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The implementation of Carbon Budget Model at EU level . Roberto Pilli, Giacomo Grassi , Nuria Guerrero, Giulia Fiorese JRC technical workshop 2014 5-7 May 2014 Arona (Italy).
The implementation of Carbon Budget Model at EU level Roberto Pilli, GiacomoGrassi, Nuria Guerrero, Giulia Fiorese JRC technical workshop 2014 5-7 May 2014 Arona (Italy)
Since 2010, JRC is working to develop an in-house model capacity to estimate the EU carbon budget at country level for each EU MS • After a preliminary analisis of the main models applied at international level, the Carbon Budget Model (CBM) developed by the Canadian Forest Service was selected as potential tool • Between 2010 and 2012, the model was applied to a specific case study in order: • to test the CBM in different silvicultural systems, proposing a novel approach to model the uneven-aged forest structure • to apply the CBM to a European country and estimate the forest C balance of the FM area • to explore the impact on the C balance of different scenario assumptions (i.e., harvest rates and disturbance events)
The model was applied to • 26 EU countries • Considering: • FM area • ARD • Fire & storms • HWPs
What is the Carbon Budget Model ? • It is an inventory-based, yield-data driven model, that simulates the evolution of the C budget of forests, including the effect of natural and human-induced disturbance events (Kurz et al., 2009) CBM Other data NFI data
What CBM provides … BY Main species C stock change C stock by forest pools CBM Regions Age class evolution Silv. systems
CBM output: the tree selection system on an uneven aged high forests
What CBM provides … FUTURE & PAST Estimates Effect of Natural disturbances BY Main species C stock change C stock by forest pools CBM Regions Age class evolution Silv. systems Effect of Harvest
CBM outputs … from the reference NFI year forward C stock change of each pool at country level, accounting for the effect of harvest NFI year
CBM outputs … from the reference NFI year backward Comparing results with historical data !
CBM outputs … including effect of natural disurbances
What CBM provides … FUTURE & PAST Estimates Effect of Natural disturbances BY Main species C stock change C stock by forest pools CBM Regions Age class evolution Silv. systems Effect of Harvest Link to HWPs
CBM outputs: detailed accounting of each HWP pool CBM Forest C sink HWP C sink IPCC Tier 2 approach