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Learn about the Ares I-X Constellation Program test objectives and milestones, from suborbital testing to vehicle height and acceleration details.
Ares I-XStatus July 30, 2009
Ares I-X Flight Test Overview • Ares I-X is a Constellation Program developmental flight test for the Ares I project • There are five primary flight test objectives – P1 through P5 • Ares I-X is an un-crewed suborbital test Vehicle Height: 327 feet Weight at Ignition: 1.8 M-lbm Max. Acceleration: 2.5 g Max. Speed: Mach 4.8 ~150,000 feet P2) Perform in-flight separation/staging ~130,000 feet P4) Demonstrate first stage entry dynamics and post staging sequencing of events (e.g. employ booster tumble motors and deploy parachutes) P5) Characterize integrated vehicle roll torque Upper Stage/ Crew Module/ Launch Abort System Simulator free fall into ocean P1) Demonstrate controllability First Stage recovery P3) Demonstrate assembly and recovery of an Ares I similar first stage Flight Test Profile 2
Orion Crew Module/Launch Abort System (CM/LAS) Simulator 4/09 6/09 3
Upper Stage Simulator (USS) 7/09 6/09 4
Roll Control System (RoCS) 4/09 4/09 5
First Stage 7/09 7/09
Avionics 7/09 5/09 7/09
Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) Operations artist concept 5/09
Modal Testing 5/09
Stack 2 artist concept
Stack 3 artist concept
Stack 4 artist concept
Stack 5 artist concept
Integrated Vehicle artist concept