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Incident Based Reporting In Kansas. Implemented in 1984 by all agencies except the Wichita Police DepartmentNew KIBRS program released in 1993 that was thought to be NIBRS CompliantRevised KIBRS program implemented January 1, 1999 that was NIBRS Compliant. KIBRS 1984 Before the Tornado Struck. Fi
1. Implementing NIBRS in KansasOr Stumbling Down the NIBRS Yellow Brick Road
2. Incident Based Reporting In Kansas Implemented in 1984 by all agencies except the Wichita Police Department
New KIBRS program released in 1993 that was thought to be NIBRS Compliant
Revised KIBRS program implemented January 1, 1999 that was NIBRS Compliant
3. KIBRS 1984Before the Tornado Struck Fifteen major agencies submitted data by tape or floppy
KBI able to keep up with data entry
Data converted to UCR for FBI
Database used for crime analysis
Stolen Property
Suspect comparisons by victim / crime type
4. KIBRS 1993The Wicked Witch of the North Places a Curse on Kansas
5. 1993 Problems Only three agencies were able to submit data on floppy
State supplied software was a data entry program that only met state needs
Requirements for submitting electronically were confusing to other vendors and hard to follow
6. 1993 Problems Continued First data entry program for KBI staff was not user friendly and had large time delays between screens
Second program was written in Dbase
Provided to operators 6 months after implementation
Learning curve and database problems quickly resulted in a 1 year backlog
More data to key because less agencies submitting electronically
7. Kansas not able to meet Crime in the United States deadlines since 1993.
No Crime in Kansas published since 1994.
Most current data available 1998!
8. 1997 Along came the Munchkins KCJIS Launched
KCJIS Advisory Board Structured
KIBRS Subcommittee
The four major agencies representing 75% of all crime data reported
Two smaller agencies also on committee
9. KIBRS Subcommittee Reviewed and supported existing data elements
Recommended that reporting standards be based on NIBRS and not necessarily state statute requirements
Conceived concept of KIBRS Gateway
10. KIBRS Gateway Software application that contains the state required edits
Provides a standard method for the submission of KIBRS data using Secure Remote and the Internet
Provided free of charge to interfacing agencies
11. 1998We Contracted with the Lion, Scarecrow, and Tinman
12. Contracts Awarded Business Software and Equipment (BSE) for a local Law Enforcement Case Management Application and KIBRS Gateway
Paradigm4 for KIBRS data entry program at the KBI, KIBRS database and NIBRS conversion program
Brian Huffman, Huffman Interprises 877-814-6309 Voice/Fax/Message
13. Local Case Management Application Developed in Microsoft Access
Contains the KSOR and the KSAR
Allows agency to transfer data from KSAR to a fingerprint card and Kansas Disposition Report
Provides for Supplement case reporting
Provides for the data entry of the Kansas Accident Report Form
Creates a file for field contacts and warrants
14. KIBRSLE Application Released May 1999 to 125 agencies
Version 1.6.0 with Gateway released October 2000
21 agencies using the application are currently submitting through the Gateway
104 agencies have requested Version 1.7.1 currently being released
15. KIBRS Gateway Interface Agencies Two agencies currently certified to submit through Gateway
Four other agencies will complete testing by the end of this quarter
Those four agencies are working with vendors that are contracted to 16 other agencies
Five other vendors currently working on interface that have contracts with 32 agencies
16. Four Agencies with Populations over 100,000 Wichita PD has completed initial testing, expected implementation March 2002
Topeka PD is signing contracts with a vendor currently testing through another agency
Kansas City PD vendor is actively working on interface
Overland Park PD is certified and submitting data
17. NIBRS CertificationWe have met the Wizard of Oz but we still haven’t found the Rainbow
18. NIBRS Testing Testing started in January 2000
Sixteen submissions
Error rate for both arrests and incidents was less that 0.4%
This means that our Gateway Edit program is correct!
Certified NIBRS Compliant on February 16, 2001
19. What would I have done different? Developed a thin client case management system managed by the KBI
Small agencies have little if any access to technical assistance
Once the agencies outgrow ACCESS we cannot convert to SEQUEL because of the lack of technical support at the local level
Taken more control over the Case Management subcommittee
20. What do we need to do to find the Rainbow? Training, training and more training
One on one contact with agencies using the KIBRSLE Application
Development of an interactive Kansas crime statistic site for the public
Get published in CIU 2001
21. Documentation about the Kansas Criminal Justice Information System Improvement Project can be found at:www.kbi.state.ks.us