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AVOIR – to have J’ai = I have Tu as = you have Il a = he has Elle a = she has Nous avons = we have Vous avez = you have Ils ont = they have Elles ont = they have. When you are telling the classes that you HAVE you don’t use LE/LA/L’/LES J’ai chimie . Il a biologie . Nous avons francais.
AVOIR – to haveJ’ai= I haveTu as = you haveIl a = he hasElle a = she hasNous avons = we haveVousavez = you haveIlsont = they haveEllesont = they have
When you are telling the classes that you HAVE you don’t use LE/LA/L’/LES J’aichimie.Il a biologie.Nous avonsfrancais.
Tu as quelscours….?- what classes do you have….Tu as quelscoursaujourd’hui?- what classes do you have today?Tu as quelscoursle matin?- What classes do you have in the morning?- Tu as quelscoursl’apres-midi?- What classes do you have in the afternoon?Tu as quelscoursmaintenant?- What classes do you have now?Tu as quelscoursdemain?-What classes do you have tomorrow?
Tu as quoi….?- What do you have….?Tu as quoi maintenant?-What do you have now?Tu as quoi demain?-What do you have tomorrow?
Vousavez….?-Do you have…?Vousavezfrancais?- Do you have French?Vousavezbiologie?-Do you have biology?Vousavez EPS?-Do you have PE?Vousavez arts plastiques?-Do you have art?
YOU ANSWER:1. Tu as quels cours le matin?Le matin…..2. Tu as quels cours l’après-midi?L’après-midi….
Le matin, j’aimaths, anglais et biologie.L’apres-midi, j’aigeometrie, geographie, francais et EPS.
Ex. 16 – 1. lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche.2. Dejeuner – lunch; recreation – recess.3. 2:00pm4. Etude – study hall5. Sortie – end of the day6. different schedule every day; have wed. afternoon off; go to school sat. morning.
Ex. 17 1. lundi2. lundi3. mercredi4. jeudi5. apres-midi6. recreation7. samedi8. dimanche
Write out the following numbers in French:21 22 23 2425 26 27 2829 30 31 3240 41 42 5051 52 60 61
Vingt-et-unvingt-deuxvingt-troisvingt-quatrevingt-cinqvingt-sixvingt-septvingt-huitvingt-neufVingt-et-unvingt-deuxvingt-troisvingt-quatrevingt-cinqvingt-sixvingt-septvingt-huitvingt-neuf 20’s