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Alternative People’s Regionalism. Seminar on Alternative People’s Regionalism. Review SAARC declarations on climate change From the people’s perspective. www.equitybd.org. Alternative People’s Regionalism. Socio-Economic Overview of SAARC Countries

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  1. Alternative People’s Regionalism Seminar on Alternative People’s Regionalism Review SAARC declarations on climate change From the people’s perspective www.equitybd.org

  2. Alternative People’s Regionalism Socio-Economic Overview of SAARC Countries - More than 600 million living below poverty - Living in vulnerable areas - Growing & higher inequality www.equitybd.org

  3. Alternative People’s Regionalism Climate vulnerability in SA www.equitybd.org

  4. Alternative People’s Regionalism Impact of climate change - Create Food Insecurity - Migration & Population move - Mass conflict www.equitybd.org

  5. Alternative People’s Regionalism Global outlook to vulnerability and climate migrants in BD Most vulnerable in mass conflict and creating migrants Maplecroft 2014 www.equitybd.org

  6. Alternative People’s Regionalism SAARC Declaration on CC: Major issues www.equitybd.org

  7. Alternative People’s Regionalism SAARC Declaration on CC: Major issues www.equitybd.org

  8. Alternative People’s Regionalism SAARC Declaration on CC: Major issues www.equitybd.org

  9. Alternative People’s Regionalism Where is progress actually? - Institutional frame established (e.g. SMRC, SAARC University, Delhi, SAARC Forestry Centre, SAARC Energy Centre, SARRC Disaster Management Centre) - Training & workshop held in SAARC member countries in the name of capacity building. - Fund received from Japan, USA apart SADF (South Asian Development Fund) But - No monitoring on progress to the above as post-learning commitment and action plan as regional initiatives. www.equitybd.org

  10. Alternative People’s Regionalism We expect meaningful implementation of SAARC commitments Shared Vision on Climate Control - SAARC countries should aim for an increase in global average temperature by 1.5°C so that temperature increases in this region can be limited by 2.0°C - A Sustainable Agriculture Protocol with FS - SAARC initiative for ‘Regional Equitable Water Management Systems - Regional Knowledge-sharing Platform on Community-based Adaptation. - SAARC Finance to address Climate change www.equitybd.org

  11. Alternative People’s Regionalism We expect meaningful implementation of SAARC commitments What says the SAARC Charter (1985) - Article 3, mentions “common problems, interests and aspirations of the people of SOUTH ASIA and the need SAARC Charter (1985) for joint action and enhanced cooperation within their respective political and economic systems and cultural traditions”. - Article 4, recognizes that cooperation is necessary for ‘promoting the welfare and improving the quality of life of the peoples of the region’. - Articles 5, 6, 7 and 8 keep continue with the need for cooperation in order to achieve all round well-being of the people of South Asia. www.equitybd.org

  12. Alternative People’s Regionalism We expect meaningful implementation of SAARC commitments Institutional Framework i. Establish an Inter-governmental Expert Group on Climate Change to develop clear policy direction and guidance for regional cooperation as envisaged in the SAARC plan of Action on Climate Change. This will also facilitate an integrated response to related social, economic, and environmental challenges. ii. Enhancing institutional coordination and strengthening mechanisms to encourage resource mobilization and expert exchange for regional cooperation on research with government institutions and CSOs. www.equitybd.org

  13. Alternative People’s Regionalism We expect meaningful implementation of SAARC commitments Adaptation i. Holding joint hydrological exercises to measure water outflow and adopting regional water resources management, since there are many river-sharing issues among the member countries of the region. ii. Take effective measure to enhance knowledge sharing mechanism and information dissemination in practical basis as cropping patterns and crops cultivated in the region are almost similar. iii. Establish a Regional Knowledge-sharing Platform on Community- based Adaptation that will demonstrate the practical tools & techniques and experiences on adaptation. SAARC process should explore a possible mechanism also to engage the CSOs sharing knowledge and information dissemination in this regard. www.equitybd.org

  14. Alternative People’s Regionalism We expect meaningful implementation of SAARC commitments • Adaptation • iv. Taking regional initiatives for establishing community-based seed banks to conserve the agro biodiversity of the region and placing these seed banks in the direct management of farmers. • Ensuring knowledge exchange and seed sharing without anyintellectual property rights (IPR) restrictions or barriers • SAARC Food Bank as active to support any crisis with flexible mechanism. • vii. Facilitate climate migrants and their free movement in SAARC countries www.equitybd.org

  15. Alternative People’s Regionalism We expect meaningful implementation of SAARC commitments Mitigation i. Conduct joint research and development on alternative technologies in energy sector especially energy efficient technologies, renewable energy, etc. ii. Commission a study to explore the feasibility of establishing a SAARC mechanism which would provide capital for projects that promote low-carbon technology and renewable energy; and a Low- carbon Research and Development. iii. Take effective measure to develop SAARC common energy investment fund especially to produce and provide hydro power among the SAARC countries. There are huge potentiality of hydro power production in Bhutan & Nepal. This hydro power should produce through a common investment through SAARC initiative by which all member countries would be benefited. www.equitybd.org

  16. Alternative People’s Regionalism We expect meaningful implementation of SAARC commitments Finance & resource Mobilization i. SAARC climate change fund need to establish that would be a dependable source for implementing SAARC climate action plan and as well as act the counter part of global funds. ii. Set up a centre for technology development in South Asia to jointly develop and deploy clean technologies to meet the adaptation and mitigations needs of the region. www.equitybd.org

  17. Alternative People’s Regionalism We expect also alternative Regionalism Our understanding: Connectivity VS alternative Regionalism i. Overarching goal to achieve the direct People’s welfare. ii. Open and free communication among the people. www.equitybd.org

  18. Alternative People’s Regionalism We expect also alternative Regionalism • We Demand • i. VISA Free regime within the SAARC countries. • Open Employment access. • iii. Demilitarization and direct Invest for people wellbeing www.equitybd.org

  19. “We don’t expect the Climate Change, as a new profiteering tool of Capitalism” THANK YOU www.equitybd.org

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