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第五章:汉英句子翻译技巧(上). 教学目的:要求熟练理解句子的翻译技巧,从而在汉英翻译时做到通顺、准确。 教学内容: 1 . 增词法 省译法 词类转换 正说反译、反说正译法 翻译练习. 3. 词类转换( Conversion ). 巴黎圣母院 Cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris.
第五章:汉英句子翻译技巧(上) • 教学目的:要求熟练理解句子的翻译技巧,从而在汉英翻译时做到通顺、准确。 • 教学内容: 1. 增词法 • 省译法 • 词类转换 • 正说反译、反说正译法 • 翻译练习
3. 词类转换(Conversion) 巴黎圣母院 Cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris The English and Chinese languages are poles apart. Therefore, there can hardly be any word-for-word equivalence in terms of word class, otherwise, translation would have been much easier. Such being the case, it is only understandable that conversion, the change of word classes, should be adopted as a translation technique.
A. Verbs in Chinese and nouns in English It is generally acknowledged that the Chinese uses more verbs as the English uses more nouns. Therefore, in translation between the two languages a conversion between the two word classes are possible. For instance, • 非公莫入! • No admittance except on business! • (2) 不准拍照! • No camera! • (3) 照常营业。 • Business as usual.
Discussion 当心碰头:Caution: Overhead Hazard! 当心(地)滑倒/坡:Caution: Slippery Floor/ Surface! 当心坠物:Caution: Risk of Falling Objects! 前方施工:Road Work Ahead! 禁止掉头:No U-Turn! (4) 此路不通! (5) 不准入内! No thoroughfare! No entry! (6) 绝对不许违反这个原则。 No violation of this principle can be tolerated. (7) 中国成功地爆炸了第一颗原子弹,在全世界引起了巨大的反响。 China’s first atomic blast was a great shock to the rest of the world.(8) 胎又瘪了。 We've got another flat tire.
Discussion In addition, the English language uses a lot of abstract nouns like in the lectures we have discussed last semester. In translation into Chinese, these abstract nouns should be dealt with carefully, either replacing them with concrete nouns, or using Chinese V-O or S-P phrases. And on the contrary, in translating Chinese into English, these V-O or S-P phrases should be translated into English abstract nouns. The following are some examples and the second translations are preferred.
Discussion • 9. 她心直口快,总是愿意和任何人交朋友,所以很快就赢得了大家的信任。 • He was very outspoken and was always ready to make friends with anyone, so she won their trust. • b. His outspokenness and readiness to make friends with anyone soon won their trust.
Discussion 10. 回想起这些事情,使他的生活增添了乐趣。 。 a. To remember these will add zest to his life. b. The remembrance of these will add zest to his life.
In addition to the above-mentioned conversions, there are other types of conversions: (1) conversion between Chinese verbs and English adjectives, (2) conversion between Chinese adjectives/adverbs and English nouns, and (3))conversion between Chinese adjectives/adverbs and English nouns. These types of conversion are based on the different syntactic structures of the two languages. The following are some examples to illustrate this point. • Conversion between Chinese verbs and English adjectives: • Conversion between ChineseVerbs and English adjectives: • (D) Conversion between Chinese adjectives/adverbs and English nouns:
B. Conversion between Chinese verbs and English adjectives: 11. 我们决不满足于现在的成就。 We are not content with our present achievements. 12.怀疑他所说的话。 I'm doubtful of what he said. 13. 朱总理,中央及有关部委领导同志,在华外国专家出席了宴会。 Present at the banquet were Premier Zhu, leading figures of the central government and the relevant ministries and commissions, and foreign experts working in China.
(C). Conversion between ChineseVerbs and English adjectives: 14.他在讲话中特别强调提高产品质量。 He laid special stress on raising the quality of the products in his speech. 15. 邓小平在“十一大”上说:“一定要少说空话,多做工作”。 Deng Xiaoping said at the 11th Party Congress, “There must be less empty talk and more hard work.” (v–n)
(D) Conversion between Chinese adjectives/adverbs and English nouns: 16. 空气是这样的青香,使人胸脯里感到分外凉爽、舒畅。 The air was fresh and fragrant; it gave people a feeling of exceptional coolness and comfort. 17.我荣幸地宣布,李先生就任公司的经理。 I have the honor to inform you that Mr Li will be manager of the company. 18. 这个问题至关重要。 This issue is of paramount/vital/pivotal importance.
请将下文翻译成英语,并体会词类的转换 各级干部尤其是领导干部,首先要学习并熟悉世贸组织的基本原则和有关规则,结合我国实际,加快过渡期的有关政策调整和涉外经济法律法规的清理、修订、废止工作,建立健全符合世贸组织规则又符合我国国情的涉外法律法规体系。要尽快转变政府管理经济的方式,增强政策的统一性和透明度,提高按国际通行规则办事的能力。要加紧建立产业安全保障体系,加快修订和完善质量、卫生、防疫、环保、安全等方面的市场准入标准,充分运用反倾销、反补贴和保障措施等。各类企业应增强紧迫感和竞争意识,利用过渡期加快技术创新和产品开发,提高质量,改善服务,扩大市场占有率。要强化世贸组织有关知识和规则的普及、宣传,抓紧培养和造就一支精通国际经济和法律的人才队伍。[Version]
Reference:Cadres of all levels, especially leading cadres, should, first of all, study and get familiar with basic WTO principles and related rules and in light of China‘s reality, accelerate the adjustment of related policies for the transitional period and the work of sorting out, revising or abolishing foreign economic laws and regulations and establishing a perfect foreign-related system of laws and regulations, that conforms both to WTO regulations and to China’s national conditions. We should change the government economic management method as quickly as possible, enhance the unity and transparency of policies and improve our ability to work in accordance with common international rules. We should step up the establishment of an industrial security guarantee system, quicken the revision and perfection of the market access standard in the aspects of quality, hygiene, epidemic prevention, environmental protection and security, and make full use of anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and other guaranteeing measures. Enterprises of all types should enhance their sense of urgency and awareness of competition and, taking advantage of the transitional period, speed up technological innovation and product development, improve quality and service and increase the market share. We should intensify popularization and publicity of related WTO knowledge and regulations, and pay close attention to training and bringing up a contingent of talents who are expert in international economy and laws. [Original]