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BRAVO: Barrier Removal Assessment and Viability Overview. Pride Campaign Barrier Removal Projects Viability and Potential Impacts Assessment Tool . BESITANG. Cultural/Politics. Impacts& Metrics. Technical. Economics. Barrier Removal Strategy
BRAVO: Barrier Removal Assessment and Viability Overview Pride Campaign Barrier Removal Projects Viability and Potential Impacts Assessment Tool BESITANG Cultural/Politics Impacts& Metrics Technical Economics
Barrier Removal Strategy • There are some factors behind encroachment activities inside Besitang area in GunungLeuser National Park (Taman NasionalGunungLeuser/TNGL). They include the needs for cultivation area that have driven people to clear up forest area and convert it into cultivation area. Another factor was farmers’ dependence to monoculture system, which relies on certain commodities, such as palm oil and rubber. This has also driven farmers to expand their cultivation area inside TNGL area. The development of agro-forestry system will help farmers make the most of their land. While it increases the farmers’ land productivity, agro-forestry system will also stop forest clearing inside TNGL. • Law enforcement is another solution to support the implementation of barrier removal strategy. Community groups involved in the development of agro-forestry system will be involved along with other groups to participate in activities to monitor and safeguard the forest area. Without monitoring and law enforcement efforts, the strategy to develop agro-forestry system will not work properly as forest destruction factors correlate one to the other. • The implementation of agro-forestry system may accommodate commodities, such as: • Rubber tree • - Timber trees and gaharu (Aquilariamalaccensis) • - Sereh(Cymbopogonnardus), planted along the river (2 lines) • - Nilam(Pogostemoncablin) or other plants • - Fresh water fish farming (karamba, basket made of bamboo or rattan as fish breeding pool) in rivers or fish pond (kolam/bak) • Agro-forestry system that accommodates such commodities will provide economic support to community and help the cultivated land to produce optimally. Such benefits of agro-forestry system will help local farmers to realize that they do not need to encroach into the protected area to find land area to be cultivated and generate income. • Objectives of Barrier Removal Strategy • The development of agro-forestry system has the objective to stop encroachment activities. Some pre-requisite conditions in the community to achieve such an objective are: community understands the agro-forestry concept and later adopts it; the need for new area to be cultivated decreases; community income increases; and, finally, the encroachment activities stops. • The development of agro-forestry aims at making the community understand the benefits and techniques to develop agro-forestry pattern in cultivation area outside the protected forest. Later, they are expected to adopt agro-forestry pattern to make the most of their land without further opening the forest area. Apart from the development of agro-forestry system, law enforcement and forest monitoring from encroachment activities will be conducted to stop the high rate of forest encroachment. Such activities will support the agro-forestry development and will serve as deterrent for the community to conduct encroachment activities. BRAVO: Executive Summary (1 of 2)
Success Story & Barrier Removal Strategy Relevance • Agro-forestry development has been applied in many places in Indonesia. The implementations have brought positive impacts to nature conservation efforts and positive economic impacts to communities involved. • Targeted Audience & Barrier Removal Partners • The main targets to adopt agro-forestry system are farmers who have been practicing encroachment activities inside the forest area. They own cultivated areas that share boundaries with TNGL area. Other targets are farmers who potentially encroach the forest because their land is close to TNGL area. A strategy to enforce the laws and safeguard the laws is applied to farmers who potentially encroach, but are living outside the targeted area. • Partners involved in barrier removal strategy are Mr. Dedi Natadireja with CV. Suburnik as partner to develop techniques for agro-forestry system development, Flora & Fauna International (FFI) as partner to mobilize the community, TNGL Agency with Higher Authority (BalaiBesarTNGL) as the area authority who manages TNGL area. • Timing for Barrier Removal Strategy Implementation • Preparation process prior to planning will start in July 2009. This phase will produce technical planning base line to be done in one month. The next step will be program technical planning phase (tahapan perencanaan teknis program) that will produce program needs tabulation. This will be followed by training and implementation phase that will end in June 2010. • Implementation Method of Barrier Removal Strategy • The agro-forestry system will be developed with organic pattern. The budget will be managed jointly by a group among the farmers. The farmers will be exposed to knowledge on land management and organic fertilizer making, so they can self-provide the need of fertilizer. The community will need to supply some of equipments they need, whereas the rest will be provided by program funding. The community will be involved in seeking the funding. The funding will be required to maintain the program’s sustainability. The available funding and income will be managed by farmer group so they may be used by other community. BRAVO: Executive Summary (2 of 2) BRAVO Scores Feasibility Score: 1-4 Impact Score: 1-4
Barrier Removal Assessment and Viability Overview (BRAVO)Composite Score