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Binary: Counting with 1s and 0s

Learn about binary numbers and how to count using only 1s and 0s. Understand the concept of placeholders and convert binary to decimal. Helpful resources and activities included.

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Binary: Counting with 1s and 0s

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  1. Binary: Counting with 1s and 0s Data BSU CS4MS 4/9/19 http://www.cs.bsu.edu/cs4ms/docs/BinarySlides.pptx

  2. Exponents review Exponents show a number multiplied by itself a certain number of times. 2x is the same as 2 times itself x times. It is read as “2 to the x power”. Examples: 22 is the same as 2x2 45 is the same as 4x4x4x4x4 21 is the same as 2 Note: Any number to the 0th power is equal to 1.

  3. What is Binary? Binary is just a different way to count numbers but only using 1s and 0s. Usually you count up to 1, 2, 3, 4, … ,8, 9 and when you reach 9, you go to 10 which is adding a new placeholder. There is a ones spot and a tens spot. _1_ 10 _0_ 1 For Binary, you can only use 1s and 0s so when you get to 1, you have to add a new placeholder and put in a zero. So it starts at 0 = 0, then 1 = 1. Instead of using 2, we can only use 1s and 0s. So 2 = 10. Then 3 = 11 and 4 = 100. _1_ 2 _0_ 1

  4. More Binary 8 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 11 1011 in binary is equal to 11 in decimal All numbers greater than or equal to zero.

  5. Examples 0111 in binary = (0 x 23) + (1 x 22) +( 1 x 21) + (1x 20) = 0 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 7 1011 1111 in binary = (1 x 27) + (0 x 26) + (1 x 25) + (1 x 24) + (1 x 23) + (1x 22) + (1 x 21) + (1 x 20) = 128 + 0 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 187

  6. Binary Helpful example about teaching binary: https://www.exploringbinary.com/how-i-taught-third-graders-binary-numbers/ Useful activities for teaching binary: https://classic.csunplugged.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/unplugged-01-binary_numbers.pdf

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