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What do YOU need EVERY DAY?

What do YOU need EVERY DAY?. 3-Ring Binder Spiral Notebook PENS /PENCILS. GRADING. BASED ON: CLASSWORK PARTICIPATION HOMEWORK/QUIZZES TEST PROJECTS. CLASSWORK/PARTICIPATION . 4 hall passes a quarter Graded on attendance – penalized for lateness and absences

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What do YOU need EVERY DAY?

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  1. What do YOU need EVERY DAY? • 3-Ring Binder • Spiral Notebook • PENS /PENCILS


  3. CLASSWORK/PARTICIPATION • 4 hall passes a quarter • Graded on attendance – penalized for lateness and absences • You must be present in class to participate and earn credit • You are responsible for making up missed work!

  4. TESTS, HOMEWORK, & QUIZZES • TESTS are announced • HW assigned as needed • Quizzes are announced or surprise

  5. Classroom Policies • Thank you for NOT wearing hat. • Thank you for waiting to be dismissed in your SEAT • Thank you for not eating or drinking in this classroom • THANK YOU FOR BRINGING YOUR OWN WRITING UTENSILES • THANK YOU FOR NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES

  6. HW HEADINGS: Heading on HW Name Per (Assign.) Date

  7. What Will I Learn About In Marine Science? Some of the topics to be covered in this course: • Buoyancy (Titanic) • Marine Environments : • Marine Organisms, Marine Animals • Marine Invertebrates , Marine Vertebrates • Geology of the Ocean (why salty –climates) • Energy in the Ocean (Temp – Tides) • Marine Conservation


  9. It’s estimated that 200 million people make their living by fishing directly or indirectly.

  10. 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered by oceans http://www.benthicorchid.com/Planet%20Earth.jpg

  11. Less than 1% of living space on Earth is on land – the other 99% is in the oceans

  12. Ocean water and ice make up 98% of all water on Earth

  13. Oceans are home to innumerable species • Every square inch of the ocean habitable

  14. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) over 70% of the World’s fish species are either fully exploited or depleted

  15. MORE THAN 80% of all life is found beneath the waves

  16. Oceans creates over half of our oxygen

  17. The average depth of the ocean is 2 miles- all of which is habitable. http://www.imagequest3d.com/catalogue/deepsea/images/l043.jpg

  18. 33 Animal Phyla of which… 32 live in the ocean 12 live on land 80% of known life forms are marine.

  19. “Wipe out all life on land and life would still exist in the ocean. Wipe out all life in the sea and nothing would be left on land.” Osha Gray Davidson, Fire in the Turtle House

  20. 50% of the world’s population lives within 50 miles of the coast 32 billion gallons of pollution enters the ocean everyday Shipping-50% of international trade is hazardous materials

  21. Everyday mishaps with oil rigs, seepage, discharge from ships and everyday chemical runoff from land sources = 15 million gallons of oil entering N. American oceans each year = 4,500 residential swimming pools

  22. NASA spent $820 million on missions to Mars to look for water Compared to the approximately $600 million spent on ocean research on our own planet.

  23. Marine Science • Marine Science can be defined as the study of the ocean, its ecosystems, and life forms; also called oceanography • Marine science consists of four branches of oceanography • Oceanography is the science of recording and describing the ocean’s contents and processes.

  24. Marine Science • The four main branches of oceanography: • Biological oceanography (Marine biology) • Chemical oceanography • Geological oceanography • Physical oceanography

  25. Branches of Oceanography • Biological oceanography (also called marine biology) studies the diversity of life in the ocean and the ocean’s role as their habitat. • Chemical oceanography studies the chemistry of seawater • Geological oceanography concerns itself with the geology of the ocean • Physical oceanography is the study of the physics within the marine environment

  26. Integrating the sciences • Marine science draws on physical science, life science, and Earth and space science • Physical science is the study of matter and energy (chemistry and physics) • Life science is the study of living things and their interactions with their environment (physiology, biology, ecology) • Earth and space science is the study of the physical Earth, the solar system, the universe, and their interrelationships. (Geology, astronomy, astrophysics)

  27. Cross-Discipline Nature of Marine Science • Because marine science is a broad field, marine scientist need more than a formal education in the sciences. • mathematics • History • Technology • Social sciences • Literature • arts

  28. Got Ocean? • The ocean covers 71% of the Earth’s surface • Accounts for >97% of the Earth’s water! • That means that all the rivers, lakes, glaciers, rain, snow, and groundwater make up the <3% remainder! • The average depth of the ocean is 3,800 meters (=12,500 feet) and at its deepest depth is 7,000 ft greater than the highest elevation on land (Mt. Everest 29,000 ft; Mariana Trench 36,163 ft) • The average temperature of the ocean is only 3.9 ̊C (=39 ̊F)

  29. Oceanography • The oceans are separated into 5 named ocean basins (and many smaller seas), but they all constitute one world ocean; one great intermixing mass of saline (salty) water • All oceans are, in fact, interconnected with one another

  30. One World Ocean • Pacific Ocean (the largest) • Atlantic Ocean • Indian Ocean • Arctic Ocean • Southern Ocean

  31. One World Ocean Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Southern Ocean http://www.gebco.net/data_and_products/gebco_world_map/images/gda_world_map_large.jpg

  32. Why study Marine Science? • ~80% of all Americans live within 1 hour of an ocean or Great Lake • 100% of all Long Islanders live within 1 hour of the Atlantic Ocean (and that assumes a good deal of traffic…) • 50% of the world’s population live on a coastline

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