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News allows the target audience to get all the latest news on the band and can keep up with the band’s progress and new music coming out. Also by finding out more about the band on their travels, the target audience feel closer to the band as they feel they know them well.
News allows the target audience to get all the latest news on the band and can keep up with the band’s progress and new music coming out. Also by finding out more about the band on their travels, the target audience feel closer to the band as they feel they know them well. The website also uses new media in their website to not only interact with their audience, but to promote themselves to Young and Rubicon's Mainstream audience as they will use the most big and popular social network sites to get all the info on their favourite bands and to also find out about new bands and so the band will promote themselves to a bigger target audience. It also uses Maslow’s social needs as the target feel that they are friends with the band by freely being able to comment and talk to the band about their different songs, albums and tours. The title of the band is written In big bold white font that stands out from the dark coloured background as the target audience will notice it first and know what band is being represented. The targets audience can use gratifications use of interaction as new media is being used so that the audience can easily interact with the band. Audience can join in with activities to do with the band so that the band can promote themselves to the target audience and can fully interact with the target audience. By giving info on the tour it allows the target to be well informed due to gratifications use of information which promotes the band as the more info the band know on the tours the more ticket will be sold. Giving out information about the band allows the target audience to feel closer to the band as can personally know about the band. The target audience can become more entertained by the band as they can listen to their new music completely free and so allows the target audience to get a feel for the band’s music talent and so promotes them to a larger target audience. Also by having it on youtube promotes them to the mainstream by using new media that a large part of the target audience will be part of. The comments about the band from twitter are a big part of the home page and shows how the audience can freely interact with the band making them feel closer to the band as well. Also other newcomers can see what other people think of the band and so can get a better understanding of what the band is like. The different dark shades of blue used in the website show them as being a serious band that play some very serious, slightly sad songs due to the dark depressing colours. Photos of the band also get the audience more personal with the band as they can see the personalities of the band while they are playing and even off stage and the target audience can be entertained by the photos as well as they can see a whole new side to the band, making them in turn feel more closer. By giving information on the tour such bas tickets, dates and venues, it allows the target audience to be more informed by the band and so will buy more of their tickets.
Pictures are shown on the information page to get a feel for what the band look like and continues the theme of the bands music. As the music for them seem serious due to the dark colours, the pictures themselves present them as serious and so keeps the continuing theme created by the website layout continue through the website in every detail. The layout has stayed the same since the home page so that the continuing them of the band are kept throughout the whole website. It allows the target audience to focus only on the different new information on each page. The store allows the target audience to buy things from the band and so the band are still able to sell from their own website, which makes it easy for the target audience to buy stuff from the band on the website, The band members and instruments they played are at the top in the middle to show that the band is the main focus of the page. The person is looking away from the camera with his back turned to the camera. This makes the band seem more mysterious as we can not see his face and so we cannot see what emotions he is showing. This appeals to the target audience as they will then want to find out more about the band and so will listen to more of their songs and find out more about them which promotes the band. It also still keeps in with the theme of seriousness and sad themes as he does not want the target audience to see his face and so makes him seem distant and sad like the music themes. A lot of information is presented so that the audience are fully informed about the band and how they got there fame. However the information is split into small paragraphs so that the target audience can read the information and look at it and still be interested as the target audience will not want to read a huge slab of text.
The layout is the same as all of the pages as it keeps the theme continuing from the other previous pages. It also allows the target audience to concentrate on the main focus of each page. By having a youtube video at the top of the page which is centre and takes up a large part of the page, it will attract the target audience more and so will watch the video. Youtube also shows use of new media as much of the mainstream use youtube as it is a big brand company and so feel safe and know that the band is reliable and also quite big if they are on youtube. This links more to new media as the more new media featured the more they are opening up their target audience as many of the mainstream target audience are using these websites and so is the best way for the band to promote themselves as they will be noticed. It also allows the band to use gratifications use of interaction to appeal to Maslow’s social needs as the target audience will be able to interact with the band by commenting on videos and reading up on blogs and so will feel closer to the band and feel like they are friends. The title is in big bold font that is bigger than the rest of the text and so stands out to the audience and so know what the main focus of the video is. The fact that the video is an interview also uses gratifications use of inform as the target audience can find out more about the band from a personal opinion and so will feel closer to the band as they are finding out more and more about them which will encourage them to buy stuff from the band. Relates video allows the audience to get an idea of how much stuff the band has done and gets a proper chance to see the band perform lived or their music videos which allows the target audience to get a feel for what type of music and how good they perform. Also the fact that it is free to see some of their lives performances helps to promote the band because is they like them then they will buy actual tickets to go on their actual live tours.
Video’s allow the target audience to get a taste of the bands music videos and live performances as well as interviews, and this appeals to the target as it uses gratifications use of information and entertainment as not only does the audience learn more about the band from interviews, but also can get a taste of what music the band produces and how they perform live which promotes them to the target audience as they will buy tickets for tours if they like their music. The title is at the top corner and is white which stands out from the rest of the background. This attracts the target audience as it is the first thing they notice and can recognise the logo. Also the text is not in capitals which suggests that while they want to make an impression they do not want to force you to like it and do not want to be in the target audiences face. This appeals to the target audience as they can tell that the band is friendly and nice and so will follow the band due to this kind atmosphere that the band present. The blogs appeals to the target audience as it allow the target audience to see what the band is up to by using gratifications use of information and so the target audience feel more closer to the band .Also as it will be updates a lot it allows the target audience to keep a close eye on the band and so appeals to the target audience as they are kept up to date with the band. The background has an old style black background which suggests that they play serious rock music at times, but have a liking for old traditional rock and that also their songs are pure rock and that all of it is them due to the worn out background. This appeals to the target audience as it fits in with theme of music that paramore do play and so will appeal to the target audience to check more of their website out. The photos allow the target audience to get a feel for what the band is like and appeals to the target audience as they feel more close to the band due to Maslow’s social needs which makes the target audience feel more close to the band. The turquoise colour again stands out against the black and makes the band seem more positive and cool as it attracts the target audience and so the audience will look on the different pages. The music appeals to the target audience as it uses gratifications use of entertainment as the target audience can get a feel for the type of music they play and promotes the target audience to listen to more of there songs. It also appeals to the target audience as it is free to use.