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Japan International Cooperation Agency - Group Training - Pollution Controls for Hazardous Substances in the Environment - ( Osaka - Asia 3R Technology Support Project ). Date and time ; 10 : 00 am , Tuesday July 11 , 2006 Place ; Chuo - tanimachi Building
Japan International CooperationAgency - Group Training- Pollution Controls for Hazardous Substances in the Environment -( Osaka - Asia 3R Technology Support Project ) Date and time ; 10 : 00 am , Tuesday July 11 , 2006 Place ; Chuo - tanimachi Building Subject ; Industrial waste disposal and the role of the Osaka Prefecture Industrial Waste Association Instructor ; Koichi TATSUNO Osaka Prefecture Industrial Waste Association
SessionⅠ; Summary of Industrial Waste Disposal in Japan
●General waste that has an explosive , toxic , or infective nature ●Infective general waste , specific dust / ash / sludge , specific PCB parts , etc. ●Industrial waste that has an explosive , toxic , or infective nature ●Hazardous industrial waste including volatile oil waste , strong acids , strong alkalis , infective industrial waste , PCBs , asbestos waste , etc. ●Waste discharged from business activities ●21 items are specified in the “ Waste Disposal Law ” , including ash , sludge , acid waste , alkali waste , plastic waste , etc. ●Waste discharged from households ●Waste and over - sized waste that dose not fall under the category of industrial waste Local governments in the area where the general waste ( , or specific controlled general waste ) is discharged Companies who discharge industrial waste ( , or specific controlled industrial waste ) Classification of Waste andthe Responsibility for Disposal
Companies authorized by the prefectural governor , etc. The Responsibility ofDischarging Companies ●For industrial waste produced by that company ; ①Disposed of by the company itself . ( Self - disposal ) < ②Disposed of via a contract with an industrial waste disposer .( Contractual disposal ) Conclude a written contract . Issue an “ Industrial Waste Management Manifest ” .
Type of industrial waste ( 21 types ) Type of company Type of business Authorization of Industrial Waste Disposers
②Incineration ①Crushing Intermediate Treatment ●Volume reduction , detoxification and stabilization of industrial waste ③Other methods →neutralization , dehydration , volume reduction and solidification
①Stabilized landfill Superior landfill standard ②Controlled landfill ③Shielded landfill Final Disposal ●Returning industrial waste to nature ( Landfill )
Recycled resource Intermediate treatment residue Industrial waste Industrial Waste Treatment Process Discharging company Intermediate treatment company Collection / transportation company Final disposal company Collection / transportation company Industrial Waste Association
Recycled 201,329,000 t ( 49% ) Direct reuse 88,304,000 t ( 21% ) Disposal 411,623,000 t ( 100% ) Intermediate treatment residue recycled 113,025,000 t ( 27% ) Intermediate treatment 307,965,000 t ( 75% ) Intermediate treatment residue 128,111,000 t ( 31% ) Intermediate treatment residue finally disposed 15,086,000 t ( 4% ) Volume reduction 179,854,000 t ( 44% ) Direct final disposal 15,354,000 t ( 4% ) Final disposal 30,440,000 t ( 7% ) ●As of FY2003 . Percentages are rounded , and the sum may not equal 100% . Industrial Waste Association Industrial Waste Disposalby Treatment Process
SessionⅡ; Role of the Osaka Prefecture Industrial Waste Association
Outline of the Osaka PrefectureIndustrial Waste Association ①Established ; March 17 , 1988 ②Purpose ; Maintenance of living environments , improvement of public health , effective use of resources ③Legal registration ; Public corporation under the Civil Law , article 34. ④Major members ; Industrial waste disposers ( Refer to the table on the right . As of July 1 , 2005 . ) ⑤Office ; 3 - 4 - 5 , Tanimachi , Chuo - ku , Osaka ●TEL ; 06 - 6943 - 4016 ●FAX ; 06 - 6942 - 5314 ●URL ; http://www.o-sanpai.or.jp
Organization of the Osaka PrefectureIndustrial Waste Association
Building a recycling - oriented society Appropriate waste disposal Activities of the Osaka PrefectureIndustrial Waste Association ①Research on the waste market , etc. ②Consultation on waste - related regulations ③Publication of association bulletins , etc. ④Cooperation with related municipal / local governments , etc. ⑤Training and workshops on appropriate industrial waste disposal ⑥Presentations at various waste-related exhibitions ⑦Issuance of “ Industrial Waste Management Manifests ” and “ Collection / Transportation Vehicle ID Plates ” ⑧Educating citizens about environmental preservation
Excerpts from Our Research Activities ①Collection of opinions and system analysis in order to establish the “ Law Concerning Special Measures for Dioxin Contamination ” ; FY2000 ②Survey of the actual conditions and system analysis of the “ Specialized Treatment Facility Certification System ” ( Germany ) ; FY2000 ③Development of the “ Manifest System Computerization Program ” ; FY2002 ④Verification / analysis to develop the “ Model Guidelines for Industrial Waste Disposers ” ( Osaka ) ; FY2002 ⑤Research on how to manage the collection / transportation business as a transporter ; FY2003 ⑥Comparative system analysis regarding the “ Industrial Waste Tax Regulation ” ;FY2003 ⑦Development of the “ Cost Calculation Model for Industrial Waste Disposers ” ; FY2004 ⑧Market analysis related to asbestos waste ; FY2005 ⑨Research on an appropriate waste disposal system for natural disasters ; FY2005
Excerpts from Our Consultation Activities ①Waste classification and type ②Entity responsible for discharging industrial waste ③How to dispose of industrial waste ( Legal standards for disposal ) ④Inquiries about industrial waste disposers ⑤Contract assistance for industrial waste disposal ⑥Issuance and application of the “ Industrial Waste Management Manifest ” ⑦Preparation of legal accounts ⑧Application assistance for authorization as an industrial waste disposer ⑨Operation and maintenance of industrial waste treatment facilities ⑩Consultation on movements to revise the “ Waste Disposal Law ” , and the items to be revised ⑪Corporate training for the industrial waste industry ⑫Support concerning the subsidy and lending mechanisms for research and development of industrial waste disposal and recycling technology , and for the construction of industrial waste disposal and recycling facilities ⑬Removal of illegal waste disposal ( Restoration to the original state )
Publication of Association Bulletins( example ) ①“ Clean Life ” →Contents of No.30 ●Summary of the “ Administrative Disposition Guidelines ( No.050812003 dated August 12 , 2005 ) ” ●Reception standards of the Japan environment safety project - Osaka polychlorinated biphenyl waste treatment facility in the Kinki region , and authorization of collection / transportation of polychlorinated biphenyl waste ●Activity reports ●Osaka prefecture environmental health performance award ●Introduction of new members ●Data ・Review of the present situation of industrial waste disposal and treatment ( FY2003 ) ・Review of the present situation of illegal disposal of industrial waste ( FY2004 ) ・Airborne asbestos waste disposal , including sprayed asbestos ②Other items →Contents of back issues in FY2005 ●“ Data Book on Asbestos Waste ” ●“ Administrative Disposal Guidelines ( No.050812003 ) ” ●“ Basic Principals of Industrial Waste ( 2nd Edition ) ” ●“ Map of the Treatment / Disposal Facilities of Members ( FY2005 Version ) ”
Excerpts of Cooperationwith Related Governments ●Illegal industrial waste disposal prevention activities ①Education activities on the streets ②Environmental patrols ③General on - site inspections of discharging companies and industrial waste disposers
Excerpts of Organizing Trainingand Workshops ①Workshop on the application for authorization as an industrial waste disposer , or specific controlled industrial waste disposer ●New application ・Course on industrial waste collection / transportation ・Course on industrial waste disposal ・Course on specific controlled industrial waste collection / transportation ・Course on specific controlled industrial waste disposal ●Renewal ・Course on industrial waste or specific controlled industrial waste collection / transportation ・Course on industrial waste or specific controlled industrial waste disposal ②Workshop for managers of specific controlled industrial waste ③Workshop for companies that discharge industrial waste ( Scheduled in FY2006 ) ④Industrial waste school ⑤Training in the general cargo automobile transportation business ⑥Workshop based on the collection / transportation improvement project ⑦Tours of related facilities
Excerpts of Presentationsat Various Exhibitions ①New environmental exhibition ②Environmental festival 21 ③New earth global environmental technology exhibition ④World water forum ( In the Osaka pref. booth )
“ Industrial Waste Management Manifest ”“ Collection / Transportation VehicleID Plate ” ①Industrial waste management manifest ②Collection / transportation vehicle ID plate 産 業 廃 棄 物 収 集 運 搬 車 (産業廃棄物処理業者名) (許可番号下6桁) (社)大阪府産業廃棄物協会
Excerpts from Educating Citizens onEnvironmental Preservation ●Industrial waste forum ①Student research meeting ②Panel discussion
Inter - Industry Cooperation ofthe Industrial Waste Association 47 public corporations in every prefecture National Federation of Industrial Waste Management Associations
End of the training . Thank you for your attention .