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2. . HP1: HYDRUS1D-PHREEQCPossibilities of the codeBenchmarkingPCE-dissolutionMigration of decay chain of adsorbing contaminants during precipitation/evaporationIllustration of coupled' effectsTNT degradation under steady state flowCd leaching in an acid podzol: lysimeter experimentsLong-
1. 1 HP1: A coupled numerical code for variably saturated water flow, solute transport and biogeochemical reactions in soils and sediments D. Mallants, D. Jacques, J. Šimunek, and
M.Th. van Genuchten
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
Simulation Tool
5. 5 Coupling procedure
6. 6
7. 7
HP1 – model features
8. 8 HP1 examples
Transport of heavy metals (Zn2+, Pb2+, and Cd2+) subject to multiple cation exchange
Transport with mineral dissolution of amorphous SiO2 and gibbsite (Al(OH)3)
Heavy metal transport in a medium with a pH-dependent cation exchange complex
Infiltration of a hyperalkaline solution in a clay sample (kinetic precipitation-dissolution of kaolinite, illite, quartz, calcite, dolomite, gypsum, …)
Long-term transient flow and transport of major cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+) and heavy metals (Cd2+, Zn2+, and Pb2+) in a soil profile.
Kinetic biodegradation of TNT (multiple degradation pathways)
9. 9
Typical application and processes involved
10. 10
11. 11 Test I: PCE degradationPCE degradation pathway (Schaerlaekens et al., Hydrological Processes, 1999)
12. 12 Test I: PCE degradationComparison with analytical solution
13. 13
Test II: Migration of decay chain speciesProblem definition
14. 14 Test II: Migration decay chain speciesWater flow boundary conditions
15. 15 Test II: Migration decay chain speciesWater content profiles
16. 16 Test II: Migration decay chain speciesConcentration-depth profiles
17. 17
18. 18
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20. 20
21. 21 Cd leaching in acid podzol Introduction
22. 22
Cd leaching in acid podzol Objectives
23. 23 Cd leaching in acid podzol Problem definition (Seuntjens et al., 2000)
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Cd leaching in acid podzol Leaching experiment set-up
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Cd leaching in acid podzol Leaching experiment modelling (1)
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Cd leaching in acid podzol Leaching experiment modelling (2)
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Cd leaching in acid podzol Multi-component modelling results (1)
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Cd leaching in acid podzol Multi-component modelling results (2)
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Cd leaching in acid podzol Multi-component modelling results (3)
30. 30 Cd leaching in acid podzol Multi-component modelling results (4)
31. 31 Cd leaching in acid podzol Cd remobilisation due to complex formation
32. 32
Cd leaching in acid podzol Conclusion
33. 33
34. 34 Geochemical transport under transient variably-saturated flow
35. 35
Long-term transient flow and transport Transient infiltration at surface
36. 36 Long-term transient flow and transport Effect of transient infiltration on Cd migration
37. 37 Long-term transient flow and transport Cd mobility and bio-availability as function of ?, pH, Cl- (1)
38. 38 Long-term transient flow and transport Cd mobility and bio-availability as function of ?, pH, Cl- (2)
39. 39 Long-term transient flow and transportConclusions Temporal variability of physical soil variables (?) results in temporal variability in geochemical variables (pH, Cl-,…)
Applied to heavy metal mobility and bio-availability:
Water content variations linearly related to pH and inversely to Cl- variations
pH inversely related to dissolved metal concentration (multi-site cation exchange f(pH))
Cl- concentration linearly related to dissolved metal concentration (complex formation)
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Introduction / objectives (1)
42. 42 Introduction / objectives (2) Multiple lines of reasoning
43. 43 Introduction
A new biogeochemical transport code:HP1
Problem statement: soil, geochemical reactions, BC/IC
Simulation results
U-fluxes from soil vs. surface repository
44. 44 Problem statement (1)Multilayered soil profile
45. 45
Problem statement (2)Geochemical equilibrium reactions
46. 46 Problem statement (3)Multi-site cation exchange reactions
47. 47 Problem statement (4)pH-dependent negative charge
48. 48 Problem statement (5)Surface complexation Surface complexation model
0.875 reactive sites/mol Fe (Waite et al., 1994. G.C. Acta)
Surface complex: ?FeOUO2+ (Dzombak & Morel, 1990)
Changing processes in U adsorption with increasing pH
49. 49
Problem statement (6)Initial and Boundary conditions
50. 50 Introduction
A new biogeochemical transport code:HP1
Problem statement: soil, geochemical reactions, BC/IC
Simulation results
U-fluxes from soil vs. surface repository
51. 51 Simulation results (1)Total Ca, P, and U depth profiles
52. 52 Simulation results (2)Transient flow conditions =>transient geochemical conditions
53. 53 Simulation results (3)?pH results in time variations of U-mobility
54. 54 Simulation results (4)U-fluxes: steady-state vs. transient
55. 55 Introduction
A new biogeochemical transport code:HP1
Problem statement: soil, geochemical reactions, BC/IC
Simulation results
U-fluxes from soil vs. surface repository
56. 56 Comparison of U-fluxes
57. 57 Introduction
A new biogeochemical transport code:HP1
Problem statement: soil, geochemical reactions, BC/IC
Simulation results
U-fluxes from soil vs. surface repository
58. 58 Conclusions (1)
59. 59 Conclusions (2)
60. 60 Use of Geochemical Transport Models Process Coupling and InteractionsTools for investigating the impacts of multiple coupled biogeochemical reactions in the presence of complex flow fields and spatial heterogeneity. Enable extrapolation to environmentally relevant temporal and spatial scales.
Interpretation of Laboratory and Field DataProvide a useful framework for interpreting experimental results. Serve as a tool for understanding qualitative and quantitative trends and relationships present in the data.
Sensitivity AnalysisPermit the systematic evaluation of the impact of model parameters (both reactive and hydrogeological), initial conditions, and boundary conditions upon the model output.
Integration and SynthesisTool for integrating all of the knowledge obtained from simulation, sensitivity analyses, and laboratory and field experimentation.
61. 61 Find out more about HP1!