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Contrastive Linguistics: English – German. Phonology Instructor: Prof. Dr. H. Diessel Speakers: Antje Arzt, Stefanie Barth, Sophie Benkenstein. Phonology: study of function of speech sounds, description of the systems and patterns of speech sounds in a language
Contrastive Linguistics: English – German Phonology Instructor: Prof. Dr. H. Diessel Speakers: Antje Arzt, Stefanie Barth, Sophie Benkenstein
Phonology: study of function of speech sounds, description of the systems and patterns of speech sounds in a language abstract or mental set of the sounds (phonemes) in language which allows us to distinguish meaning in the actual physical sounds (phones) we say and hear
phonemes / /: • meaning-distinguishing sound in a language, abstract segment • functions contrastively: fat vs. vat change of meaning: different phonemes • test: minimal pair: fat and vat contrast in one phoneme in the same position and therefore contrast in meaning
task: Which of the following words would be treated as minimal pair? pat, pen, more, heat, tape, bun, fun, ban, chain, tale, bell, far, meal, vote, bet, pit, heel allophones: versions of one phoneme = allophones = set of phones complementary distribution /r/: [r] [ʀ] [ɹ] [ɻ] [ɐ]
Consonantssimilarities: • classification of consonants: • 1. voicing • 2. manner of articulation (degree of constriction): plosives [p, b, t, d, k, g], fricatives [f, v, θ, ð, s, z, ʃ, ʒ, ç, x], affricates [tʃ, dʒ, pf, ts], nasals [m, n, ŋ], liquids [l], glides [w, y, r] • 3. place of articulation (bilabial [p, b, m, w], labiodental [f, v]), interdental [θ, ð]), alveolar [t, d, s, z, n, l, ɹ, ts], post-alveolar [ʃ, ʒ, tʃ, dʒ], palatal [j], velar [k, g, ŋ, x], glottal [ʔ, h, ʀ]
ConsonantsEnglish and German consonants in contrast Table: The consonants of English and German
Consonants differences between English and German phonology • German: final devoicing (plosives, fricatives), e.g. found [faʊnd] – fount [faʊnt], cold [koɫd] – colt [kolt], sad [sæd] – sat [sæ:t], green peas – Greenpeace • English: voiceless [s] at the beginning, e.g. Swiss, seal, song, cent, in German only in borrowings
Consonants • voiced palatal fricative: based on borrowings in both languages [ʒ] (genre, courage, garage, mirage) • voiceless affricates [tʃ]: at the beginning not so common in German
Consonants • Voiced affricative [dʒ]: borrowings in German, English: edge, budget, lodge, fudge • [s] in English – [ʃ] in German before consonants • Stern vs. star, streng vs. strict, Stahl vs. steel • [θ, ð] interdental fricatives do not exist in German think vs. sink [sɪŋk], thriller vs. sriller [sʁɪlɐ]
Consonantsglottal stop [ʔ]: • in German: opening, words beginning with a vowel (Achtung, Verein) • in English only in certain environment [t], [d]: football, department: postvocalic plosives
Consonants English laterals: dark [ɫ] and clear [l] ↓ ↓ end (single) beginning (liberty) before cons.(fulfilment), followed by a vowel post-vocally within syllable (blow, glitter) (ball, tall, talk) linked to a following word that begins with a vowel (Go tell it…)
Consonants • [ɹ] most variable speech sound • [ʀ] [r] [ɹ] [ɻ] [ɐ] [ʁ] • [ʀ] = uvular thrill (German Standard often devoiced or pronounced as a fricative [ʁ]) • [r] = alveolar thrill (Bavarian) • [ɹ] = apico-postalveolar (RP) • [ɻ] = lamino-postalveolar (AE) • [ɐ] = vocalized [hiɐ] • [ɾ] flap = allophone flip tongue to alveolar ridge (AE, Scottish English) • [w] semi-vowel (glide), German does not have this sound, but [v] ↓ ↓ bilabial labio- dental hardware Hardware
Consonants • German: [ç] and [x] ↓ ↓ palatal dorsal not in English, but in former times used to be pronounced as [ç], for example in <right>[rɪçt] nowadays still present in Scottish English, e.g Loch Ness
Consonants • [pf], [ts]: affricates in German developed from Second German Sound Shift • p t k > ff ss hh > pf ts ch in syllable initial position, in gemination, and after cons.
VowelsEnglish vs. German • classification of vowels • height of tongue (high, mid, low) • advancement of tongue (front-central, back) • lip rounding (rounded – unrounded) • tenseness (tense, lax)
Vowels Figures: The vowels of German and the vowels of Received Pronunciation
Vowels • 15th century: Great English Vowel Shift: raising from mid to high position, high vowels were diphthongized • a æ ɛ e i aɪ • ɔ o u aʊ
Vowels • front vowels – German: [i, y, ɪ, ʏ, e, ø, ɛ:, ɛ e, œ] vs. English: [i, ɪ, eɪ, ɛ, æ] • front-central – English: [ə] • central: German: [ə, a:, a] – English [ʌ, ɑ] • back: German [ɔ, o, ʊ, u] – English [ɔ, oʊ, ʊ , u]
Vowels • difficulties: /æ/ (bat, pan, cattle, salary, band) vs. /e/ (bet, pen, kettle, bend) ↓ between /ɛ/ and /æ/
Bibliography • Ekkehard König and Volker Gast. 2007. Understanding English and German Contrasts. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag. • Hartwig Eckert and William Barry. 2002. The Phonetics and Phonology of English Pronunciation. Trier: Wissenschaftsverlag Trier. • Meineke, Eckhard. 2001. Einführung in das Althochdeutsche. Paderborn: Schöningh. • Yule, George. 1996. (2nd Ed.) The Study of Language. Cambridge: Cambirdge University Press.