data, status, consolidation, delta reporting and other features that compliment the asset management capabilities offered by those other tools. I have a good handle on my Cisco Inventory. Reply: But do you have the same handle on your contract status? Few customers do. Could you benefit from a detailed report showing the current, accurate contract status for each device in your network? We don’t allow Collectors on our network. Reply: SNTC currently has over 1000 customers globally, in every industry and customer size. Many of those customers had similar concerns until they spoke to our security Subject Matter Expert and our Collector Security Team. Would you be willing to speak with them so they can understand and address your concerns?
  21. Smart Net Total CareSetting Expectations

  22. Smart Net Total Care Setting Customer Expectations Don’t forget to ask the customer to provide partner access! Smart Net Total Care works with an extensive list of ‘Supported’Cisco products but not all products! A complete list will be available on Cisco.com and Partner Central and is updated with each release. There is no support for Cisco ‘application’ software licenses in this release Smart Net Total Care does not … Generate a single service price for the network Generate a single service contract for the network SNTC can simplify a complex contract structure, but not all service-levels can be consolidated (nor should they be) Replace the CSCC contract management utility SNTC can generate uploads for CSCC in preparation for a quote Replace expert judgment Once in place, basic contract clean-up and consolidation is performed There will always be some data quality updates that can only be managed by human resources familiar with the customer’s network
  23. Setting PreSales Deployment Expectations Network Discovery is not Automatic; it requires Customer Engagement The customer must provide: Customer must complete the Collector Installation Questionnaire SNMP credential(s) for all Cisco devices to be collected Must provide an initial “Seed File” with IP address and Host Name of Key network devices Will need to train on the use of the collector to run Network Discovery and to maintain the collector Device List. May need to support iterative discovery sessions to complete network access May have to open ports on firewalls to allow collector access to devices Will need to update ‘Device List’ routinely or Run periodic network discovery sessions
  24. Post Sales Engagement Process: An Engagement Project Manager (EM) and a Deployment Engineer will be assigned: They will lead the engagement process. And support collector configuration and training. Internal and External kickoff meetings will be led by the EPM to determine opportunity expectations. to establish process expectation and provide customer with product overview. Customer completes and returns the collector Installation Questionnaire Collector is installed by customer with remote support. Seed file is created and loaded to the collector. (Joint effort Cisco/Customer). Network device discovery is completed (Optional) Device inventory is processed and ANSR report Generated Training session using customer data is conducted by EM. Data Validation and reconciliation begun led by account team or partner.
  25. Resources

  26. Resources Have an Opportunity? Contact your Cisco PSDM for assistance or Contact the SNTC BDM Team @ From Partner Central search Smart Net Total Care or follow the link below http://tools.cisco.com/search/results/en/us/get#q=smart+net+total More Coming Soon – SNTC Assets will be posted to support the November 11 Quote to Order Partner Enablement date. Or From Disti Central http://tools.cisco.com/search/results/en/us/get#q=smart+net+total More Coming Soon - SNTC Assets will be posted to support the November 11 Quote to Order Distributor Enablement date.
  27. Smart Net Total CareQuestions?

  28. Thank You!
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