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Computer Security

Learn about modular arithmetic and RSA encryption, including residue classes, fundamental lemmas, Euler's Theorem, and the RSA cryptosystem. Explore how RSA encryption works and the importance of prime numbers in RSA keys.

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Computer Security

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  1. Computer Security Modular Arithmetic RSA Analysis SSL/TLS Heartbleed Bug

  2. (a mod n) means the remainder of a divided by n.

  3. Definition: Modular equivalenceof integers a and b • a  b [mod n] •  (a mod n) = (b mod n) a = b + kn for some integer k • Written as a n b, and spoken • “a is congruent to b modulo n” or • “a and b are equivalent modulo n”

  4. n induces a natural partition of the integers into n classes. • a and b are said to be in the same “residue class” or “congruence class” exactly when a n b.

  5. Residue Classes Mod 3: • [0] = { …, -6, -3, 0, 3, 6, ..} • [1] = { …, -5, -2, 1, 4, 7, ..} • [2] = { …, -4, -1, 2, 5, 8, ..} • [-6] = { …, -6, -3, 0, 3, 6, ..} • [7] = { …, -5, -2, 1, 4, 7, ..} • [-1] = { …, -4, -1, 2, 5, 8, ..}

  6. Fundamental lemma of plus, minus, and times modulo n: • If (x n y) and (a n b). Then • 1) x + a n y + b2) x - a n y - b3) x * a n y * b

  7. A Unique Representation System Modulo n: • We pick exactly one representative from each residue class. We do all our calculations using these representatives.

  8. Perhaps the most convenient set of representatives: • The reduced system modulo n: • Zn = {0, 1, 2, …, n-1} • Define operations +n and *n: • a +n b = (a+b mod n) • a *n b = (a*b mod n)

  9. The reduced system modulo 3 • Z3 = {0, 1, 2} • Two binary, associative operators on Z3:

  10. Is there a fundamental lemma of division modulo n? • cx n cy  x n y ?This statement holds if c has a multiplicative inverse. • cx n cy  c-1cx n c-1cy  x n y

  11. When doesn’t c have an inverse? • If GCD(c,n) > 1 (i.e., c shares a factor p>1 with n), then c does not have an inverse. • c = k1p, n = k2p • Proof by contradiction: • Suppose that c has an inverse c-1. • Then c*c-1= 1 + kn for some integer k. • k1pc-1= 1 + kk2p • p(k1c-1-kk2) = 1 • But no multiple of p can be equal to 1.

  12. Fundamental lemma of division modulo n. • If GCD(c,n)=1, then ca n cb  a n b • Consider the set • Zn* = {x  Zn | GCD(x,n) =1} • Multiplication over this set Zn*will have the cancellation property.

  13. Z6 = {0, 1,2,3,4,5}Z6* = {1,5}

  14. Z12* = {0 ≤ x < 12 | gcd(x,12) = 1} = {1,5,7,11}

  15. Z15*

  16. Z5* = {1,2,3,4} • = Z5 \ {0} • For all primes p, Zp* = Zp \ {0}, since all 0 < x < p satisfy gcd(x,p) = 1

  17. Euler Phi Function (n) • Define (n) = size of Zn* • = number of 1 ≤ k < n that are relatively prime to n. • p prime  Zp*= {1,2,3,…,p-1}(p) = p-1

  18. Z12* = {0 ≤ x < 12 | gcd(x,12) = 1} = {1,5,7,11} • (12) = 4

  19. Theorem: if p,q distinct primes then f(pq) = (p-1)(q-1) • pq = # of numbers from 1 to pq • p = # of multiples of q up to pq • q = # of multiples of p up to pq • 1 = # of multiple of both p and q up to pq • f(pq) = pq – p – q + 1 = (p-1)(q-1)

  20. Fundamental lemma of powers? • If (a n b) • Then xan xb ? • NO! • (2 3 5) , but it is not the case that: 223 25 • Notice that in xa, a is an integer indicating how many times to apply the multiplication operation, whereas x is an element in a multiplicative group. These are objects of different types.

  21. Euler’s Theorem • a  Zn*, a(n)n 1 • Fermat’s Little Theorem • (special case) • p prime, a  Zp*ap-1p 1

  22. Fundamental lemma of powers. • Suppose x  Zn*, and a,b,n are naturals. • If a (n) b Then xan xb

  23. RSA • Invented by Rivest, Shamir and Adleman in 1978 • Based on difficulty of factoring. • Used to hide the size of a group Zn* since: • Factoring has not been reduced to RSA • an algorithm that generates m from c does not give an efficient algorithm for factoring • On the other hand, factoring has been reduced to finding the private-key. • there is an efficient algorithm for factoring given one that can find the private key.

  24. RSA Public-key Cryptosystem • What we need: • p and q, primes of approximately the same size • n = pq(n) = (p-1)(q-1) • e  Z (n) • d = inv. of e in Z (n) i.e., d = e-1 mod (n) • Public Key: (e,n) • Private Key: d • Encode: • m  Zn • E(m) = me mod n • Decode: • D(c) = cd mod n

  25. RSA continued • Why it works: • D(c) = cd mod n • = med mod n • = m1 + k(p-1)(q-1) mod n • = m1 + k (n) mod n • = m(m (n))k mod n • = m (by Euler’s Theorem, m k(n) mod n = m0 mod n, if m and n are relatively prime.) • Note that in general ma ma mod n mod n, but by Euler’s Theorem ma = ma mod (n) mod n,where (n) = |Zn*|, and Zn* = {s  Zn such that s and n are relatively prime}, and m  Zn*. • Page 25

  26. What if m and n share a factor? • Euler’s theorem doesn’t guarantee that mk(n) = 1 mod n • Answer 1: Special case, still works. By the Chinese Remainder Theorem, if med=m mod p and med=m mod q, then med=m mod pq, where p and q are relatively prime. • If m = 0 mod p, then med = 0ed = 0 = m mod p. • Otherwise • where by Fermat’s Little Theorem mp−1 = 1 mod p • Answer 2: jackpot – you can factor n using Euclid’s alg. • CPS 290 • Page 26

  27. RSA computations • To generate the keys, we need to • Find two primes p and q. Generate candidates and use primality testing to filter them. • Find e-1 mod (p-1)(q-1). Use Euclid’s algorithm. Takes time log2(n) • To encode and decode • Take me or cd. Use the power method.Takes time log(e) log2(n) and log(d) log2(n) . • In practice e is selected to be small so that encoding is fast. CPS 290

  28. Security of RSA • Warning: • Do not use this or any other algorithm naively! • Possible security holes: • Need to use “safe” primes p and q. In particular p-1 and q-1 should have large prime factors. • p and q should not have the same number of digits. Can use a middle attack starting at sqrt(n). • e cannot be too small • Don’t use same n for different e’s. • You should always “pad” CPS 290

  29. RSA Performance • Performance: (600Mhz PIII) (from: ssh toolkit): CPS 290

  30. Factoring in the Real World • Quadratic Sieve (QS): • Used in 1994 to factor a 129 digit (428-bit) number. 1600 Machines, 8 months. • Number field Sieve (NFS): • Used in 1999 to factor 155 digit (512-bit) number. 35 CPU years. At least 4x faster than QS • Used in 2003-2005 to factor 200 digits (663 bits) 75 CPU years ($20K prize) CPS 290

  31. Example of SSL (3.0) • SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is the standard for the web (https). • Protocol (somewhat simplified): Bob -> amazon.com • B->A: clienthello: protocol version, acceptable CipherSuites • A->B: serverhello: CipherSuite, session ID, |amazon.com|verisign • B->A: key exchange, {masterkey}amazon’s public key • A->B: server finish: ([amazon,prev-messages,masterkey])key1 • B->A: client finish: ([bob,prev-messages,masterkey])key2 • A->B: server message: (message1,[message1])key1 • B->A: client message: (message2,[message2])key2 • |h|issuer = Certificate • = Issuer, <h,h’s public key, time stamp>issuer’s private key • <…>private key= Digital signature {…}public key= Public-key encryption • [..] = Secure Hash (…)key = Private-key encryption • key1 and key2 are derived from randommasterkeyand session ID • hand-shake • data CPS 290

  32. Server Name Issue • The client expects the server to send a certificate matching the domain of the requested Web site. • But the client doesn’t tell the server which Web site it is requesting -- not a problem if server hosts only one site. • For servers hosting multiple secure Web sites, the “solution” is to assign multiple IP addresses to the network interface, one for each certificate. • Akamai uses approximately 13M IPv4 addresses for this purpose. • Better solution: “server name” extension in successor to SSL, TLS CPS 290

  33. TLS Client Hello – TLS Version 1.0 (SSL 3.1) CPS 290

  34. TLS Client Hello Message – Cipher Suite CPS 290

  35. TLS Client Hello – Server Name Extension CPS 290

  36. TLS Server Hello -- Cypher CPS 290

  37. TLS Server Hello – Certificate CPS 290

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