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Claudia Russell, McMaster University Natalie Cook Zywicki & Jennifer Bendl University of British Columbia CCAE National Conference, June 2009, Hamilton. Current Trends & Best Practices in Stewardship & Donor Relations – its more than just parties!.
Claudia Russell, McMaster University Natalie Cook Zywicki & Jennifer Bendl University of British Columbia CCAE National Conference, June 2009, Hamilton Current Trends & Best Practices in Stewardship & Donor Relations – its more than just parties!
Stewardship staff are presented with a broad scope of activities as they relate to maintaining and enhancing the relationships of donors with our institutions. In this session we will share current trends and best practices on key activities that are important in donor stewardship. . Session Overview
Review 3 general topics: Strategic events & donor communications Stewardship as an institutional priority Measuring success in your stewardship program Breakout groups on each topic Report back Session Format
No presentation – just sharing of great ideas! Quick survey of the room Burning issues or questions – any other themes you would like us to discuss? Format for round table discussion and table themes Before we start…
Events: General - for a giving level, or area of impact Donor specific - to honour certain donor or donor families Strategic Events & Donor Communications
General Events: Pre-event strategies How do you strategically decided who is invited? How do you get them to RSVP? How do you ensure they actually attend? Strategic Events & Donor Communications
General Events: Post Event Strategies What kind of follow-up do you do? What do you do for those who couldn’t attend? How do you measure the impact of the event? Strategic Events & Donor Communications
Donor Specific Event Strategies: Who do you include in the invitation list? Where do you hold the events? How do you demonstrate the impact? What do you leave the donor with after the event? Strategic Events & Donor Communications
Donor Communications Strategies What are you reporting-back to donors? What do they want to hear about? Who do they want to hear from? What medium do they want to use? What is your end goal of your communications? Strategic Events & Donor Communications
Questions to consider: • Does your campus community as a whole understand and embrace donor stewardship? • Are there systems in place to track and ensure proper and effective stewardship of donors? • Is endowment income being spent on a regular basis, and, are you assured those funds are being spent in accordance with the intent of the donor?
More questions to consider: • Are donors being shown the impact of their giving and how their money has been invested and spent? • Is donor relations and stewardship a top priority of the I.T. staff within University Advancement? • Do you have the resources needed to have an effective stewardship program?
Making Stewardship an Institutional Priority If you answered “no” to more then one of these questions then you have a problem…
Making Stewardship an Institutional Priority The goal is to "institutionalize stewardship" recognizing everyone within the University needs to be on board - not only supporting our efforts, but ensuring that faculty and staff understand that donor stewardship is an institutional responsibility. Every faculty and staff member is responsible for accountability to our donors.
Measuring Success in your Donor Relations Program
Why Measure Success? • Validate the importance of stewardship • Budgeting and staffing • Focusing program and resources, strategic planning • Focusing on specific outcomes
What to Measure? • Measuring more than just dollars raised • What can we count/evaluate? • Metrics for different types of donors i.e. capital vs. endowment donors • What difference has an activity made? • What are the desired donor behaviors that we want to see? • quantitative vs. qualitative?
How to Measure? • Donor surveys • Measuring outcomes after a certain stewardship activity • Using our software i.e. BSR, Raisers Edge etc
Questions? Jennifer Bendl jennifer.bendl@ubc.ca Natalie Cook Zywicki natalie.zywicki@ubc.ca Claudia Russell russellc@mcmaster.ca Thank you!