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Chamber of furniture Industries of the Philippines FORUM on EU FLEGT COMPLIANCE and ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS FORESTRY PERMITS and TRANSPORT DOCUMENTS for FOREST PRODUCTS, and TIMBER TRACKING. For. Raul M. Briz Senior Forest Management Specialist Forest Management Bureau
Chamber of furniture Industries of the Philippines FORUM on EU FLEGT COMPLIANCE and ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS FORESTRY PERMITS and TRANSPORT DOCUMENTS for FOREST PRODUCTS, and TIMBER TRACKING For. Raul M. Briz Senior Forest Management Specialist Forest Management Bureau 26 March 2014, Lancaster Hotel, Mandaluyong City
OUTLINE • I. Forestry Permits & Other Authorities • II. Transport Documents & Certificates • Guidelines banning cutting of certain trees • Timber Tracking System
FORESTRY PERMITS & AUTHORITIES Permit is a short-term privilege or authority granted by the State to a person to utilize any limited forest resources or undertake a limited activity with any forest land without any right of occupation and possession therein (PD 705). 1.1 Tree Earth-Balling Permit– issued by the DENR DENR C.O. for the said purpose in lieu of cutting (Memo 27 Nov. 2009 by SJLA) 1.2 Special Tree Cutting Permit - issued by DENR for the cutting or commercial harvesting of trees in forestlands (EO 23, PD 705, PD 953)
FORESTRY PERMITS ….. 1.3 Private Land Timber Permit (PLTP) – for natural growing trees in private land/titled properties(DAO 2000-21) 1.4 Special Private Land Timber Permit (SPLTP) - for natural growing premium trees including planted Benguet Pine (DAO 2000-21) & Narra trees (DAO 1993-58 & DMC 99-20) 1.5 Resource Use Permit (RUP) - resource-use rights granted to peoples' organizations under the CBFM program (DAO 2000-29)
FORESTRY PERMITS …… 1.6 Muyong Resources Permit (MRP) - resource extraction and disposition privilege granted to qualified individuals in the Province of Ifugao (DMC 1996-02) 1.7 Permit to Harvest in ISF Areas - permit to cut, gather, transport, dispose and/or utilize of matured & harvestable planted trees and other non-timber products within areas covered by CSC under ISF program (DAO 1996-26) 1.8 Rattan Cutting License (RCL) – privilege to cut, gather, transport, utilize, & dispose rattan thru public bidding (DAO 89-4; DAO 2001-22)
FORESTRY PERMITS ….. 1.9 Chainsaw Import Authority - permit to import chainsaw issued by RED concerned (DAO 2003-24) 1.10 Chainsaw Registration Certificate - permit issued by the CENRO concerned to own, possess and/or use the chainsaw for legitimate purpose (DAO 2003-24) 1.11 Chainsawpermits to purchase, transfer of ownership and/or sell, re-sell/dispose/ distribute chainsaws - issued by RED concerned (DAO 2003-24)
FORESTRY PERMITS & AUTHORITIES 1.12 Wood Import/ Export Authority – permit issued by the RED concerned to import/export logs or lumber other wood products (DAO ) 1.13 Wood Processing Plant Permit (WPP)– permit establish & operate issued by the DENR secretary for new WPP and the RED concerned for renewal of WPP (MAO 50 S.1986, as amended) 1.14 Lumber Dealers Permit (RA 1239)
TRANSPORTING ROUND TIMBER, LUMBER & OTHER NON-TIMBER FOREST PRODUCTS BASIC DOCUMENTS: Certificate of Timber Origin (CTO) Certificate of Lumber Origin (CTO) Certificate of Minor Forest Products Origin (CMFPO) Self-Monitoring Form (SMF) Certificate of Verification (CoV) Certificate of Origin for planted trees in ISF areas
TRANSPORTING ROUND TIMBER, LUMBER & OTHER NON-TIMBER FOREST PRODUCTS • IMPORTANT REMINDER • NEW, VALID & ORIGINAL COPIES of CTO / CLO / CMFPO, SMF, CoV Certificate of Origin for planted trees in ISF areas must always accompany every shipment of forest products • ONLY the CENR Officers concerned can issue CTO, CLO, CMFPO, SMF, CoV,
TRANSPORTING ROUND TIMBER, LUMBER & OTHER NON-TIMBER FOREST PRODUCTS • IMPORTANT REMINDER • NEW, VALID & ORIGINAL COPIES of Computer generated CTO / CLO must always accompany every shipment of forest products • Computer generated CTO /CLO are not extendable
CERTIFICATE OF TIMBER ORIGIN (CTO) / LUMBER ORIGIN (CLO) / MINOR FOREST PRODUCTS (CMFPO) ONLY legally cut & gathered round timber, lumber & non-timber forest products can be transported, processed &/or marketed LEGAL BASIS : (DAO 2007-31 & DAO 1994-07 : Computer generated Certificate of Timber/ Lumber Origin-CTO/CLO, Certificate of Minor Forest Products Origin –CMFPO)(DMC 1990-13 : Use of prescribed DENR log marking procedures (Set-up Number; Tree/Log Number; Licensee’s Log Mark; & Government Marking Hatchet Number)
TRANSPORTING ROUND TIMBER, LUMBER & OTHER NON-TIMBER FOREST PRODUCTS ROUND LOGS from public land both natural growing & planted: Valid Computer generated Certificate of Timber Origin (CTO) with two 14-digit bar-code (species, quantity, volume, place of loading, conveyance, date of transport, source, consignee, etc), Auxiliary Invoice / Tally Sheet, OR for payment of forest charges, Certificate of Transport Agreement (if owner of the logs rents truck or conveyance are different personalities), & Delivery Receipt. License, Agreement, or Special Tree Cutting Permit, (Ref: DAO 2007-31; DAO 1994-07)
TRANSPORTING ROUND TIMBER, LUMBER & OTHER NON-TIMBER FOREST PRODUCTS ROUND LOGS of natural growing trees from private titled land: Special Private Land Timber Permit (PLTP)or Private Land Timber Permit (SPLTP),Valid Computer generated Certificate of Timber Origin (CTO) with two 14-digit bar-code (species, quantity, volume, place of loading, conveyance, date of transport, source, consignee, etc), Auxiliary Invoice/ Tally Sheet, OR for payment of forest charges,Certificate of Transport Agreement (if owner of the logs rents truck or conveyance are different people), & Delivery Receipt. (Ref.: DAO 2007-31; DAO 1994-07; DAO 2000-21)
TRANSPORTING ROUND TIMBER, LUMBER & OTHER NON-TIMBER FOREST PRODUCTS ROUND LOGS, LUMBER, POST, PILE, ETC (Planted trees from private titled land: Private Tree Plantation Ownership Certificate (PTPOC), Tally Sheets (species, quantity, volume, place of loading, conveyance, date of transport, source, consignee, etc), & ORIGINAL copy of Self Monitoring Form (SMF) complete with control numbers & ORIGINAL copy of Certificate of Timber Origin. (Ref.: DMC 99-20)
TRANSPORTING ROUND TIMBER, LUMBER & OTHER NON-TIMBER FOREST PRODUCTS LOGS/TIMBER, LUMBER, & NON-WOOD PRODUCTS (fromprivate lands): ORIGINAL copy of the Certificate of the Verification (CoV) A CoV is a document issued by the CENR Office showing or indicating the species, quantity, volume, & type of forest products, destination and consignee of the commodities. (Ref.: DAO 1994-07)
TRANSPORTING ROUND TIMBER, LUMBER & OTHER NON-TIMBER FOREST PRODUCTS LUMBER: Valid Computer generated Certificate of Lumber Origin (CLO) with 14 digit bar-code (species, quantity, volume, place of loading, conveyance, date of transport, source, consignee, etc), Auxiliary Invoice/ Tally Sheet, OR for payment of forest charges, Certificate of Transport Agreement (with owner of transport vehicle if shipper), Delivery Receipt. (Ref.: DAO 2007-31; DAO 1994-07)
TRANSPORTING ROUND TIMBER, LUMBER & OTHER NON-TIMBER FOREST PRODUCTS Minor Forest Products or Non-Timber Forest Products (e.g. Rattan): Photocopy of Rattan Cutting Contract;Valid & ORIGINAL copy of Certificate of Minor Forest Products Origin (CMFPO); Tally Sheet-original copy; Official Receipts for payment of forest charges;Certificate of Transport Agreement (with the owner of transport vehicle); & Delivery Receipt. (Ref.: DAO 2007-31; DAO 1994-07)
TRANSPORTING ROUND TIMBER, LUMBER & OTHER NON-TIMBER FOREST PRODUCTS Finished Wood Products (sourced from Private titled lands is ascertained) Original Copies of Delivery Receipt Sales Invoice Tally Sheet (Ref.: DAO 2000-21)
TIMBER TRACKING SYSTEM LOG CONTROL MONITRING SYSTEM (LCMS) (DMO 1996-08 : Log Control Monitoring System –LCMS. Tracks timber products from cutting areas down to primary wood processing plants) Covers the harvesting, transporting an disposition of locally produced logs/lumber under existing permits in public forestlands, & private tree plantations. Aimed at systematic tracking of logs from cutting area to end user; Standardized timber resources data, easy storage, retrieval and audit; Optimized utilization of timber resources; & Improve revenue collection
TIMBER TRACKING SYSTEM LCMS Data Capture Forms for raw data and generate report Numbers 1 to 5 Form 1. Inventory Master List (harvestable trees & volume of trees served as bases for forest charges including silviculture fees for damaged residuals) Form 2. Felling & bucking Master List (felled logs with tree nos., set-up nos., & UTM code) Form 3. Log Landing / Log Deck Master List (marked with species, tree nos., log nos., set-up nos. & UTM block code), for issuance of transport document) Form 4A. Logs Transport Master List (within the province) Form 4B. Logs for Transport Master List outside the province Form 5. Milled Logs Master List
TIMBER TRACKING SYSTEM DRAW BACKS & WEAKNESSES ENCODING of raw data in Form 1 (Inventory Master List) must be finished in one sitting only program can be closed only ones and cannot be re-open no option for re-opening to continue encoding even if there large files of raw data when closed, the program goes to the next step, to encode data in Form 2 (felled logs with tree no., set-up no., & UTM code), and so on and so forth When Form 1 is incomplete, the entire program fails. The succeeding step cannot the proceed such as Forms 3, 4A, 4B and 5
TIMBER TRACKING SYSTEM FOREST STOCKS MONITORING SYSTEM (FSMS) - draft (draft) DAO : Forest Stocks Monitoring System (FSMS)tracks timber products from cutting areas down to primary wood processing plants down to retailer, including remaining forest stocks or residuals FoxPro windows version program – enhanced version of LCMS aimed at recording residual inventory, standardization of timber data, improved procedure of tracking the movement of logs/timber from cutting area, curtail illegal activities, and collection of forest charges Includes imported logs and wood materials Monitoring of residual trees left after logging or cutting operations This guidelines is still in it final draft stage
TIMBER TREACKING SYSTEM FOREST STOCK MONITORING SYSTEM (FSMS) Uses Capture Forms for recording & reporting filled up manually from the logging set-up down to the mill site or wood processing plants and back to the cutting area for residual inventory Must be filled out properly to complete the process of recording the reporting various data needed in determining the source of timber down transported to the wood processing plants Capture Forms will generate summary reports that may be useful for timber tracking
TIMBER TRACKING SYSTEM FOREST STOCKS MONITORING SYSTEM (FSMS) Form No. 1. Inventory Records Form No. 2. Felled Logs Records Form No. 3. Log Landing/Log Deck Records Form No. 4a. Application for Transport of Log within the Province Form No. 4b. Application for Transport of Logs to Other Provinces Form No. 5a Milled Logs Records Form No. 5b. Stocked Logs Record Form No. 6. Post Harvest (Residual) Inventory Records
III. GUIDELINES THAT BAN THE CUTTING, HARVESTING, GATHERING, TRANSPORT &/OR DISPOSITION OF TREES Log ban in Natural Residual Forests (second growth forests)(EO 23, Feb. 2011) All mangrove species (1991)(RA 7161 : An Act Incorporating certain Sections of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1977, as Amended, to Presidential Decree No. 705, as Amended, otherwise known as “The Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines,“ & providing Amendments by Increasing Forest Charges on Timber & Other Forest Products).
IV. GUIDELINES THAT BAN THE CUTTING, HARVESTING, GATHERING, TRANSPORT &/OR DISPOSITION OF TREES RA 9141 (Imposing logging ban in the Province of Negros Occidental) (13 Nov 2009) RA 9772 (Imposing logging ban in the Province of Southern Leyte) (13 Nov 2009)
TREES BAN FOR CUTTING, GATHERING, HARVESTING, TRANSPORT AND/OR DISPOSITION Shift in logging from old growth (virgin) forest to second growth (residual) forests - no cutting of trees in areas 50% or higher in slope, 1,000 m above sea level, 20 m both side of streams, & in all proclaimed watershed reservations (DAO 24, MAY 3, 1991) Almaciga trees (DAO 1987-74.) Nationwide ban on the cutting of almaciga trees)
GUIDELINES FOR DOCUMENTARY TRACKING OF FOREST PRODUCTS DAO 2007-31 : Amending Certain Sections of DAO 1994-07 Prescribing the Use of Computer Generated CTO/CLO DAO 1994-07:Revised Guidelines Governing the Issuance of Certificate of Origin for Logs, Lumber and NTFPs
GUIDELINES FOR DOCUMENTARY TRACKING OF FOREST PRODUCTS DMO 1996-08 : Log Control Monitoring System (LCMS)tracks timber products from cutting areas down to primary wood processing plants (draft) DAO : Forest Stocks Monitoring System (FSMS)tracks timber products from cutting areas down to primary wood processing plants down to retailer, including remaining forest stocks or residuals
IV. TIMBER TRACKING : ESTABLISHING THE CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY TO ENSURE LEGALITY OF SOURCE Tracking the timber & timber products from the cutting area down to the retail sector &/or traced back to its stump. Chain-of-Custody is the ability to trace certified timber and timber products even as they changed hands or ownership along the supply chain. Involves segregation of certified from non-certified wood.
TIMBER TRACKING: ESTABLISHING THE CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY TO ENSURE LEGALITY OF SOURCE • Registration, geo-tagging of plantation and database of all plantations • Bar coding and geo-tagging of every tree for harvesting in each plantation by accredited parties Accreditation of Harvesters Accreditation of transporters Inspection/ inventory/ tracking based on bar codes Retail Consumers Local/ Int’l Local/ Export Factory • Eliminate markets for illegal logs/forest products
FORMS OF TIMBER TRACKING SYSTEM 1. Paper or Documentary tracking system 2. Paperless or Electronic Timber Tracking 2.1 Bar Codes 2.2 RFID (Radio frequency identifying device) 2.3 Micro chips 2.4 Plastic tags 2.5 Wood Anatomy 2.5 DNA (from forest, mills to merchants) 2.6 Chemical components 2.7 Stable isotopes in bio-elements or provenance (based on hydrogen & oxygen in wood)
THEREFORE, following these procedures & proper documentary requirements transporting logs, lumber & other NTFPs, including finished, semi-finished & knocked-down wood products, assures the consuming public that such wood product in the market are legally harvested. We will be moving to new chapter of marketing wood products that must come from a sustainably managed forest or certified forest. WHY? Because of global environmental concern to mitigate negative impact to climate change calls for local and international actions to protect the world’s forests
Harnessing Forestry Science for Sustainable Development THANK YOU SALAMAT