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Risk Management Strategies. Risk Management Strategies. Part 1. Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies. Hypotheses. 1 How is this disease distributed?. 2 Is there an association?. 3 Is the association causal?.
Risk Management Strategies Risk Management Strategies Part 1 Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Hypotheses 1 How is this disease distributed? 2 Is there an association? 3 Is the association causal? What should I do? What should society do? 4 What should be done to prevent the disease? 5 Did the prevention strategy work? Where are we and where are we going? What’s my hypothesis? Did the exposure and the disease turn up together? Why did the exposure and the disease turn up together? Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Review Epi Speak Risk A measure of how often an event occurs in a defined group of people in a defined period of time. The likelihood of developing a disease. Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Review Epi Speak Risk Perception One’s feeling or opinion of the existence or size of a risk. One’s estimate of the likelihood that an undesirable consequence, associated with some activity, will occur within a period of time. Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Review Epi Speak Acceptable Risk The degree to which an individual or society is willing to tolerate the existence of something that poses a danger. Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Epi Speak Epi Speak Prevent To keep something from happening. Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Epi Speak Epi Speak Risk Management Steps taken to reduce the levels of risk to which an individual or a population is exposed. Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Risk Management Strategy Actual Evidence of Risk Perception of Risk Acceptability of Risk Risk Management Strategy Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Carrying Heavy Backpacks Causes Back Pain Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Carrying Heavy Backpacks Causes Back Pain Risk Management Steps taken to reduce the levels of risk to which an individual or a population is exposed. Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Epi Teams Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Carrying Heavy Backpacks Causes Back Pain Risk Management Steps taken to reduce the levels of risk to which an individual or a population is exposed. Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Epi Log Worksheet Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
1 Epi Log Worksheet Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
All participate Most participate Some participate All are appropriate and accurate Most are appropriate and accurate Some are appropriate and accurate Thoughtfully considered Considered Not considered Thoughtfully considered Considered Not considered Thoughtfully considered Considered Not considered Presentation Rubric Criteria Got It Getting It Will Get It Soon Participation Use of Epi Speak Consideration of Actual Risk Consideration of Perceived Risk Consideration of Acceptability of Risk Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
2 Epi Log Worksheet Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
All participate Most participate Some participate All are appropriate and accurate Most are appropriate and accurate Some are appropriate and accurate Thoughtfully considered Considered Not considered Thoughtfully considered Considered Not considered Thoughtfully considered Considered Not considered Presentation Rubric Criteria Got It Getting It Will Get It Soon Participation Use of Epi Speak Consideration of Actual Risk Consideration of Perceived of Risk Consideration of Acceptability of Risk Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
All participate Most participate Some participate All are appropriate and accurate Most are appropriate and accurate Some are appropriate and accurate Thoughtfully considered Considered Not considered Thoughtfully considered Considered Not considered Thoughtfully considered Considered Not considered Self-Assessment Criteria Got It Getting It Will Get It Soon Participation Use of Epi Speak Consideration of Actual Risk Consideration of Perceived of Risk Consideration of Acceptability of Risk Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Epi Team Risk Management Strategies Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
3 Epi Log Worksheet Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Risk Management Strategies Epi Assignment Read article about other’s proposed risk management strategies. Highlight all steps that you think should be added to the class risk management strategy. Due: Next Class Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Investigation 4-4, Part 1, has ended. CDC Risk Management Strategies Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Risk Management Strategies Risk Management Strategies Part 2 Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Review Epi Speak Risk Management Steps taken to reduce the levels of risk to which an individual or a population is exposed. Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Risk Management Strategies Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Epi Log Worksheet Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Consensus Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
4 Epi Log Worksheet Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Consensus Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Acceptable Risk Considerations • Is the risk assumed voluntarily or involuntarily? • Are there less risky alternatives? • Is the risk from something that occurs naturally or is it from something that is man-made? • Is the risk known with certainty or are we unsure that there is a risk? • Is the risk catastrophic or is it similar to those we assume everyday? • Is the risk posed by something that is likely to be used as intended or is it likely to be misused? • Is the risk assumed at work or outside the workplace? • Is the risk distributed fairly or unfairly? Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Epi Teams Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Review Epi Speak Stakeholder Someone who represents a group of people and their interests. Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Stakeholders Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Action All scientific work is incomplete – whether it be observational or experimental. All scientific work is liable to be upset or modified by advancing knowledge. That does not confer upon us a freedom to ignore the knowledge we already have, or postpone the action that it appears to demand at a given time. Sir Bradford Hill, “The Environment and Disease: Association or Causation?” Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1965 Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Action Will this strategy prevent back pain? XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4
Investigation 4-4 has ended. CDC Risk Management Strategies Intro to Epidemiology – Investigation 4-4: Risk Management Strategies Investigation 4-4