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Who Wants To Be A Missionary?

Who Wants To Be A Missionary?.

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Who Wants To Be A Missionary?

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  1. Who Wants To Be A Missionary? • “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matt.6:19-21)

  2. Dr. David Livingstone,Missionary Explorer to Africa

  3. Robert Moffat,famous African missionary • Inspired David Livingstone to become a missionary to Africa. • “I have sometimes seen, in the morning sun, the smoke of a thousand villages, where no missionary had ever been.”

  4. Dr. Livingstone preaching the Gospel in Africa • Dr. David Livingstone joined the London Missionary Society. • He sailed to Africa as a medical missionary in 1840. • He arrived at Kuruman, a mission station in South Africa started by Robert Moffat.

  5. Lion attack at Mobotsa ! • Lion mauled Livingstone’s left arm. • Being the only medical doctor available, Dr. Livingstone set his own arm with no pain medicine. • Recovery took over three months. His left arm was still weak.

  6. David Livingstone’s Family - 1857 • Married to Mary Moffat (Robert Moffat’s daughter) in 1845. • They had six children. One daughter, Elizabeth, died as an infant. • After 8 years in Africa, Mary and the children went to live in England. • Pictured above: (left to right) Oswell, Dr. Livingstone, Thomas, Agnes, Mary Livingstone, and Robert. Anna Mary (not pictured) was born one year later.

  7. Dr. Livingstone Explores Africa • Livingstone believed his calling was to open Africa to Christian missions through exploration. • He believed the Zambesi River was “God’s highway into the interior”.

  8. “The Smoke that Thunders” • Livingstone was the first white man to see magnificent “Victoria Falls” (350 ft. high), the world’s greatest waterfall, on the Zambesi River. • Due to the constant cloud of mist and the thunderous roar heard for miles, natives called it “Mosi-oa-tunya” (“the smoke that thunders”). • Livingstone named the falls for Queen Victoria, the reigning queen of England.

  9. Exploration: the Key to Reaching Africa with the Gospel • Travel in Africa was difficult due to swamps, deserts, and hostile tribes. • Livingstone was convinced that charting Africa would allow missionaries to easily travel and settle within Africa.

  10. Exploration: the Key to Reaching Africa with the Gospel • Livingstone spent nearly 33 years leading “expeditions” through harsh territory in Africa. • In one four year period, he traveled over 4,000 miles through unexplored parts of Africa.

  11. Dr. Livingstone’s Medical Tools • This is an actual picture of medical tools taken to Dr. Livingstone in Africa by Stanley in 1872. • Tropical diseases were a big problem in Africa, and Dr. Livingstone suffered with malaria and other tropical diseases.

  12. Dr. Livingstone’s Return to England • He returned to England in 1856 and stayed one year. • While there, he wrote a book: Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa, which became an instant best-seller and made Livingstone famous.

  13. Dr. Livingstone’s Return to England • His book and his inspiring messages resulted in the formation of many missionary societies for Africa. • He challenged students at Cambridge University to join the missionary movement to Africa.

  14. Dr. Livingstone’s “Disappearance” • Livingstone sent reports back to England and Europe for many years. He especially wrote about the evils of the slave trade in Africa. • He disappeared into the heart of Africa and did not see another European for seven years. • Rumors spread that Dr. Livingstone had died.

  15. Dr. Livingstone’s “Disappearance” • A famous American newspaper, the New York Herald, sent a reporter named Henry Morton Stanley to “find” Dr. Livingstone. • After traveling many miles for eight months through southern Africa, they finally met.

  16. Stanley spoke the famous words, • “Dr. Livingstone, I presume?” • Stanley brought with him a big caravan and lots of supplies! • Livingstone knew it was a miracle and a sign of God’s favor! • They met at Ujiji.

  17. Dr. Livingstone’s Memorial • Dr. David Livingstone continued his work in Africa until his death in 1873. • His African helpers found him dead, kneeling beside his bed in a posture of prayer.

  18. Dr. Livingstone’s Memorial • At Livingstone’s request, his heart was removed and buried in Africa. • His body was prepared by African helpers and sent back to England for a hero’s burial in Westminster Abby, a large cathedral in London.

  19. “I am a missionary, heart and soul.” • Dr. David Livingstone is still remembered today for his great contributions to world missions and his explorations, which opened the continent of Africa to the Gospel.

  20. Dr. David Livingstone(1813 – 1873) • “I am a missionary, heart and soul. God Himself had an only Son, and He was a missionary and a physician. A poor, poor imitation I am… but in this service I hope to live.”

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