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Soil Physics. AGRON ENSCI. 477 577. 2026 Agronomy, 10:00 – 10:50 MWF Dr. Ewing. Soil Physics 2010. Outline. Introduction to the course Who am I? Who are you? The lab (AGRON 578) Introduction to the topic. Soil Physics 2010. Introduction to the course
Soil Physics AGRON ENSCI 477 577 2026 Agronomy, 10:00 – 10:50 MWF Dr. Ewing Soil Physics 2010
Outline • Introduction to the course • Who am I? • Who are you? • The lab (AGRON 578) • Introduction to the topic Soil Physics 2010
Introduction to the course (This next stuff is on the syllabus) Objectives: 1: To learn and understand basic concepts of soil physics 2: To apply soil physics concepts as appropriate 3: To recognize soil physics when you see it outside the classroom 4: To enhance your overall scientific, quantitative, and computer skills Soil Physics 2010
Instructor: Dr. Robert (Toby) Ewing ewing@iastate.edu Office phone (preferred): 294-7856; cell 451-7224 2596 Agronomy Hall Office hours: Monday 2:00 to 5:00, or by appointment Soil Physics 2010
Prerequisites Official Prerequisites: 2 soils courses, calculus recommended Unofficial prerequisites: 1 soils course, math up to calculus Optimal: 1+ soils course, 1+ semester each of calculus and physics Or permission of instructor Soil Physics 2010
Disabilities: Please address any special needs or accommodations with me at the beginning of the semester, or as soon as you become aware of them. Those seeking accommodations based on disabilities should obtain a Student Academic Accommodation Request (SAAR) from the Disability Resources (DR) office (294-7220), in Room 1076 of the Student Services Building. Soil Physics 2010
Textbook: You will be tested on material in this book, so I strongly encourage you to buy it! Soil Physics 2010
Dani Hillel has written the most widely used textbooks in soil physics. Soil Physics 2010
If you own the older (and bigger, and more expensive) Environmental Soil Physics, please tell me. Soil Physics 2010
Website: www.agron.iastate.edu/soilphysics/agron577 I post lectures (.ppt format), assignments, announcements, and related material. I would love to post lectures ahead of time, but that probably won’t happen. Soil Physics 2010
My expectations of you: • Act with academic integrity. • Be courteous to me and to your fellow students. • Attend and participate in lectures. • Read the assigned readings before each lecture. • Tell me in advance (email is fine) if you are going to miss a class. • Submit assignments on time. • Tell me when you don’t understand the material. Soil Physics 2010
My obligations to you: • Act with academic integrity. • Be courteous to you. • Prepare and present informative lectures. • Provide you with information. • Help you to learn the material. • Foster an environment conducive to learning. • Fairly and promptly grade assignments and tests. Soil Physics 2010
Differences between AGRON/ENSCI 477 and 577: • 477 is for undergraduates; 577 is for graduate students and advanced undergraduates. • More is expected of students enrolled in 577. Specifically: • their exams will have one or two additional questions, and • they must write an article for Wikipedia, and present it to the class, on a soil physics topic that is mutually agreed upon by the student and the instructor. Soil Physics 2010
Evaluation: Soil Physics 2010
Exams Exams (including the final) are comprehensive. You may use a calculator and an 8.5 x 11" sheet of paper with notes, equations, diagrams, etc. (no scanning or photocopying!) on one side, and your name on the other. Soil Physics 2010
Quizzes Quizzes will occur frequently and without notice, at the beginning of a class period. They are short (1-3 questions), cover assigned reading and the previous lecture, and take about 5 minutes. Their purpose is to encourage you to read the assignments, and to show up on time. There will be no make-up quizzes, but your lowest quiz score will not count towards your final grade. Soil Physics 2010
Homework: …may be done with others: this is often a good way to learn. Each person must submit their own copy, and give names of those with whom they worked. Assignments submitted late are docked 10% per day, starting at the end of the class period at which the assignment was due. Soil Physics 2010
Wikipedia On Nov. 2009 I counted about 30 articles that were both listed under the topic “soil physics”, and fell within the domain of this course. The article on porosity is a reasonable guide to what I am looking for in terms of length and depth. For your presentation, plan for 10 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of questions and discussion. Wikipedia articles will be presented to the class, and discussed, at the appropriate time in the course. For example, if you have chosen to write about gas-phase diffusion, you will present your article on March 26th. Talk to me early in the semester so you can get the topic you want. Soil Physics 2010
Course outline: • Porous medium basics • The solid phase • Single-fluid transport • Dual-fluid transport • Heat transport • Composite transport • Porous medium basics • The solid phase • Single-fluid transport • Dual-fluid transport • Heat transport • Composite transport Soil physics, as a scientific endeavor, deals with the state and movement of matter and with the fluxes and transformations of energy in the soil and related porous media. (SSSA) Soil Physics 2010
Who am I? Degrees: B.S., Plant & Soil Science, University of Maine M.S., Crop Science, North Caroline State U. Ph.D., Soil Physics, University of Minnesota Courses taught: Physical Geography (4), Meteorology, Hydrogeology (2), Water Resources, A Sustainable Society, Soil Physics, Advanced Soil Physics (6) Research areas: Diffusion, Radioactive waste management, Percolation theory, Coupled heat & water movement Soil Physics 2010
Who are you? Please write on a sheet of paper: • Your full name, and preferred name if different • Email address • Preferred phone number (optional) • Major and year (undergrad) or major prof. (grad) • Courses you’ve taken (no more than 3 each) in: • Soil science • Other earth science • Math • Physics …and hand in the paper. Soil Physics 2010
The Lab (AGRON 578) The Lab is not required, but it is recommended. It can help to get a hands-on sense of what we talk about in class. Currently the lab is scheduled for Monday, 1:10 – 4:10 pm. Soil Physics 2010
Introduction to soil physics Soil Physics Quantum Mechanics Astrophysics Mathematical Equations Large Hadron Collider Geology Mineralogy Hydrology Meteorology Agriculture Crop Management Horticulture Botany Soil Physics 2010
Introduction to soil physics Petroleum Engineering Geotechnical Eng. Hydraulic Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Soil Physics Geology Mineralogy Hydrology Meteorology Mathematical Equations Newtonian Physics Condensed Matter Physics Agriculture Crop Management Horticulture Botany Soil Physics 2010
What’s my point? • All the sciences are inter-related • Soil physics borrows heavily from other sciences, and also informs other sciences • …and also • Physical sciences tend to be more mathematical • Soil physics is both fundamental and applied • Physical explanations should make physical sense Soil Physics 2010
Physical properties of soil • What do soils do? • What physical properties make this possible? • What physical processes must occur in soils to make this possible? Soil Physics 2010
Current issues in soil physics What are the big issues in soil physics today? • My top 4: • Heterogeneity, randomness and structure • Scale, upscaling, downscaling, and scale integration • Integration with meteorology, hydrology, etc. • Legacy of empirical, non-physical concepts Soil Physics 2010